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  • Slán abhaile,

    RF has seized up, maybe too polite maybe not polite enough, too many damn frubals is my guess, I am serious when I say we should bo back to 0, I am making a mockery of the frubal system for lulz but I am perfectly happy to pretend it is a protest if I get caught .

    I did like the machinist, better than the Adrian Brody pic that was similar and similarly timed, was it the drawer ? ah well memory slips when you are in your 40's oops :p

    You are very age obsessed aren't you ?

    ATS hasn't answered my question, I feel sad :sad:
    Your math is broken , poor you :sad: my dad was a youngling my mum was a youngerling , it is what it is, I should post their wedding pic it would make you cry, it is like looking at one of those victorian baby pics where the baby is wearing a bustle or something. My dad is obviously inordinately proud of his massive tie and my mum is wearing a mini skirt and it is the early 70's not the late 60's you radish.

    I am enjoying ATS 's thread, I have a good un lined up for next question :D stalking on RnR is less amusing than I thought , not all the nuts made it to the candy bar factory did they :no:

    I avoided using the phrase 'Steve is the dead spit of my mum' perhaps you would have liked it better. Here is a phrase that doesn't translate outside Cork, 'She'd eat you without salt', what does it mean ?

    Blakes 7 is the gold standard, the sets are shocking the acting can be hammy but , agh! I can explain nothing without destroying it. You must watch it, I don't have it on dvd it gets re run here so often it would be a waste of time and spons.

    Oh damn well if they are the rules, they are the rules, I guess I won't be posting a baby pic afterall :sad:

    I liked the machinist, it was obvious but well made. (random mid message comment)
    Sorry about the exceptionally weird and bizarre vm, I refuse to speak to people pre cafeine, I shouldn't type either :no:

    Blakes 7 is phenomenal, have you seen it before, I am barely resisting spoilers here so I need to know !

    Are you curious about my parents getting married? They were very young but it wasn't so very unusual in those days, you can get married at 16 still in Scotland.

    I intend to post a baby pic, but I have to scan the pictures first and my scanner is not installed in my laptop and my computer doesn't have internet, or and this will make you laugh, a cd rom, dvd rom or usb port it has a 3 1/2 '' floppy disc drive and windows 95 :biglaugh:

    Oh no, Trap Door is the best show ever, Bill Bailey is adorable even as plasterceine :( and the theme tune is fantastic.

    I think I smell of a combination of baby vomit and poster paint just an fyi

    My sisters baby looks exactly like everyone in my family and no one in my brother in laws side, we all thought it but no one said it because we thought we were just being mentalists, but everyone says it, my sister's most recent term of abuse for her husbands family is the RG's (recessive genes) it makes her husband sad :)

    I think boys though you can't really tell until they hit puberty because they change alot more than girls, my brother Steve was the head off my mum, but he looks like my dad now.
    Stop being a racist, or if you can't stop being it stop voicing it, ugh bloody americans :mad: eloquent OMG you can't even spell it's e-l-l-e-g-a-n-t :rolleyes:

    My mum just turned 17 when she got married and just turned 18 when she had me my dad is 2 years older , you do the math. What about your olds more respectable ages, I imagine not 'babies having babies'

    I registered on last fm to listen to some song someone posted here, I don't see the point of it when you have an ipod :shrug:

    How rude of the last fm doppelganger to steal your name, can you believe that monta on deviant art isn't moi :mad: I has to be someone else it is a little odd, and this is a very angry vm

    If you substitute living in filth , with neurotically clean than you have my brother, although my sisters cats stink, I kind of hate them , the shed loads as well, my cat is aloof but scrupulously clean and , well tbh she smells like an old ladies fur stole, but it doesn't seem to permeate the house the way the other two do. God that's whiny, god I said god, what if the other atheists see , I'll get kicked out again, like the time I got kicked out for saying there was an element of faith in atheism. Wow angry, whiny and circuitous, poor you , I have the sorry :( I should delete and start over but I has to go in a mo.

    I liked london more than I thought, the people were nicer than I thought they would be, but I think that was mostly because I was expecting assholettude, and rather racistly it seemed to me it was the black people in london that seemed the most friendly, a black guy came up to help us out in the tube station just because we were looking at the maps goggle eyed, a black guy working in the V & A started chatting to us, and a black woman in the shop gave us a map of the city when we asked for directions, they seemed more like Irish people to me than the white English people.

    I am so posting a baby pic, when I get round to scanning it, even though certain 5 year old (who has a massive crush on me) when asked by my sister last week if he thought my baby pic was pretty said , very quickly 'NO! you look like a boy! ' and then turned the pic upside down in the photo album.

    most Long , angry , whiny , circuitous, racist, paedophilic vm evah, really should edit.

    wait a mo that may not be how Nepenthe rolls, but there seems to be a certain pictorial representation of a mythical figure starting with S out there somewhere, perhaps it is a pop culture reference that just isn't very pop ?

    One last inanity , what if your friends like to be bitten, that show is repressing kids, I don't like it, trap door never repressed anyone and the theme song was cool.
    I forgot to say my dad was 60 this year,and the stress of it nearly killed him, my parents were v.v.v.v.v.v young when they had me, I think they were both running away from home :D

    I also forgot to address the whole flying thing, I hate it I have panic attacks I land I forget about it until the plane takes off again. :shrug: The last time I flew they sat me next to the emergency exit, there should be something you can tick on your booking that alerts the seat allocation team to the fact you are a nutter :(
    farmers market ???, wow, I am hyper lallating in text form that is weird even for me, maybe I shouldn't have had that coffee.

    A pony hmm, I will say you referred me if you give me half the pony, wait that is awful, a tenth of the pony or its head, which ever is smaller.

    I googled sugriva and all I got was some lameass guy on last fm :rolleyes: with whom I may add I have no music in common.

    I have a fantastic immune system, my whole family does :biglaugh: it is because of our basic lack of cleanliness most likely or it could be that auto immune disease who is to say :shrug:

    RnR sounds very political for an unmoderated site, wait does that mean the f-bomb coz you know I ain't downn with that :no:

    Ya'll have a good evenin' now (I'm being from ' bama for in case you forgot)
    I think you posted them for 2 reasons, 1 you are a masochist and want me to lul at you and 2 you are a masochist and want me to stalk you even more than I already do, what can I do I am only one tiny little Irish woman/morose 14 year old Alabaman :shrug: boy

    I am reading your weird dream at the moment, do you feel violated, well enjoy :rolleyes:

    My dad keeps going on about them having no shelter, I think his builder mojo is overwhelming him, too bad he is a bigger coward about flying than even me fein :D

    Lots of parents use school as daycare and then don't understand that it isn't fair to their kid, the other kids or the teacher to send them when they are sick. I think some people are sucessful because they have a quality that can be described as selfish and this doesn't get mitigated even when they have kids. It sux but I can't say it is the worse thing you see , it is the reason I don't teach, too many horror stories you either have to become hardened to it or try to intervene which gets nobody anywhere unfortunately, it is just depressing.

    Plus kid germs ewww!

    My dad on the other hand is very mad max himself, last year he chased a gang of kids in a big circle around the estate because they were breaking into someones house, I don't know what he thought he was going to do if he caught them.

    I am going to the farmers market tomorrow seeing as I have time off , due to my refusal to work my roster this week, I have gone all norma rae only more whiny and less righteous

    What is that forum about anyway and what will they give you if I join so I can continue to stalk you , I see they have a referral section,is it a pony ? I am going to google sugriva now and see if I can stalk you more comprehensively , I feel I have been slacking off.
    Where are you dripping venom, I want to lul at you, I mean read your insightful words of worldly wisdom, I kind of vanished for a bit because my dad called round. Weirdest visit ever, first he got all cranky because the handle falls off the door he insisted on fitting and then he apologised and said he was just worried about the people in Sumatra :confused: I swear he is going senile.

    I am starting to feel a bit off about all the fruballing, although she started it and it is the kind of thing she loves, but a million frubals in 3 days might be overkill , do you think, nah you're right keep on truckin' :ignore: I just hope no one gives her a whoremitzvah because in 3 days time there is gonna be another one :biglaugh:

    Sick kids is the scariest ******* thing in the universe forget pulse or whatever it's called a forehead thermometer strip turning vaguely brown is the scariest thing in the world, there is no temperature listed for brown.

    A woman once brought her 4 year old in to the school and it was obvious the boy was as sick as, we took his temperature while she huffed and it was over 103, and she said oh it's probably chickenpox didn't someone have it here last week' I swear she knew the poor kid had chicken pox and just didn't want to take a day off work to look after him, she used sick days to go on holidays. Some people need a ******* kick. Oh this is why I don't post about this stuff because of my inappropriate rage :mad:

    Oh here is old penis face again he is much adored in Ireland we had him horrifyingly represent us in the Eurovision Song Contest , which is the best thing ever.


    I do feel somewhat harrassed , but it might me a petit mall episode from all the flashing emoticons :shrug:

    I always know when you are actually working at work because your posting is more serious :p it is very rare :p

    A man more familiar with Irish culture may have countered with old penis face himself , Dustin the Turkey, the most popular childrens tv character since Pogde and Rodge O'Lepresy



    I can't find a picture of Bunny Coinin from Forty Coats a show popular when I was young, which explains the no pictures , but she was a playboy bunny, a glamour model with a black satin leotard , a white cotton tail , bunny ears and who spoke only rabbit which is a language that is conveyed by making a kissy face and half sucking half clucking noise :yes:
    Adios, Tanith Lee shall be always remembered as on of the writers of Blakes 7 this is why we honor her :yes:

    I will have to go to a mirror henceforth and see if there is any foundation for your accusation. Oh no can't be bothered , I'll have another cookie instead :p

    I tired no more words bye
    TZ is twilight zone, sheesh do I have to tell you everything 3 times and write long hand.

    Ooh , you like Bosch, what next reading Poppy Z. Brite and cutting yourself so you can feel something :rolleyes:

    Ah that picture , okay, I am shocked actually, it would be funnier I think to suggest it was my junk :p

    I prefer Cezanne's still lifes and his borderline obsessional paintings of his wife. And this one http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/thumbnail/83180/1/Nude-Woman-Standing.jpg is fantastic

    I think there is a slight possiblity Rasher maybe heavily influenced by Edward Hopper :biglaugh: though his floral paintings are completely different.

    I have taken your advice and edited my little deviousness out of your vms , even before you suggested it :)

    I will go look for your favourite painters now :mad: why do I have to go running round the forum for this :mad:

    Why would I react to the pictures :shrug: I don't get it :(

    I had t edit the message with rick james, meanies not letting me hotlink :sad: so I put Olive in instead, I always thought there was a lot of kink in Popeye :yes:

    Two days of TZ and I am thinking of starting to smoke, so I can experience the full flavour of chesterfields , did you know they blend 21 tobaccos to make 20 cigarettes isn't that amazing
    I would have vm'd you sooner but I was reading the Rod Serling article, very interesting, I never noticed before how many recycled TZ scripts were in the original Planet of the Apes. I have to admit while I usually love french sci fi , I wasn't that impressed with the book. I also may have been busily fruballing someone 5 times :D

    You can't just appropriate someone elses hug :mad: here this is for you instead
    My brother Steve went to dinner at his in laws once and said to his mother in law, I'm Rick James ***** where's my goddamned dinner :biglaugh: (if you can't see it Rick James or rather Dave Chapelle is slapping you :p)

    I warned you not to open that pick, although I wonder if anyone would notice if it was your avatar, it would be all smallified and such.

    What the heck is your new avatar , it looks like a cross between felix the cat and those clocks with the eyes :shrug:
    bye d bye and fyi (rhyming no less) we are in a smokeless zone so we don't have coal either, we did have a coal bunker on account of the house being older than your bloody country, uncultured ........ I think by now you can fill in the rest your self.

    Safe home but drive fast and don't stop for any red lights because I am deleting the picture of disgust in 23 minutes.

    Rod Serling is magnificent, I have just seen a fourth wall within a fourth wall break episode, where he is interacting with the characters after the story is over, joyous :hugehug: this is me hugging myself btw don't get any notions about expressed affection :sarcastic:

    I know I am a troll because I type the emotes now :embarassment: at least my spelling is still appalling. Have a good evening. I hope you are working on a really amazing aniversaire pressie, my guess is that woman has a lot to put up wth with the wall to wall dvd's and games and comics and what not.

    when you change your name I have an avatar for you , ok I am a human being so I am gonna say don't look at this before or after eating or ever http://img.medscape.com/pi/emed/ckb/pediatrics_surgery/1331340-1331355-1017689-1533243.jpg
    My avatar is for halloween, obviously :rolleyes: my flowers have come as zombie flowers :( Is this one of your 'jokes'

    I have been trolling and watching twilight zone and now I am goggle eyed.

    lol at your bro's my sibs and I used to climb down the shoot of the coal bunker which is about 20 inches in diameter and 9 feet long , into the basement then out the back door up the wall onto the 1st floor bathroom roof and into the 2nd floor bathroom and then out the 3rd story bedroom window onto the garage roof and into the garden where the coal bunker was, one day I pretended the window was falling on my sis and she jumped out the window onto the garage room and still has a scar till this day and still hits me when I laugh at her when she retells the sad and terrible story. Oh yeah we were tearaways :D

    Aw are you finally having your undescended testis dealt with, how will the misses feel about that ?

    And also safe home :)
    I have to wait 'till 8pm to try and frubal Hannah again, don't strain your brain it is 35 minutes from now.

    When I was a child I cried for 2 days solid when my terrapin died :( we had loads of animals, if anyone ever digs up the gardens, they will think some animal torturer lived there, we have reptiles, birds, fish and fauna of all types buried out there.

    I am confused now, am I a 14 year old pretending to be in my 30's or a 30 year old pretending to by 14?

    He has both of us to contend with unfortunately as well as a mother who is trying to get him to swapp Auntie Dees for some homeopathic voodoo. :facepalm:

    I thought you were having a mondayitis day and heading home early ?
    Oh you manipulative barstard it is just a picture of disgust. I hate soya beans and tofu and beanshoots mostly because I am allergic (not allergic really just intollerant) to them and all legumes, much of the reason I gave up giving up meat, although I haven't really eaten much meat since I gave up giving up.

    Poor Eog indeed, his doctor is a git and won't refer him for couselling just keeps perscribing pills. I swear he is just a paycheck to him, he is a known scrip doctor :mad: and he has a callous insensitive ***** / emotional cripple for a sister :sad:

    How many dogs have you killed exactly ?

    I am enjoying the censor on the rf, I used to self edit but it was impeding my flow. So you have an 'aversion' to 14 year old boys do you, hmmmm, I wonder what freud would make of that, as he was fending off his best friends advances while living in a world of denial.

    Now if you will excuse me, I am going to try and frubal Hannah again :D
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