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  • Did I even spell that stupid word right?

    And that's not even scary. Please. Last night I told someone I wanted to scoop Jay's eyesballs out with a spork, cut off his balls with a butter knife, drive a rusty coat hanger through his navel, pour tequila on him and set him ablaze.
    I am never sure if it is RF or me that is slow as a wet weekend :shrug:

    Good night or whatever, I will stop bugging you, I am too lazy to look up the time and too dumb to remember. BTW the trick with Cork is to stay on the South Side , I inhabit the North Side , we are known as Norries and are to be avoided at all cost, the only time you should run into us is at 2 am if you have a hankering for a snack box and or drugs, probably not in that order.

    tell me this is ******* creepy YouTube - william shatner , what have you done.
    Yeah, yeah, no worries. Just go ahead and leave poor, angst ridden, wallowing, pathetic Jo' all alone. I get it. :p
    I am not a euro doing , so I guess I am a europeeing , I don't deny it. I am not a huge star trek fan, I do love Shatner, even though I strongly suspect he may have murdered his wife, I have the uncontrollable urge to buy anything that is reduced to 25c in a book shop, it is the way of my people.

    Boobs hold no fear for me, I have seen too many breastfeeding mothers for that, but you are right Xmen are way cooler, than star trek, but on the other hand there are always the crossover novels , but I don't have to tell you that with your wealth of soulless corporate book empire experience.

    How cool, your dad working on blade runner , and you have a weird doll phobia, hmm :sarcastic: interesting.

    Poor kitties,no, poor you all on your own in chat , talking to yourself, it must have been a horribly familiar experience for you.

    Kennelling cats is a weirdness I kind of don't understand, do you mean lock the cats outside, one of my sisters cats is half blind and the other is half blind and retarded, she can't turn left, I mean she can but she has to turn right 3 times to do it , she can't see her food and when I tried to let them out they fell of the back wall twice, it is about 25 - 30 foot I think. They are really horrible animals, and are white, I hate white cats, I don't know why. My cat isn't much better she is an idiot, she was owned by a junkie that lived next door and moved out and left her behind as a kitten and had burns on her face, she was a tragic little thing, but is not smart or socialised (no commentary please )

    I shudder to think of what I look like in your head now :eek:


    It's like this isn't it, ah well, oh I hope Divine doesn't take offense from beyond the grave.
    Ah fun times with the small fry, sound like a laugh, kids make great beards for zoos, museums and in your case Harry Potter special showings most likely, btw RATS was my old dogs kill word, don't ask why she had a kill word it is a boring story, involving my aunt, who is the nicest person in the world but a drama magnet, as she got older (the dog not my aunt) it was anything that rhymed with rats, cats, hats, mats, that was always fun :eek:

    I had to google Bakunyū , and now I am going to clean out my history , small children use this computer you know :tsk: I am always amazed at the value placed on random fat distribution :shrug: can you believe this is my 3rd time posting this pic :)


    I knew you would be a DBZ fanboy, your keeping the pic is no suprise, I'm sure you are figuring out where to put the tattoo even now. The xmen confession though, was a bit sad, I am weeping a little for you, and I owned up to owning star trek graphic novels earlier today :yes:

    There will be no help for the cat **** situation, I can almost gaurantee it, I have had this problem before and it ended when one cat died. I may ask my sister to find somewhere else for her cats when she comes back in February, the smell is intollerable.The profanity is being edited out of my vm's I am a little paranoid about it.
    The Big Man movie looks like it is either an intelligent and knowing nod at Japanese culture with hillarious effect, or a steaming pile of poop, only you know please expand.

    Blakes 7 isn't for everybody but anyone who is anyone in the tv sci fi genre has consciously or subconsciously ripped it off, or done an 'ommage or a pastiche or a parody or , hmm I know there are other 10 dollar words rip off merchants use to 'splain how they aren't rip off merchants but I am elluded.

    It is my fervant hope that my lurking will inhibit you terribly and that you will continue to try and impress people with your extensive yaoi collection, but feel embarassed while doing so

    Event thingy huh, damn bad timing, have you railed to the no gods or the sometime gods in your case at the inequity of it all, Oh! do you get to corrupt the mind of the w'ain then, almost as much fun as family quality time, and much more productive, you can teach him the history of your people.

    Well the cat is still spraying, I caught her doing it today and I yelled at her, Doh!, so of course she gave me a pathetic / arrogant look that pretty much said ' yelling at me just makes me pee more'

    I am getting a pheromone thingy from the vet , which is supposed to stop my cat from spraying, desperate people will to anything, pay anything, upside I forsee some kind of toxic spill cat pheromone combo after which I can only forsee , cat like super powers for my self.

    4 more days of this industrial action , that's less than 1/2 way :( the tempus is not fugiting :no:

    This has to be the longest vm ever, ever CHAMPION
    I think I have the seasonal affective disorder or something :biglaugh: which sucks because it is always winter here.I am turning into a cat lady against my will, one of them has started spraying around the house :eek: she is really intimidated by my sisters 2 freaks, I am trying to be even handed but they are ugly and dumb and need to die.

    Oiche mhaith duit freisin, or trathnona maith to be more precise. I don't know if you posted that before but it is quite correct.

    Enjoy the 3 day weekend, does your missus have the time off as well? hope ye (this is the Irish English term for the american phrase youse guys ) have something fun lined up.
    I didn't see the Peter Jackson King Kong, people keep telling my I will like it, but what do they know.

    It is the bottles that are getting me, it is the Dr Brown ones, with the extra tube inside that you have to take out to mix the formula then put in again , baby , jug hot water, bottle , tube , tub of formula, receipe for disaster :(

    You should be making watching Blakes 7 your utmost priority , not looking for gay tatoos on the internet. I saw half of one of the harry potters in Irish on tv , it seemed ok, didn't light any kind of fire under me to see the others or read the books, but it's a kids movie.

    I have been youtube linked loads of musicals now :eek: including one called Urinetown :shrug: anywho , I think I might bug ATS some more.

    Still not feeling a jump in spot on the other site, some pretty shouty people their and you know how reserved I am :yes: although with coberst there I feel more at home.
    Shhh! I am minding the baby , and she has been coughing intermittently, at least 3 times :eek: I can't concentrated so I am lurking. It is very stressful, my sister pulled out the 'if it were my neice I would want to spend some time alone with her' line and then went shopping. I have decided that in order to care for the modern human infant you need an minimum of 2 extra hands, making the bottles while holding her and typing is bloody difficult. :yes:

    I do heart me some Adrian Brody but the Jacket was only watchable, maybe I just seen too many of the same types of movies, or read the book or watched the tv show or endured the musical. Did you know there is a musical version of Reefer Madness, wait, who am I talking to Mr Off Broadway himself , of course you know :facepalm:

    Ats starts a thread inviting peeps to ask him questions , he gets what he gets, if he doesn't tell my what my made up dream is soon I am going to send him a nasty letter of complaint. :mad: Everyone is my wit monkey, or else they are nothing.
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