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  • Blah, wilderness was boring and tiring. I'm in a bad mood. Might start the slaughter soon. If you hear sirens, run.
    Yes your backtracking on the octopus thing is sufficiently water muddying to make me doubt your initial intent was to disparage the interesting qualities of octupusses.

    Yes it is a funny story, so 'funny' I still cringe what is it 14 years later. He has another embarrasing Toy Story related story but this is getting twee so I'm cutting myself off.

    Dr Oz sounds horrifying :eek:

    On the Burton thing BTW all you had to say was Planet of the ******* apes and I would have just nodded and agreed with you. He is a muppet, though I quite liked bettlegeuse , never could be arsed with scissorshands, liked nightmare and thought Batman and Sweeney Todd were crimes against humanity, never saw Sleepy Hollow. I also found his whining at not being adored as a genius on the batman thing pathetic. I have no other opinion of him other than he is ugly, there I am just that shallow. Now back to my soaps.
    Damn I was just going to post the slow loris that likes to be tickled but the tarsier just looks like DM with his genetic abnormality. I do so hate to be predictable.

    That toy story song is ******* depressing, reminds me of when I took O to see it when he was little also ******* depressing, he and his friend got a woody toy from Burger King and he lost it in the lining of his coat and he was frisking himself on the bus saying quite loudly to his friend, can you see my woody, the whole bus was deadly silent.

    I don't know what Dr Oz is , I watch Dr Phil to feed my feeling of hatred for him

    My sister lives in Libya with her husband who is from there yep.

    Does this point need further illustration? Tarsiers are adorable, I still prefer the octopusses, which you suggested were so uninteresting childrenz will grow bored of them. YouTube - Wow! Giant octopus - extreme animals - BBC wildlife

    I have to stop buying stuff for the baby, my sister sees this kind of thing as proof of love for the bubs, but I don't think the baby gives a **** at this stage, I never find the babies overtly interesting until they start interacting with people, she is cute an all don't get me wrong, but presents are for mum really. My sis is also a label whore, (I think this is hand me down syndrome)

    I don't care for oprah, but I have seen episodes of her tv show, if you haven't kudos and how did you manage it? Dr Phil, I absolutely abhor, but have seen episodes of his show as well.

    People know better than to txt me, or if they do they phone me afterwards to let me know :biglaugh: I hate mobile phones and sometimes go whole days without even looking at mine. I have to upgrade it though, my current one won't get texts from libya, I am thinking about an iphone :eek: I kind of knew this would happened when my Zen died:sad:..............:sad4:

    Tim Burton venom, surely there is a story here, spill asap.plx
    I still love octopies. they are wicked smart and violent, I find the combination adorable. If she grows out of it I will take it back, the good thing is you can stick the head under your armpit and play it like a bagpipes.

    I thought you didn't answer because it was one of those fancy shmancy edutoys that kids can't be arsed with. I thought you were being kind, I should have known better.

    And Gwenyth too, I saw her on the op-Rah and she was going on about how she did everything herself for the kids,EVEN CHANGING NAPPIES, her own kids , how noble , then later in the convo, it turns out she has not just 1 but 2 nannies, 1 for the day time and 1 for the night.

    Imma say goodnight and hope I go to bed.
    I don't remember what my first words were :shrug:

    I feel like lording over you the fact that my lamaze toy has 8 legs and thus is 2 times better than your lame old coldplappy , I notice you didn't answer the question, which I am going to assume means RATS was indifferent to the educational value of the toy.

    I think you probably love the coldplay, feeling Chris Martins emotional middle class angstiness in the core of your being, while wondering how he can know you so well without meeting you, how he can be singing your life :p

    God I ******* hate coldplay
    Did you play tunes on the puppy one, did RATS play with it, I am not sure about it, it seems a bit on the big size. I already bought her a dragon that goes blaah! that she loves ,but my sister says if blaah! is her first word she will hit me, she means it too, she is a hitter.

    Oh to answer your earlier question re Plastic paddies this can explain it more calmly than I can. Plastic Paddy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I have given up feeling self conscious about the wall of monta on your page I suggest you do the same. I will delete some of your earlier posts if you want, yeh big baby.
    lol I said playing with myself, I could change it but in honor of the stevester I will let it lie.
    Break the news that he is Kenyan, see if he is still smiling then. Incest chicken is pretty self explanatory it is like gay chicken but with incest, though I think technically the boys play gay incest chicken. Eoghan is the best at it and Christ is the worst, and Steve is the instigator, he usually starts by putting his hand on someones thigh.

    You should start working on some siblings for RATS so they can entertain/torture each other, for when you are ( I mean in case you) boring him.

    I also spent too much money on clothes for Olivia and I bought her a 3 outfits including baby ugh boots and a beret and this which I am saving for xmas and have been playing with myself. ( I believe I can play radioheads street spirt on it :Dhttp://www.icbaby.com/_product_images/lamaze_octotunes.jpg
    Wake the boy up, tell him it's christmas or something, or that pirates are coming over for tea, you can convince him it was all a dream afterwards, they are lovely an maleable at that age.

    I had lunch with my 3 brothers, and one of my sisters Eoghan won a round of incest chicken against steve, Christ lost a round with both steve and Eoghan. Steve almost fell off his chair laughing at my sisters breast feeding woes. I had dynamite nachos, just a typical lunch.

    Sorry to break it to you, but Always Sunny sounds less and less apealing by the minute, plastic paddies put my teeth on edge.
    Yeah it was long gone 3am , but I amn't working today so what the heck. I am not saying there are no good US comedy shows, I just can't think of them right now. I do love the wonder showzen, and Moral Orel (go figure :D) Unfortunately the good people who make It's always Sunny... are racists, hate the Irish and don't want me to watch the link , I may contact amnesty international about it later today.

    YouTube - Star Trek meets TV Funhouse Finally!

    Darkplace is the most significant televisual event since Quatum Leap IMO, I used to read James Herbert when I was a kid, I think this is probably a pretty faithful representation of him :biglaugh:

    Have a good weekend, enjoy your lucky charms (we dont have them here btw, for some reason the dang gubament insist of kids cereal not having more than the rda of sugar for a bull elephant, bloody nanny state :rolleyes:
    I was born in the yuke yah know, and we Irish peeps don't like to hold grudges. Irish comedy doesn't really translate, I have given up on trying to get the culturally impaired to appreciate it, it is like how there are no female Irish actors who make in the US, despite certain theories propogated by certain parties, :sarcastic: the sad truth is what irish people like is not always popular elsewhere. For some incomprehensible reason some people just don't find being verbally berated and physically threatened an attractive quality in a woman :shrug: It is the same with comedy, our comedy tends to be Beckett like and not widely appreciated. Our kids tv spawned such delights as YouTube - Johnny Vegas - The Podge and Rodge Show
    we also enjoy the topical panel shows YouTube - The Panel and Eanna ni Lamhna but mostly we just like listening to people tell stories YouTube - Dylan Moran on smurfs , tis our way.

    Eanna ni Lamna is adored in Ireland btw, I can't imagine she would make a splash anywhere else.
    You are so sofa nap material, dreaming about taking your bike out with a half eaten box of stale lucky charms stuck to your hand.

    I keep forgetting you can't choob at work, I don't mean to keep giving you homework. I shall endeavor to keep my spam visable at all times :yes:

    Yawn simpsons , Yawn futurama (the last series soured me on the show, forevah!) although the episode with the dog :sad: Yawn 30rock. Now if you had said south park, I might have stayed awake. Although I am watching Derren Browne and he is trying to hypnotise everyone so I might fall asleep anyway.


    I don't know what the **** that last bit is, but I'm very very tireded, did I mention yawn?
    Aw poor, RATS be sweet to him or he will grow up to be a fundementalist Christian or Muslim from the rebellion. My sister is almost high with elation if Olivia sleeps 4 hours, feeds and sleeps another 4 hours. At least it is nearly the weekend and you get to not go to work. You can watch whatever cartoon you like with RATS and pretend you are doing it for him, eat cereal from a box and have a nap on the sofa, epic times!


    If you like tyres you will love Mile High Comics - ACID HEAD ARNIE #1 - Large Image ah the hours I mispent reading VIZ and ZIT , am I a freak because I read them or did I read them because I'm a freak?

    Yay the GLC got a sale, they will be so happy, The Maggot may send you a thank you card, or he might just get off his tits :shrug: it's a crap shoot.

    The guests were *****ing about how far the hotel is from where they work :rolleyes: we should, I suppose have predicted that they would want to stay with us and built the hotel closer to their workplace.

    I do love boring **** :D

    So you don't have YouTube - Peep Show - Series 6 - Promo 1 - 50/50 or YouTube - That Mitchell and Webb Look S03E04 P02 :eek: I knew you lived in a cultural wasteground devoid of the light of hope the human sould gleens from art and literature to make their futile existence more palatable, but I had no idea is was that bad. :hug:
    Trying to decipher Irish will suck the funny right out of you, next time just ask, I am currently reading a treatise on the history of the VSO order in ancient Irish, I may have to torture a pill bug is how unfunny it is.

    I have was listening to 'your misses is a nutter' on the train and nearly started laughing, I didn't have any of the new album till today, Nan Rita is worth a listen.

    I was responding to your Irish greeting, Dia Dhuit, or 'god be with you' I just said 'Sadly there is no god with me' I am having multilingual fun all week, I am eavesdropping on stupid arrogant french people at work, who are assuming I don't speak the lingo and it is really cheering me up no end to hear them *****ing behind my back in front of my face. I don't admit to speaking any languages on my cv coz I don't want to get caught for all the cruddy translating jobs, how slacker am I ?

    David Mitchell is almost as dreamy as Stephen Fry YouTube - David Mitchell solves medical science issue and with the more conventionally handsome (I guess, if you like that sort of thing ) Robert Webb YouTube - German SS officers - That Mitchell and Webb Look

    I do love the GLC and I love that someone else does to, they deserve a wider audience.
    Thomas Ligotti, nope never heard of him.... wiki says he's a horror writer....

    I dont read much horror... sorry

    though wiki makes him sound good,

    yep current 93 fan...of a kind...

    I like lots of music...from extreme to sublime...
    The big boss of the bank just called me and asked if I could come in, starting Monday and work on a special project for her for two months. I haven't worked there in 3 months.
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