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  • Aww you should have gone to the zoo and visited your family .That is Joe O'Callaghan lead singer of Hot Guitars either naff but cool or cool but naff band. YouTube - Pub in Cork
    Staring teary-eyed and longingly at my cellphone. It's been so long since I've heard that little windchime and have that little blurb pop up on my screen that says "New text message from Sugriva". :sad4:
    You should thank me , the first pic I got when I googled man has sex with car was disturbing to say the least :cover:

    I am driven to post these threads by boneheads , it is the only way to stay sane , I entertainz myself so you don't have to :D
    Why does your car hate you? Are you that bad of a driver ? or is it something feelthy

    I am going off the idea of an avatar change, it seems a little pedestrian :p

    You should sacrifice a vespa to the motor gods to ensure continued good motor health.

    I love my new thread, but alas it is dead. Why do the best ones die young :(
    Yeah the time dialation perplexes me too. Japanese people have the worlds best and worst tv and it's the same show

    I am thinking of making this into my avatar what do you think :sarcastic:

    I see someone finally had the guts to broach the very interesting and innovative subject of gay people being perverts :rolleyes: and atheists being eveeeel! :devil:

    I think I will start a thread on the matter myself, why should everyone else have all the fun.
    I have loads of alts, I mean it would be embarassing to be thought of as that person- you know the one , always here :eek:

    Futo is the guy jumping, while the woman limbos. Everyone I have asked about the balloon animal, gives the same answer as me . a snake, but the guy does a truly awesome snake, but why is a baloon animal guy in a pub ?


    It was mostly like this one but pink, It was a bit odd, the french have beer in mcdonalds (it is the only way they can face the food) and we have clowns in bars :shrug: maybe you have to be drunk to get it.

    speaking of mickey d's I heard a rumour that the food in the US outlets was actually edible, a horrible internet myth surely, I know you are in a persistent vegetive state but perhaps you llits know.
    The baloon animal guy rocks, did you see the black guy doing acrobatics on Patrick street while you were here? If you did tht was a friend of mine Futo :) I have a pic I took of him in my albums.

    Question if you are in a pub and the baloon animal guy asks you what baloon animal you would like what do you say ?

    Famous guy is only famous in ireland, he is an early morning radio presenter :shrug: http://dynimg.rte.ie/0000a81c096.jpg

    Don't worry about my wanting you to shut up, if I get sick of you I will just log on as my alt , little nipper :biglaugh:
    I do snack on sweets when I work nights, it is a terrible habbit born of vending machines and apathy. I am contemplating actual food, but the hotel food is kind of gross and kills my apetite for the day. The whole staff area usually stinks of smoked salmon that is just about to turn , yuck!

    Nope I am way more juvenile and bizarre here than on rss, I am a nasty little spam monkey touching everything with my unwashed hands and no one is quite sure where they have been :no: A more fair minded person would let me troll their sites and tease them about it, mais whatever.

    Madhuri asked for spam tips today , it feels nice to be able to assist a burgeoning spam artist on their journey :)

    I can't drink cola or too much coffee it sends me loopers , interesting thing, I invented the coffee/ coke combo way before pepsi and decided it was awful before trying to market it :proud: I know there is no icon for this but there should be, ah well after the dancing banana and after the whip I supposed.

    Oh you jinxed me too btw, there are local celebraties in the hotel :(

    You got me, I am really and 48 year old tax accountant from cardiff. I make no assumptions about you do you notice ? I just take you on face value, this is because I am a trusting and generous soul incapable of understanding deceit. :yes:

    I lack the wherewithall to stop typing...................................... I'll let you get back to your busy man's job
    The RSS is a graveyard, didn't you learn anything from the mooovies about visiting graveyards on your own at night ?

    I haven't posted anything or the rss for ages you faker :p . The scottish sweets is something called edinburgh rock, it is like confectioners sugar and acid in equal parts.

    I think some people may be harbouring a deep seated resentment of barbie :shrug:


    I see that I have aged since the last time you hazzarded a guess at my age, I used to be a 12 year old boy and now I'm 14 , I was wondering why I needed to shave again this month :yes:
    Nope still bored, dance monkey dance :clap: I am eating some weird scottish sweets and reading barbie 'fanfic' on some weird toy torture fetish site, perhaps I am doomed to never be entertained :shrug:
    I forget the guts of the rant now, but I was insensed by an American family who have been lobbying the Irish government to put a railing around a completely wild island of the coast of kerry in the middle of the atlantic, there are loads of visitors there over the summer months from Ireland and all over the world but the Americans keep falling off dashing their brains out on the rocks and dying, the rest of the world looks at the sheer rock face leading to an angry sea and more jagged rocks and marvels and the sight the Americans need a photo and then splat and then whining. Gee I guess I remembered most of it after all :D

    My teacher gave me watership down as a present when I left primary school, I read it in the holidays and it was so sad, I blubbed like my ******* mother had died or something over those madey upey rabbits. Also the weirdness of my teacher randomly giving me a present was a bit unnerving.

    The lemurs was very traumatic ,not as traumatic as watership down but they are not all fun and games like in the movies.

    The Hummers are starting to be popular here too, and we just don't have the roads, it is so bloody stupid.

    I always imagined your childhood fears would be something like the number 23


    Silly buggers building you cities in fire zones and on fault lines too, it's like Nuthanger Farm in Watership Down, everything is fantasticlly lovely , and every no and then something nasty happens and when it is over nobody mentions it.

    This seguewayed into a whole racist rant about overly optismistic Americans but I deleted it in difference to your delicate sensibilities.
    Mille Feulles is where Milly Filly is derived from it is French for a thousand layers, it is a pastry I think you call a Napoleon for some raison. I have only 2 layers at most.

    The lemur thing isn't very interesting unless you are my sister, there used to be gangs of lemurs in the wildlife park near me Fota, I went there with my sister and the kids a couple of years ago and I was carrying the baby bag and the lemurs liked the look of it and wanted it and mobbed me, the boss lemur was brilliant she had damage to one eye and it was completely opaque and she kept jumping in front of me everytime I turned, while the rest of the mob circled around me, my sister just laughed and took photos, eventually , I hesitate to admit this , I,,,,I,,,I kicked a lemur :sad: my sister has a pic. :eek:
    I'm self spamming despite the doctor's warnings about blindness. Tonight's playlist:
    YouTube - Vashti Bunyan session - 17 Pink Sugar Elephants
    YouTube - Mummy The Peepshow - I Bub You Bub
    YouTube - josephine foster @ nocturama sevilla
    YouTube - Glow Worms
    YouTube - FEAR-I don t care about you
    YouTube - Nick Drake -Black Eyed Dog-
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