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  • What kind of lame *** ninja announces their actions prior to committing them ? Your inabilty to be logical is sometimes quite vexatious.
    I think we are from 2 slightly different schools of comedy :D I hope you don't mind if I edit that one a wee bit.
    I don't know why but whenever anyone else sends that emote I think, anger, when you send it I think fist.
    You should be nicer to me, or I will stop being your stand in hag, till C1 gets better.
    Release the hot guys for Eselem's judgement, being locked out of it makes it better, like a cage match only less gay.
    so sorry ,http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Gdt6SgFdNNw/SHUCa7fGRPI/AAAAAAAAFx8/SGJSuPLf6pQ/s200/lettertodaddy.jpg the guest has been dealt with, I feels better know, I forgot my receptionist mojo yesterday, but used it on her today with devastating effect. Bostonian dealt with, and in fairness it wasn't just her, the Jazz heads are all insane, for some reason liking Jazz seems to be synonymous with an array of personality disorders. :(

    Meet your brother :p YouTube - Crazy Japanese Sex / Love Doll Collection (90+)
    Jazz hands my arse, it will be a ******* miracle if I don't kill some one, and that person will be from the good old U S of A, good god almighty do your people know how to complain, Miss thang from 'Bahstahn' nearly broke my ******* heart, 21 complaints , how does a person have 21 complaints I had to print of a second from just for her. Apparently when she stayed in the branch in New Yawk all the lights went on when she went into the room , why does she have to go around the room and turn all the lights on individually? This was one complaint, culminating in, she asked for extra towels and when the 'girl' brought them into the room she could plainly see that the cups were used, but she didn't take them away and bring new cups :faint: Oh my god is this ranty, not to mention racist. I feel better now, I will prolly comeback and delete it tomorrow.
    Thank you for your profound expression of regret at my infirmed state, I still have the remains of the worst cough I have ever had in my life, I think my left lung turned inside out at one point, but I am better.

    Hipster ********* aye? Your misses sounds like a fantastic woman, given to works of great charity, such as improving your sorry ***, I may start reffering to you as Nepenthe HD from now on or NHD, Or NHDTPFKAS.

    Have you been flirting with Paul Rusco? now, now, it's not nice to tease the conflicted :tsk:

    I have work this avvo, so you will have a chance to actually do some work, and it's roll on the Jazzernauts for moi.
    I have no insights I am just bad at not issuing spoilers, so I have to avoid speaking about it alltogether, so I'm keeping shtum.

    Eog is more off the where is my good tee shirt and the jeans that isn't torn in more than 10 places, his friends are doing a make over on him at the mo, :shrug:

    I'm to my bed, my awesomeness resolve is waivering in the face of extreme opposition.
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