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  • I think the venti has hit the bloodstream a little hard. I am sorry about the dog, I am very callous myself and practice a kung fu callous building approach to all human suffering. ( I keep making jokes about Eog's medication , because I think he won't be embarrassed if I keep mocking him over it) see when I write that down it doesn't seem to make any sense :shrug: I made jokes about the cats and dogs as they were being put down which confused and upset the vet. The last thing I said to my old missus before she went was, 'this is your last chance to piiss on some furniture bubbulah' :facepalm: but I was really upset, just not big with the public displays of emotion.

    It is first thing in the monday morning, people who are witty first thing on the monday morning need to lower the dose.

    I have been calculating like mad how many frubals I can get in before she logs on again, I do love my little distractions, and I want to win :D I am fiercely competitive , this is why I don't like to get into arguments with people.

    What would it matter if I was a 14 year old boy , besides if I was I would be busy looking at porns and playing with myself while being all moody and thinking I was smarter than everyone else, while simultaneously posting all sorts of juvenile **** all over the internet............. actually I can see how the confusion would arise.

    You should get a strip of paper with the tip coloured green and a glass beaker and go to the pool in the atrium, act like your testing the water and loudly declare 'It's worse than I suspected' then scratch your head make a phone call and leave.
    Huh, even though I use occassionaly the internet on my phone it never occurs to me that anyone else does it, so I presumed you were still at home. Especially as you were drinking coffee. So you're one of those are you , how embarassing for you, walking around with a cup of coffee permanently attached to one hand while the latest prada handbag is hanging off the crook of your arm with a poor misfortunate puppy poking it's head out staring longingly if a little intimadated at the other dogs running around.

    I only ever call about 4 people by their names, Hannah with such a wonderful palindrome, how can I resist, Dan coz it is shorter than caladan and phil because face it everybody does, edit I only call exactly 3 people by their names. I don't find it presumptious if they told me their names, I just :
    a. can't be bothered
    b. can't remember
    c. can't be bothered

    I am sorry I ruined your joke :( they are so few and far between .

    I knew it was being too oblique when I read back the message, I am a bit coffee wired at the mo' so I could be typing anything


    Thanks for fruballing Hannah, I have given at least 25000 today , I am well pleased :D
    YOU SPILLED COFFEE!!!!!! I really don't know what the protocol for that is, I think it involves sacraficing a virgin or throwing tea into a harbour or something.

    Oh and that Japanese thing, I don't know how to break this to you so I will go band aid off in one swift movement. I googled it :sorry1:

    I sense snark on the Irish inventing hallween thing :sarcastic: But it is true, we have nothing to do with xmas easter or the annual commemoration of the genocide inflicted the english on the natives of the land you now 'own' but the coolest holiday of them all is our harvest festival for new years, with the debauchery and the fires and the costumes to scare away the spirits of the dead. Us and the Mexicans and Spanish have the only cool holidays, the rest of you all suck ***.

    Have a good day at work, I keep forgetting it's Monday.

    I have been humming copa..cab. cap that barry manilow song since he posted it , that is not funny :mad:

    Shouldn't you be in your car getting ready for the daily grinding.

    Oh I am having a renewed sense of fun with the frubals, I have fruballed hannah 4 times in a row today, and I think I can get another two in if I am online later :biglaugh:
    I hope you don't fling yourself into your coffee as the milk swirls round and round and round :eek:


    I never hurt anyones feelings , well maybe Quaqmires when I told him he wasn't funny :embarassed:

    I have given myself the day off, or rather I have refused to work my shift , this time next week I could be fired. It is a weird feeling because I still kind of got ready for work. I will be one of those sad cases that wanders the street in a suit but has been unemployed for months I think .

    Haloween is huge in Ireland, we love it, we invented it you know :D But we don't do the dressing up as mundane things thing, or at least we didn't , damn you merkin heathens and your corrupting influence on a perfectly innocent pagan fesival. We also like burning stuff and set fire to things while waiting for the firebrigade to put it out.

    I am back on the bean , I blame the green coffee thread and not my own inheirant (sic) weakness .

    Oh if you have any frubals going spare will you send them Hannahs way, she has got it into her head to get me past sunstone and I am retaliating (and winning like a good little spambot too I might add :D) I have only just figured out you don't have to spread frubals about before fruballing someone again so it will go faster than I had anticipated and it is something to do :)

    I realise it is quite presumptious of me to ask you to violate forum etiquette in this way , especially while simultaneosly admitting to flaunting the rules of the etiquette with deviousness but it will be funny :yes:
    http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a1...a/DSC02782.jpg Now that I don't have, very jealous. You are going to have to up your game big time me thinks.

    I have Chinese propaganda posters, but I don't exhibit them, don't know why, but they are very pretty, kind of like Anne Geddes meets Norman Rockwell and are forced to make posters against their will in China

    RATS is so cute as a skeleton, we always made our custumes ourselves so generally it was flour faced vampires and bin liner witches, I think buying the custome takes some of the fun out of it, although I have seen a little witches outfit that I might buy for Olivia. What is the use of kids if you can't dress them up and play with them :shrug: Although even I think this might be grounds for calling in the child protective services

    Are you bored, I could start a flame war, but I feel so guilty if I even suspect I may have hurt someones feelings even a tiny little bit, it's an Irish thing you wouldn't understand.
    my curiousity is peak'd what prezzie did you get, how high did she set the bar with the cool early present, wimmin be devious did you notice :biglaugh:
    Oh there will be no smoking, we will be a vegan, fiscally proprietus, sexually conservative, socially aware chapter of the Hells Angels, the other hells angels won't understand us , so we will be much feared, I think we could be called the PC Thugs :D , I am inordinately pleased with that rant, which means it is a facepalm when read, if past history is anything to go by.
    Cranky moi? evidement monsieur vous etes en error , and deserving of the very long and self agrandising vm which is iminent, Day 12 and 4 guests arrived with garmin in hand ( US sat navs don't work here, but then no sat navs work here ) all angrified at not being able to find us. Sarcastically the head agitent swaggers up to me at the desk and loudly enquires, in an obviously rehearsed way, what the prize is for finding the hotel, his travelling companions wallow in his wit, but monta is cranky and well accustomed to snark and returns his self congratulating crow, with an even tone and venom in her heart, and in a seemingly lighthearted way returns, why the prize is ... you get to stay here and makes a flourish that incompasses the very modest lobby, while the poor sap out gunned and enraged has no come back. The first rule of customer service is never argue or belittle a customer. It should be don't overwork your staff it makes them snippy.

    I think I should avoid posting, or else I should post my heart out and angrify everyone, I may do some swearing too, censor avoiding swearing like.**** I am such a rebel, I may get a vespa and join a gang. Do you want to be in a hells angels type gang on rf ?
    lol remember that thing you do when you make a joke and it turns out to be right on the money :biglaugh:
    Yikes I think I am cranky , I just called alceste petulant , I am afraid to look at the thread now, I have regretz again :(
    It is a terrible idea , but I may do it anyway, if you're going to do something ultimately self defeating it is better to be self aware about the consequences, that way the horrible outcome isn't a terrible shock.

    I am a terrible driver, I overturned the van on my first driving lesson, and frightened the **** out of a fellow road user and drove into a ditch on my second. I blame the fact I don't favour one hand over the other, but the truth is this only amplifies the badness.

    I will try to have a fantastic weekend, if you promise me you will have a nice day :)
    Yikes a second ago I was watching Life and now I find that I must have fallen asleep because , that show that isn't greys anatomy is halfways over.

    Shamefully I can't drive, to be honest I don't fully know which is my right hand and which is my left. I have a sneaking suspicion that ultimately this plus driving would end in vehicular carnage

    I am really thinking of telling my current employers to shove their job up their arse, recession or no.

    Happy home , have a great weekend. God that sounds disingenous, next I will be telling people to have a nice day. :eek:
    Free wifi beeatch at my workz ,but I can never be arsed bring my laptop in and am too busy anyway. I am home now but knackered, early morning extra long shift, train cancelled , then voting, long day. :)

    you trolling , you shock me, is it a monkey love forum, I think it mun to be , or the RSS , oh I hope it isn't the RSS.

    I tired am working 11 days in a row is too many days, today I was telling someone where the dining room is and I wanted to say past the plant on the left, but I said past the lamp, then past the dam :facepalm: tired and dumb


    What is the dog thinking ?
    You don't have the circle game :eek:
    The Circle Game

    either the forum has been very dull, or I am or both :shrug:

    work today, work tomorrow, work the next day, no fun at all :(

    You still at work I guess
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