Hello EH, how are you
Sorry but I would have to disagree with you. There is no problem whatsoever with anything that I have provided. Virtually all scholars agree that the accounts of the biblical eyewitness records of JESUS is verified from not only the biblical records but also sources outside of the biblical records. This has ben verified by the accounts of the first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who wrote of JESUS only decades after his death. Josephus was a well-connected aristocrat and military leader in Palestine who served as a commander in Galilee during the first Jewish Revolt against Rome between 66 and 70 A.D.
Josephus was a JEW and wrote JEWISH History and was not a follower of Jesus, “he was however around when the early church was getting started, so he knew people were first hand eyewitnesses who had seen and heard Jesus. So here we have JEWISH historical records bearing witness to the bibical historical records. Then later we have the Roman Senator and historian Tacitus connecting Jesus to his execution by Pontius Pilate in the
Annals of Imperial Rome written around 116 AD
None of the above had any Christian biases in their historical recordings and all of them were fighting against each other yet here we are all three sources;
1. JEWS,
2. ROMANS and
All of whom agreeing from first hand eye witness sources that JESUS existed and recorded various aspects of his life.
Virtually every scholar agrees that this evidence is true and supports the biblical record. If there was only one record you could question it but we have three separate sources from, all the major groups of people known to be present inthe life of JESUS and written in the biblical records verified as credible by nearly all academic scholarship.
Are you saying JESUS did not exist? If you are all the evidence and academic scholarship is against you. If you are not and you believe JESUS existed why do you believe JESUS existed or how do you know JESUS existed?