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Search results

  1. Saggath

    If you claim any sort of belief in the Bible--

    I claim a sort of belief in the Bible. To answer your specific compound question, I would say Jesus was most probably born as a Jew. I don't know what he did after he died. I don't know if he preached, as I understand the word. I would say he teached, not preached. I get that from the words...
  2. Saggath

    Climate Emergency News

    I live in a BSk Köppen climate classification area. Usually cool and dry, with seasonally large swings in temperatures, and significant day-to-night temperature fluctuation. We have blizzards some winters. Tornadoes are infrequent and nothing like those in the Midwest. One of our rivers floods a...
  3. Saggath

    Question about being dead

    I would first ask God if He wanted me to scare people to believe in Jesus, or if He even wanted people to believe in Jesus at all, scared or not. If He did, I would ask why. I'd go from that point, depending on His answers. I would also probably ask for suggestions on what possible way I could...
  4. Saggath

    Do you believe in God?

    You said "We don't actually know this." I believe "we" is too inclusive.
  5. Saggath

    Do you believe in God?

    I believe your use of pronouns is incorrect.
  6. Saggath

    Do you believe in God?

    Likewise, perhaps a peer reviewed science article demonstrating that our existence does not require intelligence, as for example, the ability to perceive or infer information; and to retain it so as to be applied to adaptive behaviors within an environment or context.?
  7. Saggath

    Do you believe in God?

    Thanks, I found him in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. I'll read when I can!
  8. Saggath

    Do you believe in God?

  9. Saggath

    Do you believe in God?

    If any philosophical arguments convinced people, I'm sure Thomas Aquinas' "proofs" (they are called proofs, whether or not they were intended as proofs; I think they were intended more as characterizations or explanations) would be near the top. The few problems that have been suggested to me...
  10. Saggath

    Do you believe in God?

    I was a strong believer for while. Then a doubter for a long while. Eventually, as I became familiar with philosophical arguments, I came to understand that there was and is something that is generally called God. So I agree with you, from experience, that the beliefs that some people hold...
  11. Saggath

    new age beliefs thats wrong

    The impression I get from near-death experiences (of others) is that everyone (of them) found themselves in a similar situation - watching their body, moving around, seeing a person, seeing a light or river or tunnel, in other words a place that can be traveled to or traveled along or traveled...
  12. Saggath

    If God is all powerful.Why did Jesus have to die for us?Couldn't God made it different?Being all poweful?

    Just a thought: It seems that Jesus had the power to forgive sins whether he were crucified or not: Matthew 9 2 And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven...
  13. Saggath

    Why do you follow your religion?

    You presume. There are a number of scientific methods. There also seem to be a number of religious methods. There are probably other methodologies as well, which may or may not be as effective as either or both sets of those two. I don't think it is important to know which world-view is "the...
  14. Saggath

    If a person claiming to be Christ comes today, how do you know it is really *not* him?

    Which is why I do not fit in well with any religious establishment. People who form religious groups, including myself, require all members to believe in a certain set of beliefs. I can accept some beliefs in all religions, but not all beliefs in any religion. I do not believe in "perfect"...
  15. Saggath

    What makes your God a God?

    I tend to see things that way, too, although I don't use the same names. Is your worship of God a necessary aspect of God? Is your worship even necessary? If your God is all and in all, why bother to worship any part or any all of It???
  16. Saggath

    What makes your God a God?

    I've read some say that before the universe came into being there was no matter and no space. That's difficult to understand - okay, that's just about impossible for me to understand. But so is calculus. So I can tentatively accept it until an argument persuades me differently. As for the...
  17. Saggath

    What makes your God a God?

    What makes my God a God, as opposed to what is generally thought of, or specifically thought by others? Because of implications carried by the word "God", I prefer either to not use that word for "my" "God", or use different terms. I like Robert Spitzer's term, "Unconditioned Transcendent...
  18. Saggath

    your windows on the world?

    In terms of "news", I try to read a number of sources in a number of countries, particularly the U.S., Turkey, Russia, Brazil, France, Korea, more or less regularly, and a number of other nations less often. I also follow a few science sites, especially biology and astronomy. some sites relating...
  19. Saggath

    Why do you follow your religion?

    I have accepted my philosophy of religion because it makes the most sense to me in a world of multiple sets of beliefs (religions, philosophies, ideologies, politics, scientific theories, fantasies, and pretensions), some well argued, some not; and explains why there seems to be no Divine...
  20. Saggath

    If a person claiming to be Christ comes today, how do you know it is really *not* him?

    "If a person claiming to be Christ comes today, how do know it is really *not* him?" I doubt I would be able to tell. But I would not worry too much anyway, because I would be more concerned about what he said, taught, and did, than his identity. If what he says and does is good, then I would...