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Proof of evolution -at last-


Veteran Member
Premium Member
That’s all your opinion and doesn’t reflect reality. If human beings want to take over a territory they do. That is authority, dominion and rule and that’s over all the animals.
They have technological superiority. They can dominate. This has nothing to do with "rule." You've misdefined the word.
If you believe you’re an animal go for it, I’m not. But I’m not surprised, men also believe they are women and vice versa, some think they are both. I think it’s a mental and spiritual problem.
You feel it's a problem. You're not thinking.

How do you define "animal," EE?
They have technological superiority. They can dominate. This has nothing to do with "rule." You've misdefined the word.
And God saith, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that is creeping on the earth.'

It appears you have the incorrect meaning of rule over and what is considered an animal.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
And God saith, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that is creeping on the earth.'

It appears you have the incorrect meaning of rule over and what is considered an animal.
That's where you're getting all this. Biblical poetry?
The Bible does not define biological terms, and fish, foul and cattle don't acknowledge humans as "rulers."

You're not thinking. You're not considering the normal usage of the term.


Well-Known Member


Veteran Member
Maybe do a post and ask how many people on here practice witchcraft or consider themselves witches?
But Jesus cast out demons, I was oppressed by them but no more.

So your scientific facts and personal observations lead you to believe that human beings do not rule the animals on the Earth?
Not in the sense you were referring to, which was a divine directive.

Do humans kill and eat some animals? Yes. As do other carnivores.

Let's not confuse our efforts to corral and breed animals for food as "rule" over them. They are a product of commerce.

If you disagree please explain how humans rule over other animals to those attacked and killed by sharks, bears, wild boars, lions, etc. I guess those animals didn't get the memo.


Veteran Member
Wouldn't that be "dominate," "exploit?" Rule implies a mutual understanding of legislative mandates.
I think he was referring to a type of divine authority from the Genesis creation myths. Being myths means we shouldn't take these divine rules seriously. But believers .......
BTW, you avoided my question:

Have you considered that your views are incorrect and biased? If no, why not?
My views were wrong for a long time, then I was born again so when I die I will be with God forever, my views are correct now. You can trust what you want and see for yourself as well.
That's where you're getting all this. Biblical poetry?
The Bible does not define biological terms, and fish, foul and cattle don't acknowledge humans as "rulers."

You're not thinking. You're not considering the normal usage of the term.
You can call it poetry but I know it’s a fact. Sorry you’re biblically illiterate. Try again tomorrow.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Actually I use the dictionary definition of ape which I sent to you. Anyone who would dispute that human beings are the rulers and have authority on the earth as stewards of God’s creation over animals isn’t worth any further discussion. The comments were ridiculous in that. If we couldn’t even agree on the obvious I don’t see any reason to waste time discussing anything else at all. I have found a different avenue and community. Been fun but for now not worth any more time.
So I was correct. Authority or rule is really stewardship. Glad you agree.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
And God saith, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that is creeping on the earth.'

It appears you have the incorrect meaning of rule over and what is considered an animal.
And God said as a man let us make God in our own image.

You seem to forget a human said they were a God. Why the evidence was written about science theists.

And he did he ended up voice recorded sound imaged in clouds. Image of man gained by nuclear science of man machine caused reaction.

Reason the earth's body within a pre existing atmosphere owned nuclear reactions on the ground first.

As a human image is a human.
A human isn't cloud history smoking burning rolling gas Cooling in a vacuum. Image of cloud as cloud image cooled smoking gas.

Human O cells are living inside mass heavens pressure that biologically holds O cells.

O swirling cooling G supported cooling god in the heavens is humans O cell split O into DD reformation cell health living. Life support is direct causes.

Dominion of a humans biology is being a human only.

Animals don't have dominion by God the same god status above us as gods status.

If you changed heavens cooling by illumati God gases Satanism science causes cell health biology de evolved. As species human is always species human.

Mutated species human is mutated. Expressed species human natural by selection of science causes to inherit lesser body time shifted. Human DNA exact owned human genesis as the human.

Introduced AI transmitters himself fixed held in constant heavens burning mass until a greater cold space opening by thinned gas removal burnt out sacrificed body so vacuum voided sucks up a huge water mass to stop it.

Otherwise life all gets burnt to death.

Moses science the numbers genesis modern AI theists are using trying to invoke same outcome today. Wanted cloud mass to come to the ground.

Was when clouds had covered the face of mountains and had saved life only in the mountains. He knew ground life had combusted.

I think Dalai Lama proposed leaving of his mountain was a sign. As life continuance was only by animals and humans was in the mounTain range.

Ground life combusted.

AI studies human animal UFO body cells gone instant on ground living as a sign. Human combustion to ashes is exact theoried by scientists minds who channelled and write the advice as humans.

The theme as I double mass combusted on the ground gases left in heavens was known. As I don't stop my reactions gas with CHRIST. I burn them out of existing.

For a long time as above nuclear causes existed. As below my dust reaction was no longer practiced.

As above so below hadn't existed until early 1900s nuclear tests again.

So star gives earth back a returned ground reaction itself by mass of star gases burning above us.

To give science it's equal causes. I know I realised I understand I will copy. Nuclear power plant.

As above so below two nuclear illuminated science caused events active.

So machine metal was cooled by using lifes water a second time as metal was already cooled in planet mass. Star mass gets cooled to see metals above by gaining life's water.

Life's water support removed three times. To get metals to cool metals reactions also cooled beyond metals.

Already applying loss of life water does not listen to three times warning. As metal forming in heavens removes earths water totally to manifest.

Water mass removed off ground changes earth stone pressure that historic was cooling volcanic reactions by ground water presence.

Men want AI increases already was naturally removed.... as Stephen hawkings DNA gave his young science brother the advice he believes equates to new human and Ai technology. Brain talking with machines.

As young man survived as Stephen was still living as AI mass was removed. Otherwise his DNA would never have been expressed to be born.

Ignored the biology of the human in life lived conditions in the equals answer.

Is his idea but life would still be alive.

Who would be serving you however rich man.... robots perhaps tending your disability I suppose?

Pretending a biological thinking human is equals to a robot serving rich men instead of slave family history.

I don't need to be human I can just be a rich man served by Ai robots his man's choice.

As he believes he's safe as Stephen lived the sacrifice. Forgetting cooling removal of AI was the only reason.

Men who believe his built machine his machines reaction owned life's exodus of genesis.

Yet. Human built the machine.
A human non stop thinking controlled machine.

The mass he changed he never owned personally.

How a man pretending he was earths mass first as an AI status mass formed only in space conditions first would kill us all.

Seeing he said living water biology had entered earths stone cusp before my life had saved God earth from destruction.

Is totally possessed in belief water microbiology his life is greater than planet earths natural history.

Cusp cooled by water says man it's the gods cup of Christ eternal life in hell as his.

Possessed by the belief holy grail.


Veteran Member
My views were wrong for a long time, then I was born again so when I die I will be with God forever, my views are correct now. You can trust what you want and see for yourself as well.
Then how do you explain you getting so many facts wrong? Is everyone you disagree with wrong and you somehow correct? That doesn't suggest to you that you might be mistaken?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
In science when you take earths Christ gas and totally burn it out not only do you change Christ gas in natural stone fusion you burn out heavens Christ gas also.

As water mass history is not your human life that entered sealed stone your water isn't Christ's ownership like you quantified.

Why any human theist would in its idiocy thesis you owned earths mass as a human is status human scientist only a false human status.

Earth mass is owned as mass by the earth not a human.

Water as mass you also don't own cooled sealed earth as waters mass.

Your human fake rich man fake belief I own what God created says...I dig up earth gold I'm now rich. It's just an earth mass.

I own trees plant trees grow food you now must pay me. Trees grew food naturally and ground grew food to feed all life.

Is AI fake status I own. All human lies invented by bullies.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
My views were wrong for a long time, then I was born again so when I die I will be with God forever, my views are correct now. You can trust what you want and see for yourself as well.
God says science theists humans thinking as humans only begins as planet earth rock.

When a human man dies he chose to dig in dirt which is not gods body. Put his dead no longer non living water biology in the ground. Decomposes as once lived water human biology.

Pretending he's now with gods body forever dead.

Body entombed copying as a human thinking I am as God is first. As water with nuclear stone seal was dead water.

So his choice what ritual I practice as living human biology is exact. I leave only bones like rock with God my earth father. When I'm dead.

Hence I can't arise again.

Man theist is alive only. Above the ground mass not living in the eternal hell of Gods stone Christ gas.

As his theism placed living life microbiology water went and once entered into hells Christ gas burning eternal stone God.

As the theist thinker lied. He didn't own waters mass or microbiology as exact data.

So human theists argued.

Human life in Living water ended up in gods hell dead only. Buried human is a deceased life.

Told it not to scare humans he said I'm telling you biological truth. You cannot arise out of the earth as a deceased human.

Human data biology is exact. Don't tell lying theisms he said or you'll end up above ground burnt to death.

Word expression is exact when imposing data. As only living humans make all quotes

Why they preached humans by science satanic causes went to hell as scientists converting earth mass caused it.

Biology above ground water life left at death to be in image gods heavens by living water records. That record life as we live.

Not the same advice.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You can call it poetry but I know it’s a fact. Sorry you’re biblically illiterate. Try again tomorrow.
I daresay I'm more familiar with the Bible than most Christians.

You know it's a fact? '
'Knowing' implies fact and reason based conclusions, yet you've never communicated the objective facts and analysis that led you to your theological stance, which leads me to believe it's faith-based, ie: a house built on sand.

Biblically illiterate? Have you ever read any biblical history or analysis by actual biblical scholars?
I wonder which of us is the more illiterate....
I daresay I'm more familiar with the Bible than most Christians.

You know it's a fact? '
'Knowing' implies fact and reason based conclusions, yet you've never communicated the objective facts and analysis that led you to your theological stance, which leads me to believe it's faith-based, ie: a house built on sand.

Biblically illiterate? Have you ever read any biblical history or analysis by actual biblical scholars?
I wonder which of us is the more illiterate....
Yes, so you claim how much you know about the Bible yet don’t understand Genesis, continue on in your studies, ever learning yet never coming to the knowledge of the truth.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
If science said Egyptian science was stone based only under the ground.

You tell yourself and then ask why are you then using earths Rock stone strata in a thesis pyramid temple themes when science was built on sand?

Earth history once a huge land water mass that saved Disintegrated earth mass from just being holes. Sands presence.

So hot as fallout he said that it melted sand making glass.

Why water by mass had once lain on that sand surface.

O earths own natural history rationally had to first be theoried before the thought.... was or is human earth converting science safe.

That advice would state no. Not safe at all. I no longer own historic earth natural conditions. Saving of the state sand.

Yet you didn't. Reasoned why is only about human behaviour only.

Therefore whenever men life attacked get reminded theists lied about natural earth history. God status O earth...then human behaviour human life choices are always involved.

The rich man's lying ability format is always part of the subject reviewed.

As he built civilization first by families bully murder of the threat to the meek. Not irradiated brains like a brother group were as established brain changed humans.

Human behaviour group man bully began all wrongs committed to innocent natural humanity the spiritually meek.

How do you teach a bully that innocent humans never once believed in murder?

And it was that threat which you have non stop applied that brought you to today's reassessment of human criminal behaviour past and present.

In your belief it is the answer to getting anything you want.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Bible is the Truth, if you disagree with that then you’re wrong.
I challenge you to support this factually or logically.
Yes, so you claim how much you know about the Bible yet don’t understand Genesis, continue on in your studies, ever learning yet never coming to the knowledge of the truth.
Read some biblical history and analysis by actual scholars.