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  • Right coz Steven Pinker is lined up to do the next Calvin commercial :rolleyes: Stephen Fry is a sex god, YouTube - What Did Thomas Crapper Invent? - QI - BBC comedy panel show don't be jealous of his game, YouTube - QI: Can you name a soft wood? BBC comedy with Stephen Fry Although I was a little uncomfortable for David Mitchell when he was on the QI and Stephen became obviously enamoured with him, maybe I was jealous :eek: I can't find a vidya on the choob so I am going to assume one don't exist. I can't resist posting one more clip of the Fry YouTube - QI Untransmitted 2 sigh, I think I will call my brothers and we can talk about the dreaminess some more.

    I remembered another of my Steve's manlove obsessions Brian Blessed, bit disturbing that one.

    I can't pick one GLC vid so I am posting three, it is with a heavy heart I omit the Cornbeef Kelly Osbourne song from their new album, but I have to draw a line somewhere, don't I ? I mean look at all the QI links that is madness surely.

    YouTube - Goldie Lookin' Chain - Your Missus Is A Nutter

    YouTube - Goldie Lookin Chain - Guns don't kill people

    YouTube - Goldie Lookin' Chain - You Knows I Love You

    Nil aon dia lomsa, go bronach :sad:

    Oh and I never mind conchords links, I never saw the Sineads Hand ad it may not be shown, we have laws about lobbying here it might contravene them.
    Nos Da :)

    Steve is quite proud of his man crushes, and Eoghan has a crush on Stephen Fry as well, we don't fight about it we just talk about how dreamy he is while the boys explain that you are alowed have sex with a couple of guys without being considered gay. Generation Z what can you do.

    The only conflict is with my sister who hates Stephen Fry, she was living in England when he dissappeared from the west end and she thought he had committed suicide as the press were pushing this angle, I think her being worried for him became hatred when it turned out he just had a diva strop, he was actually struggling with Bi Polar disorder at the time, but English Tabloids are a law unto themselves.

    I describe myself as a pragmatist btw. Though I suspect other people call it quirky, I hit ctrl i btw I haven't italicised for any particular reason just lazy.
    I am gonna assume you know I was being delibrately impish with my description of the cymru tongue action, they are pretty much asking for all entendres to be double with a name like that anyway:yes:

    I have 5 siblings :eek: 3 brothers and 2 Sisters. We are like the anti Brady's except we all popped out of one lady hole, how vulgar !

    I doubt if you could be as devastatingly immature as Steve, who giggled during his own wedding vows. Even if you were I would never tell him, his weird little feelings would be crushed beyond repair, he is also inordinately proud of the fact he can 'drop it like it's hot' and will give lapdances to anyone who acts freaked out at the prospect so you always have to act like a lap dance would be cool, to avoid them, though this only mostly works. He has man crushes btw, no reason I'm telling you or anything, the universally adored Stephen Fry, Enrique Iglesis (which is weird because my mum used to get a bit wobbly at the thought of his dad) Lionel Ritchie and some others I can't remember at the moment. Christ is my other brother, I think I mentioned you had the same name as him before, he is more the anarchic, hippy, dropout musician type.
    YouTube - Pink Revelation from Birds Eye Salmon Fish Fingers

    you are lucky you don't have the toobz or you would be inconsolable at the new fish finger ad, welsh is no mystery Cariad, you just have to sharpen your glottal stops and spit alot and go up at the end. And the GLC sing in English but it might still need translating.

    Aww your lolling at long and hard reminds me of my brother Steve, I am having lunch with him on Saturday, I haven't seen him in ages, he giggles at hymns like ' Oh Come all ye faithful' somewhat understandable even though he is 23 but also ' Rock of Ages'
    Isn't RF great? Jebus, I'm not going to have to do any work, ever. I'll just have to come to you guys for answers :p
    I have thought about it long and hard and come to the depressing conclusion I have no skills :sad: You are such a downer :mad:
    YouTube - GLC - Half Man Half Machine

    Audio spam, let me know if you need a translation. I love Goldie Looking Chain.

    I totally forgot again that you cannae watch utoob at work, well I say work at slacker central.
    Yeah, I'ma try some of them out. Right after I take an hour long nap. I be a sleepy girly.

    Be back in a bit.
    It doesn't have to be DONE for the weekend, but since I'd like to take the time to write out my outlines, while I have the extra time, and won't have any distractions.
    That sad child in the picture looks like he might be secretly peeing against the wall of the good sitting room while surreptitously checking to see if his mother is back from the shops yet. Did you draw him, it would explain a lot.

    Movie is ver and she did win, yay, the real bad guys was the respectable people :yes: I learned my lesson.

    I do have mad skillz but who wants mad? Problem is I have grown to dislike what I am trained for.

    Nama thread aye, now that the movie is over I will take a looksie. I was talking to Fianna Fail delegates last week and insulted them, hah! The freedom of someone that doesn't like there job is intoxicating, I feel like Randall from Clerks and to a lesser extent Clerks II
    Of the two I've downloaded, neither of them are working once I go offline and try to open the websites I supposedly downloaded!
    I am sorry my imminent doom is harshing your vibe,:biglaugh: I am back looking for a job, which kind of sucks but it isn't the end of the world, at least I still have a job...FOR NOW!!

    The films is brilliant the music and acting alone is fantastic, I can just see the director demanding bigger, BIGGER, BIGGER !

    I didn't vanish I was doing an amazing thing called a Late early, whereby you work till midnight and start again the next day at 7 am, does it sound like tremendous fun, coz it is :eek:

    Oh dear lord maudlin children singing sadly, :clap:
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