Thank you so much for checking up on the video! It's a mystery why it doesn't work. I bet it has something to do with the way the techs programed the website. Originally, when we first got the ability to post videos, you had to put YouTube videos in brackets: insert address , but they seem to have changed that. Maybe they changed it in a way that I somehow managed to screw up.
Thanks for sending the telescope! She's putting on sun loation now. And she has no one to spread it on her back. I must don my superman tights and cape and dash to assist her! (just kidding. Actually, I'm going to log off to start painting a picture. I doubt she would be pleased with me showing up in tights and cape to "rescue" her!)
Thanks for sending the telescope! She's putting on sun loation now. And she has no one to spread it on her back. I must don my superman tights and cape and dash to assist her! (just kidding. Actually, I'm going to log off to start painting a picture. I doubt she would be pleased with me showing up in tights and cape to "rescue" her!)