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  • I shall be eternally grateful to you for your wisdom, O Master of the Tao of Continual Failure! And by "eternally", I mean to imply that I will miserably fail to be grateful for more than 15 minutes.
    You beggar me, sir! You beggar me! Never before in my life have I felt so impoverished when it comes to alter-egos. I only wish now to sit at your feet and learn the secret of your riches. Pray tell me, O man of many dreams, was it natural talent or hard earned skill that made you what you are today? May perhaps I myself aspire to such glory as is yours, or am I to ever be counted a lesser light? And, finally, the greatest question of all, if I become like you, will I too have women craving to lay me in bed, in the bushes, on the rooftop, beside the river, and generally wherever they can find the space for it?
    I've got more alter-egos than you do! I've got more than you do! Sometimes I actually fancy myself to be an artist, despite an overwhelming weight of empirical evidence to the contrary. At other times, I'm mildly embarrassed to say, I daydream about being a "Great Man" who changes the world in a huge and decisive way for the better -- and is constantly getting laid for it by nubile, grateful citizens. And, as if that isn't enough of an ego boost, I also at times imagine myself an infallible psychologist who unerringly sees into the very souls of men and women. All those daydreams occur, of course, when I'm not imaging myself as the world's foremost philanthropist who builds whole utopias with his riches. So, you must now concede, I am a much much greater fool...em...I mean, alter-egotist than you have ever dared of becoming.
    Mountains in Egypt? You wrote to Lyn that you travel up to the mountains in Egypt to break rocks??!! Badran, my friend, those are the pyramids! You're destroying 5,000 years of civilization!
    I don't have a nose. I have Colt Magnum .45 fixated to my face in honor of the day I met Dick Cheney and wept in gratitude for the privilege. That happened during the dark years of my affiliation with the Republican Party, before I woke up and realized I was a Progressive. Still, I've never had the guts to go through with the plastic surgery necessary to remove the weapon because it serves as an interesting conversation piece and also because it clearly differentiates me from guys who are thought by others to be just plain "cute".
    Oh, that's great! That's just too good to be true! I bet Lyn thinks you're a SpravcE. A cute SpravcE on Religious Forums. Teehee!
    Dude I've been wondering what SpravcE meant for so long now, since it sounds so tough and rugged and therefore seems so fitting, and I finally looked it up and it means Administrator! Duh, Lyn!
    You can try to make it look as messy as you want with Photoshop, but your new profile pic is cute anyway.

    Seriously, you're handsome. Deal with it! I am never taking you to a single's bar on a night I hope to get laid. Never!

    By the way, at the risk of too much praise for one day, I really do like the artistic nature of your photo. I think it's more expressive than a straight-forward capture would be.
    You're handsome! Worse, you look famous, and you're not even famous yet. Dang it! That really ruins my day. I imagined you to be as ugly as me. Now I am soooooo disillusioned. I'll probably never recover. At least not emotionally. I've nothing to live for. And it's all your fault.
    My friend, I took the liberty of mentioning in chat last night that you were such the perfect humanitarian that you would have sex even with the ugliest she-camel, if you believed she would otherwise die an unloved virgin. Afterwards, all who were in the chat with me expressed their awe of your nobility -- along, in most cases, with their slight feelings of nausea. I myself was quite proud to be able to stand up for you like that.
    Lol, B. Do something new!
    I have no idea how long I'll be inactive for. I go through phases.
    Ha! A lie if I ever heard one :p
    I've been around, logging in most days but remaining mostly inactive on the forum. I've been much more focused on a social and work life this year rather than on intellectual pursuits.
    What is new? I hope you are well :)
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