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Search results

  1. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    If others are pussed away before all these things are compiled they will have no indisputable evidence.
  2. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    It’s kind of like the chemistry of hemlock; you have to have the proper amount in order for it to be deadly.
  3. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    For me I saw something in people I respected that made me want to know more about it. I wasn't a believe for many years but my seeking the answers to many nagging questions helped me to become one. It doesn't seem fair that I have been so blessed, but I am so thankful.
  4. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    I understand I know that many people will probably never believe in this life.
  5. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    Yes I agree.
  6. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    When you compile all those things together they become undisputable truth of God, but it would have been easy in the beginning to go another direction. Some of the things that have made me strong came in the way of suffering and trial. Others came in the way of success and joy. But it...
  7. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    Sounds a lot like me.
  8. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    If you had seen what I have seen maybe you would see things differently. Maybe not. What might cause me to draw closer to God might push you away.
  9. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    Could it be that your existence on this forum is a way of seeking?
  10. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    For me the things I have seen over many years have established God's existence as fact. But I have to admit that faith in things I couldn't prove started me believing.
  11. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    I was an atheist many years so I know what you mean. Keep seeking.
  12. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    Whether a person knows it or not it is a fact that partaking of too much Hemlock can kill you. That is real for everyone. There is a truth about God that is real for everyone also. The truth of God’s existence is real whether there is any morality or not.
  13. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    I know what you mean and it was that way for me too. When I first asked I didn't receice the answers I needed right away either. But what a miracle it is that someone like me was able to find what I was looking for. Keep seeking.
  14. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    If what you believe is real it is truth for everyone whether they know it or not.
  15. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    This is how I did it. “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 1 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened". Luke 11:9-10
  16. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    But it is so much better when you know what you believe is real.
  17. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    You can do a lot of thinking about God but it is all just fairytales unless you have established that he actually exists.
  18. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    Yes I believe in the Abrahamic God. This God; "You alone are the LORD; You have made heaven, The heaven of heavens, with all their host, The earth and everything on it, The seas and all that is in them, And You preserve them all. The host of heaven...
  19. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    God is no murderer, but if we give responsibility to the one who could stop it all from happening, we might want to know why. It feels good to have those questions worked out.
  20. I

    I know who killed Jesus

    His existence must be established as fact, and must be believed without any doubt. Don't you think?