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  • It is very simple, in order to be Irish you have to have a glancing familiarity with Irish culture. American Irish Culture is not even close.

    Yeah those coffee beans make me hyper, and give me palpatations :( I have to go to the french pastry shop to get them anyway and that is located in old jewtown :eek: can you imagine that the jewish populace feel unwelcome in Cork :shrug:

    I have to say I really do find that SOME Americans do have the attitude, '' I am tipping you so I can treat you like ****'' and the did last night mean nothing to you would not work on an Irish person, witty banter and insult deflection is our jedi skill and we have extensive training in it, few can defeat us :p ''Perhaps sir is confusing me with the prostitute he engaged, if you leave the money with me I will endeavor to ensure he gets it''
    I am jealous I love chocolate covered coffee beans, but I can't eat them.

    I never listened to Belle and Sebastian I am trying to do it now and am finding them annoying :(

    The tipping thing is unfathomable, I remember hiding from one US couple when I was 17 , they tipped every time I saw them, was bad enough, the fact they tipped with ''Kennedy Half Dollars' announcing them as ''Kennedy Half Dollars'' every time was severely vexing, the fact you can only change notes in the bureau de change was seriously peeving, they seemed to believe Kennedy was Irish and that having his coin was a thrill for an Irish person, they were wrong on both counts.

    I think that some people tip automatically, & some think it allows them to be obnoxious and rude, having people refuse tips is very annoying to them, I do it as often as poss.

    OK I have listened to 2 Belle and Sebastian songs, I am officially declaring that ''having tried'' and I give up, I just don't get it.
    I'm not drunk :mad: I think you are drunk :mad: :thud:

    I can't believe I missed all the mickiel based fun, he is my favourite poster, I love to not get offended by his crap, it pissses him off so very much. :sad4: dumb mods closing playground before i had a turn on the swings :(

    I have to ask what on earth were the people who named that airport smoking ? :facepalm: I liked heathrow airport, very civilised, and Cork airport is way more conduicive to zombie attacks :eek:
    isn't that indigo ******** the thing Jenny McCarthy was into before she started killing babies for fun and profit ?
    Be careful, if they can get you to do all the work in a smaller space of time, they will give you more work.

    :facepalm: who admits to murder on the interweb, must be a fake person

    I am operating within acceptable parameters. Herself is your Mrs . tis slang you see, I avoided the tradtional ''Yur auld wan'' as i thought it might translate as rude :(
    I have to go to sleep, or fall into a hypothermic coma, it's 50/50 at this stage. I am itching to post this is the telling delusions from reality thread and if I stay up any longer I will :eek:

    I am not 37 you are being churlish :tsk:

    Thank you for my fantastic frubals btw, I can't receprocate because the system is broken and keeps telling me I gave too many away :(

    The travellers refuse to teach settled people cant, and those who speak it often can't write, it is a purely oral language and the younger travellers are refusing to learn it, so it is about to die, isn't that weird?

    Oh has herself seen I Went Down (1997) if not given the recent knowledge of her love of slightly quirky neo gangster flicks she might want to give it a spin, though it is more endearing and less slick than Ritchie it is a nice movie, the title not withstanding.
    Hope Mrs Nepenthe feels better soon btw, and I have checked I haven't seen any more of Ritchies films, and they look bad.
    Lucht siuil is the Irish for Traveller and Pavee is the cant for ......Traveller, as usual you are being mundanely redundant :p I think the Travallers in the US are not related by genetics to actual Travellers who are an ethnic minority with a seperate gene pool to non travellers. I think what you guys have is Knackers :shrug: they are the ones who interact with the ''settled'' people and give travellers a bad name, by ripping people off.

    I kind of liked lock, stock and two smoking barrels, but Snatch was a bit like a better version of it. I can't think of another of Ritchies films, just a typical posh bloke acting gangster, like that guy who makes all the hip hop videos, you know the one, they guy with the name and the hat , I'm senile , aren't I :sad:
    Only English people say Pikey, Pre Mr Madonna they would occassionally sling the epithet here and just get blank looks :shrug: we say knacker for a a Pikey or Traveller for a normal Traveller, which in general is one you will only see if they knock on the door looking for some water.

    I did find snatch mildly amusing, Brad Pit saved it and the '' All Bets are Off'' lady reminded me of myself :D Re watching Snatch, was it your anniversarry or something , ladykiller :p

    Twas in the long long ago, when I was a wee bairn, we moved in with my Grandfather after his wife (my Gran) left him and went to Engerland. My uncle and aunt and my cousin also lived their and my mum and my aunt didn't get on and eventually my Grandad asked us to leave :sad: and we moved in with my great uncles who were in the war and in this house we had no plumbing and a dirt floor :eek: but my great uncle Filly was a dote, he used to go out in the morning and steal apples from the priest house and tie them to the rose bushes and then lift me up to see if there was any apples left by the fairies for me, (there always was) for years I though apples grew on rose bushes :biglaugh:

    Yes morse did call me old, but in fairness I did allude to his being a sexless virgin :D
    The thing I remember most about our apartment in London before we moved to Ireland was the toilet cistern was about 10 feet of the ground and worked by a chain, it always baffled me. Then we moved in with my grandad in Ireland who had no indoor plumbing and no outdoor plumbing :eek: ...........don't ask :eek:
    I am not sure how you label your floors I know it is somewhat mental, I have the ground floor , the 1st floor and the second floor. I have designated the ground floor toilet as pee only as it will not flush and has a closed cistern which won't take water, the 1st floor has the main bathroom which has a toilet from the 19th century which can be filled with a bucket, so AOB. TMI ?
    well now I have to pee and the pee toilet is all the way on the ground floor :( Damn you , damn you to the very hades that spawned you :mad:
    I won't lie and say I'm not relieved, I didn't think I had a choice, but **** me it was bad timing economy wise :(

    I have to go outside now, but the goodnews is it is raining and marginally warmer than my house, so I can be warm and have a shower :D yay me
    Dull commute pshaw, you are in gods chosen land, you ungratefull SOB, I got kind of goodish news, my work have given me a leave of absence till January :) so I am not fired , :shrug: I don't get it, I think I would have fired my own *** if I wasn't me.

    Downside, I have to stop whining about not having a J.O.B :mad:
    I was dancing with robbie when I was a wain, my mother blamed my dad, it couldn't be me because it was on a high shelf ( I had to build a bridge ) My ''gothic'' night gown had little bugs bunnys on it .

    ''Rape racks'', ''well of isolation'' and ''pit of despair'' :eek: Harlow is a sick puppy no doubt in my mind :no:

    The super sur is an evil piece of 70 deathroblia :yes:
    :biglaugh: when I was 4 I had a bit of a cough syrup problem, in that I kept necking it :D I once climbed ontop of the super sur and my night gown went on fire.

    The house takes 3 days to get bone cold so that would be today then :(

    As for my inferred boringness, I have nothing to bounce off, you can't play tennis on your own yah know :D

    This is a super sur , it is dangerous on many levels, it catches fire, leaks gas, emits carbon monoxide, sometimes explodes, however it is very inaffective :shrug:
    I know alot of good research came from Harlows ''work'' but it reads like the diary of some ****** up psychopath. It isn't raining, it just isn't draining away and they can't fix the dam, they have ''no realistic expectation'' when the water will be back :(

    Lol that zero tolerance thing is just lip service, if people actually started not showing up for having the cold and flu they would not be happy :no:

    Was the forum really this dull 11 months ago, I am fricken uninspired, maybe it's just me.
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