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Search results

  1. P

    Home-grown or convert?

    Well, by modern standards Daddy Bush would be viewed as too liberal to be a Republican. The Republicans already booted out Chafee and most other New Englanders from their party. And they are gunning for Snowe and Collins who they consider too liberal to represent their party.
  2. P

    Home-grown or convert?

    Well, my mom was a major Clinton fan and I followed until late in high school when I realized that Clinton was a right wing neo-facist (and his wife is even more of one). I could probably be described as statist until close to adulthood. I was pro-life, anti-gay, and pro-religious...
  3. P

    Those with christian backgrounds

    At times I still fear hell. Generally it is due to a fear of physical death or harm, rather than any spiritual peril.
  4. P

    Lesbian Love, the hottest evidence of God.

    I'm a bitter man-hating feminist lesbian trapped in a gay man's body.
  5. P

    Dan Savage Tells GLBTQ Youth "It Gets Better"

    Once I became an adult, and out of the closet, I have experienced very little persistent bigotry. Sometimes when I go to an urban area while wearing goth clothes and makeup someone will say something as they drive by, and little kids might say stuff, but nothing particularly troubling, and I...
  6. P

    what makes a man, a man?

    If you are referring to gender, I will only state that the very concept is out dated and needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.
  7. P

    Hell Houses

    I watched that video yesterday. I should point out that the image was not a Star of David, but rather a hexagram. It is a pagan symbol, but it is not used by many modern pagans due to the confusion between it and the Star of David.
  8. P

    Hell Houses

    What is your opinion of them? Have you ever attended one personally? For those of you who don't know what a Hell House is, it is a kind of haunted house exhibit that churches create around Halloween. They tend to depict sinners dying and then being drug to hell. They tend to depict...
  9. P

    How does one become a Wiccan?

    Books are best for solitary Wiccans. I hate to recommend this woman, but Silver Ravenwolf writes in a clear way that is easily understood by people new to the faith. But it is important to point out that many people disapprove of her views, and she is quite possibly a bigot who plays the...
  10. P

    Does Taoism view homosexuality as bad?

    The Tao Teh Ching is written as a guide for rulers and is open to alot of interpretation. For example, one could say that a leader who grants gay equality is minimizing his influence which is good. On the other hand, if he is in a conservative nation that opposes homosexuality, it would be...
  11. P

    Baha'i vs End Times Christianity

    Actually, we don't really see the spiritual destination that members reach as being all that important. It is basically the quest for knowledge that unites us. Although I am unable to attend services due to being in a rural area, I am told that the church is often a stepping stone for people...
  12. P

    Was it fair to kick Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden?

    Actually that post does address something interesting, albeit off my original topic, about the creation story. In Genisis god was not depicted as being omnipresent. He didn't even realize that Adam and Eve sinned until after they confessed (they should have kept their traps shut so we could all...
  13. P

    Was it fair to kick Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden?

    Yes, I was wanting to discuss this with the people who take genisis literally. Although I suppose it does have broader philosophical implications. Personally I am extremely uncomfortable with this aspect due to it's presentation of God as a kind of irresponsible parent. Adam and Eve had...
  14. P

    Was it fair to kick Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden?

    I'm not sure if this has been addressed before. Didn't spot anything like this while I was skimming through. If Adam and Eve had no knowledge of the concepts of good and evil, they had no way to know that disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit was actually wrong. They didn't obtain...
  15. P

    Baha'i vs End Times Christianity

    As a Unitarian I agree that my religion is very similar to the one from the Left Behind novels. Of course those books were primarily political manifestos for the religious right which hates religious pluralism. Alot of protestants consider the Catholic Church to be the end time religion.
  16. P

    Greetings and Salutations

    Hi. My name is Michael and I am a Unitarian Universalist. I draw my religious inspiration from a wide variety of sources. Since the age of 17 I have been on a continous spiritual quest trying, and failing, to find a religion that adequately describes my views. I grew up in a secular...