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  • while looking for naked guys on the internet I happened upon some paintings by Pal Fried, some are a bit dodge but some are fantastic, FRIED Pal « AMERICAN GALLERY I will be back with innappropriate dudes in a bit.
    His being a himbo is his best feature, his betty boop voice is his second best, I kept getting ridiculously unhot pictures when I googled for pages and pages so I had to pic someone, and becks and abs just go together.

    I don't get the pics you posted , too generic for my tastes.

    you never picked a picture :(
    Unfortunately that video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by the tokyo broadcasting corporation, if I were you I would save your efforts to the art of pics till I wasn't working for facists. :p
    Self nepenthed again, you ******* noob

    So I am limiting my search to David Beckham. I can't decide, which of the following floats your boat ? The armani briefs pops out, but the Marie Claire shoot has its' merits. Let me know and I will edit accordingly.







    4 (this is the one I think you will prefer a bit artsy fartsy that is)






    Do you get the impression it was a younger more naive Becks that did the Marie Claire shoot?
    Katia fish fruballed me, otherwise I would have saved Marge all for you. I am sure if you check the time index I waited hours and hours and hours before I split your present in half. I did find a hot guy but then I posted him in zomg for Madhuri, because I am kind and I figure if you haven't already ( and I know if it is out you damn well have) gotten the playboy you would appreciate old blue hair. I never read the constantine comic, so this is prolly the dif.

    Is my emotional retardation painfully obvious, damn :( I have been editing so carefully trying to act like a grown.

    rojse has rescinded his offer, which in fairness, he didn't make in the firstplace, I can' t remember what I did that acted as a catalyst for that convo, but I started to feel like a pervert very quickly, unfortunately there were no perverts on line so I had to settle for rojse.

    I am in a ferociously spammy mood tbh
    I think the secret to enjoying any Keanu Reeves film is to lower your expectations, I thought Constantine was going to be absolute crap, and I didn't mind it that much, Tilda Swinton should have run screaming from the script, she improves the film, but the film does nothing for her, and Digital monsters, brung his self which is all that was required, I am not getting Shia La Boeuf to be honest, is he really going to transition from child tv star to adult actor, too short surely?

    One day you should sit down an make a list of all the people you fancy, then go through the list and make 2 columns, one male , one female, I think it will be an eye opener for you.
    I am going to find some hot guys for you on the interwebz, I will be back later to edit this, when I have them :yes: If you are here before me you get to enjoy Mrs Simpson.

    I always think 3 is officially spam :( but I just had to add , **** you ***** :p
    Sarah Palin is up to something , or I am paranoid , either way it's bad news
    It was In America, don't ever watch it,too sad, I am not joking, it should have a warning, In America (2002) although dijimon ( in my head prouncounce digimon and then the theme song ...are the champions) Hounsou is very watchable, and should appeal even to your high standards of physical beauty in men.

    Starbucks don't seem to be taking off here, there is one in the airport but I have never seen any customers, I think there is one in the college. My sister used to manage a coffee shop in Cork city, ''la croissanterie'' they introduced the concept of the panini to corkonians, but about 70% of the customers called them punanis and my sister never threw anyone a ****** look (to their faces) I used to steal coffee in there and I couldn't not laugh at guys shouting to there girlfriends across the shopping centre, ' What do you want me to put in your punani' they weren't joking just ignorant to the ways of italian flatbreads.
    I think all Irish people are atheists,even the religious ones, at least the catholics are, they fear priests and not god and they don't fear them anymore. But you have to pretend or you are in trouble, but no one really talks about religion, you never know you might uncover an unpleasant fact about someone, like they are Jewish, or god forbid a Protestant

    I am bitterly and willfully ignorant about the US, it sometimes seems like it is 50 countries pretending to be one big countries like a group ( lol at the fact I have forgotten the word for a group of fish I know it starts with an S ) of fish trying to fake out the sharks.

    Sarah Palin scares the **** out of me, have I mentioned

    Leps are a mainstay of the US perception of Ireland, I blame Lucky Charms, candy for breakfast, can't be good for you mentally .

    I am a quite sensitive soul, trapped in the mind of a barely reformed juvenile deliquent, I will have you know, I cried at a film once :yes: and I hardly ever kill things.
    This is an automated notice:
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    Oh it was a terrible screen play , schmaltzy and hackish, but what do you expect it is only 10 minutes on the train and I had seen those vids and drunk 3 cups of coffee on 4-5 hours sleep, while ill, do I sound defensive, it is what I am trying to convey so I hope so.

    I hope SF is ok, he is not allowed to die, be ill, or have another bi polar episode, maybe he has man troubles, I am going to have to write him a letter, maybe my brothers will help me, we can co-author it, I am sure it won't be even slightly creepy.

    Gay incest troubles the prudish Nepenthe, do my family traditions offend you, you ******* racist!

    The weirdest thing about being an atheist is how weird it isn't vs how weird most people think it is, it is like that episode of twilight zone with the pig masks and the failed plastic surgery.

    I do that sleep thing as well that is why I keep a notebook near the bed, so I can exorcise the vile demons, one day I may be brave enough to look inside, but not today.
    That was some creepy **** you left in my vm's for me to try and wrap my head around at 5 am with no sleep , I completely wrote a screenplay in my head on the train going to work, I don't like to be inspired it is distracting, I liked the one with the smashed doll woman, it reminded my of Samuel Beckett's plays.

    I am not completely sure but I think the early late makes me a bit mentalish :shrug: yeah yeah a bit more mentalish whatever :rolleyes:
    OMG I cannot Frubal you anymore but I owe you some for that "Sweet Dreams" one. LOL you bugger! xD
    well I posted it anyways, I have to sleep now, up in T minus 5hours. I will stalk you some more tomorrow if you are online, if you aren't I will go check all the vm's of everyone on rf to see if you have posted there, k ?

    erudite people are annoying anyway, quick question how offensive is this on a scale of 1 to 10 , 1 being a little bit off colour and 10 beings a joke about baby rape?

    lol anorexic women are a gateway lay to gay Paul :p
    I just noticed the new signature :biglaugh: I don't know whether to be vexed or amused :shrug: but I am laughing so I guess amused
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