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  • I just hope the cats don't develop a taste for the old evian :biglaugh: it is only day 3 of the no water, but it feels longer. Are you disease free now. I am reading horrible horrible research into child development, Harry Harlow was one sick **** :eek:
    I thought I was being super spammy :shrug: maybe I am delirious and weak from the dehydration :D
    lol - thanks for the frubal dood. BTW, what was it your major? Anthropology? You had mentioned it, but it eludes me.
    I am going to the gym, not gyming having a shower and coming home :biglaugh:

    Fran had an eareache in Libya , they can buy any drug over the counter but don't ''do'' doctors :eek: her mother in law did some remedy on her that involved sticking things in her ears and setting them on fire, Fran says her ears aren't in pain but have that fresh of the airplane feel since.
    Snow rocks, it hasn't snowed here for years, we need to get Al Gore on this ****, I wan't to make a snow man :(
    no the cold didn't kill me :) so far anyway. Ugh it is getting old though, they say the water is going to be off for at least a week, and it is only on the northside of the city - the poor side , coincidence ? Hmmm

    How is your disease now, have you sucessfully transmitted it to 12 people and thereby rid yourself of it (that is how that works right, I am not a doctor)
    Night, I will probably go into a hypothermia coma soon anyway. I am torn between stoic could be worsedness and whining about my modern conveniences , does it show.

    It was a pretty randome deletion, and it was for deffo there because I had to edit ****** :shrug:
    I think the whole vm was deleted, kind of weird , couldn't they just take out the unseemly bits :shrug: I hope I don't get pulled for bullying , my spotless record will be tarnished :faint:

    I know you know I don't drink as I know you don't drink , this is getting tiresome lets let it drop :(

    I am cold , I have water based heating , I will have to hug my laptop to keep warm :(
    I amn't drunk, I don't consume alcoholic beverages, I have told you this, please try to retain the info :tsk:

    I admit I have no idea what you mean by the vm's though.
    To be honest it did have a bad word, my brother steve called to see me, and was shouting ''******' in my front garden to get my attention :biglaugh:
    lol I was just having a go at someone in the pub who was describing this situation as ''A Terrible Natural Disaster'' I said someone in a drought might take issue with a bunch of people standing under umbrellas while the rain lashes down for hours on end complaining that we have no water.

    It is a bit annoying though :(

    I don't know how you live in earthquake country, I really don't I would be ******** myself every day of my life :eek:
    Widespread flooding reported after overnight rain | IOL

    Noooooooooooo! I will have walk to the water trucks :eek: and use rain barrell water for stuff :eek: and how will I wash my clothes :eek: and I,I,I, I will have to wash dishes by hand :faint: this is a tragedy of epic proportions. And the water is rising.

    You are welcome for the depressing animal crossing story, I thought it might ground you a little people, there are people in this world suffering terrible indignities .see above. And you're little earth quake story and your oh the city is on fire story, just pale in comparision :mad:
    I was under the impression most city rivers had all sorts of yuck in them, Hepatitis being the least of your worries, it has been lashing rain for 4 days and people are in the shops, fighting over water, I think anywhere with a drought will mock us terribly. Apparently we won't have water for 4 days, Cork is about to get smelly :eek:
    I'm having a QI marathon, it's a sad , sad Friday night , but on the upside I am above sea level
    apparently the puddles have hepatitis n' stuff :eek: Poor Charlize Theron, I can't seperate her from her crappy upbringing :(
    I never saw the movie :sorry: can't comment, but the poster was fantastic. Can you make someone post something interesting please, I am boredddddd!
    Ohh, you gonna get fired, or at least never promoted, blame the disease ask for a Mulligan, and this time say Monster, Cherlize Theron :D
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