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  • word association is freakin' boring when your posting why on earth would you read it if you don't , weirdo, So Pinker is on your list huh,I like him but his weird resentful mancrush on Chomsky is a bit annoying : well what are you waiting for, go on report me for calling you a weirdo :p I mean thank you for my frubals :)

    I am watching the naked kiss, cool film I conked out watching it last night, I like it so far I hope she wins ;)
    SO coincidental and totally unplanned: Your last VM on my page was posted at 3:12AM... which happens to be the EXACT time, according to my cell phone, that I texted you to tell you about the X-men!
    Because I'm getting paid for it :D

    Mom wants the cupboard cleaned out. Offered to pay me to do it, since I'm not working.
    It's so discouraging. I've now cleaned out the entire closet, but everything is presently just cluttered around the room. I have no idea where to put everything that I've allowed him to keep!

    He tried to convince me to let him keep a gigantic Step 2 Playskool chalkboard that he hasn't used since he was SIX! He's a bigger pack rat than I am.

    My feet hurt and now I have a splinter! I am INCREDIBLY tempted to just trash EVERYTHING!
    The one with the pink light saber is totally Yoda. Lookit the way he's jumping!

    I've been cleaning out the closet in Justyce's playroom since 11am. It's still not finished. 7 garbage bags, so far. There were toys in there from when he was a toddler.
    See how I don't mention even once the 'American office' or the American 'White......' I mean 'Red Dwarf' or 'Father Ted' or anything , because I am too polite, it is my biggest problem.


    I hope I don't start posting pictures of myself on the interwebz, that is how your sould gets eaten don't you know, that is why I only post the two O's for a couple of minutes only a little bitteen of their souls got eaten.


    Loads of people got made redundant at work yesterday, I am lolling at myself between kicking my own ***, the only reason I took this ******* job was because my other one looked like it was leaning towards redundancy :facepalm: Ugh! I am tired of my own complaining, here is more Obama related hillarity , why does portraying him as a doofus just make him more likeable?

    I guess. It was only posted on Yahoo News 48 minutes ago! It mustn't have been too long ago. I didn't hear it on the news this afternoon.
    I remember seeing that pic of RATS , he was cute probably takes after his mum:p. He looks like a live wire too.

    I was actually blissfully unaware of the US remake until somebody led me astray by mentioning special editions of Spaced. This is the worse thing to happen to me since Kath and Kim USA http://www.gifmix.net/3d-smiley.php?image=sad-3d-smilies/0027.gif

    The fat guy looks non plussed , like he said what the hell I'll give it a go but isn't feeling it at all. I have actually been reading about coffee psychosis today btw , it is a worry .

    Don't diss Mathew Broderick in War Games, he made that computer somehow realise the futility of war via the game of noughts and crosses, have you ever made a computer realise the futility of war by any means....?

    You wouldn't have needed to hack me if you were online earlier that same day, because I accidently posted a link to all my photos instead of that one. You missed out on a lot of boring assed ****, you lucky *******. Making the censor work for it's ******* money today I am. :D
    Sorry, my internet security protocols prohibit me from leaving photos up too long. I have the paranoid :(

    That poor drone, I hope he at least got a posthumous employee of the month award, with a name like George Turklebaum what chance did he have, he was doomed to this fate the minute he was born. I think you should set an alarm on your phone for going home time, just in case so that if you do pop your clogs at least someone will come to see what the noise is, which reminds me, why didn't he start to smell?

    Oh dear:facepalm: Fox importing two British sitcoms - Entertainment News, TV News, Media - Variety
    The taller one is Eoghan, or Eoggle Poggle as he is sometimes known :biglaugh: he loves that. It is my sister's couch although if they were dogs or cats I think Olivia would own it having pee'd on it many many times.

    Kevin Smith commentary :eek: (must resist consumer urge )

    Blade is good popcorn fodder. I like the fast and the furious, I win the sad off :p
    You're lucky RATS is tough and can withstand your clucky mother hen parenting, I hope they don't remember having someone check their breathing with a mirror, it is bound to leave scars.

    Certain social classes do seem to have more than their fair share of 'syndromes' here as well, ADD and AdHd are mostly self diagnosed by the mums, we used to have a nursery school in the house when I was growing up and the most recent batch of mums all seem to put naughty behaviour down to some disorder or another, while sending them to school eating a bar of chocolate and drinking fizzy drinks.

    Olivia is 3 weeks age corrected 11 weeks real time. Because she was so early and so small, I think it is natural to be even more psycho than usual. BTW the baby in the picture is a representation of how I put her down to sleep it isn't her, though she has a similarly grumpy aspect to her. I find babies a bit dull, tbh

    I have spaced on the DVD ( they have a special edition that I can't yet justify purchasing) I never got the appeal of vampires either, Blade was ok, I went to see it with my sister and her South African friend who screamed out in the middle of the film at the top of her voice 'DON'T DO IT BLADE, IT'S A TRAP'

    I haven't seen any of those movies, I am losing my geek in my old age I think (hope) pretty soon I won't know any Klingon, or be able to do the Vulcan salute or anything.

    Perky jerky http://cache.websetters.com.au/images/954-200x800showbags-stinky_gross_art_2_.jpg

    Good news is despite, allowing the baby to sleep in the cot death position,:eek: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2FVTLS2UGzs/R_e2SuhFRLI/AAAAAAAAANM/63b5On_jtAc/s400/tummy+time+turns+to+sleep.jpg we haven't broken her, it's like a really high stakes game of sims, only with smellovision and surround sound. She is a very good baby though, and if I come off as a little obsessional you should see her mum, I spend the first 10 minutes of every conversation convincing her that a random remark the doctor made at the check up doesn't mean Olivia is retarded or deaf or blind ( 2 weeks ago she tested the child for deafness by making a loud noise while she was asleep and frightened the life out of her) Makes my checking to make sure she is breathing every 10 minutes almost normal.

    I don't need more than 4 hours sleep to function aparently :D And I am spreading generalised malaise throughout the work place with my bad attitude. :D

    Sounds like your nose is loving the grindstone though you swot.

    I can't watch these because of copyright issues :( YouTube - Finger Gun Battle
    YouTube - Spaced Shoot-Out

    I am sure they are highly diverting, I love Korean movies, and coincidently Korean people they are hilarious (that's a bit racist isn't it ? ) The Korean people I know are mostly hilarious except for 1 militant guy who thinks everything is an anti korea plot, even Old Boy :rolleyes: which in itself is a bit hilarious. Does this message seems smiley heavy :giraffe:
    Oh! Hahahahahha!! Sorry :p

    I just got very nice frubals and spent 250$ on myself. My anger is subsiding.
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