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Search results

  1. knockknock

    Does DNA prove intelligent design?

    I have watched the video and admire the time the man has taken to debunk these signatories, though his research isn't complete. However, since the video was made, when there were only around a hundred names on the list, it has grown significantly and continues to do so. Further, I put it to you...
  2. knockknock

    Does DNA prove intelligent design?

    Obviously it's true that there is some uncertainty in the scientific community over the TOE when one goes to the ‘Scientific Dissent from Darwinism’ website. Download the list of those scientists who have signed the list which states: " We are skeptical of claims for the...
  3. knockknock

    Does DNA prove intelligent design?

    There's an interesting article in the Journal addressing the two sides of the argument some may be interested in. I've included a quote from my side of the argument as food for thought: "THOMPSON: More and more scientists are now coming to the conclusion that Darwin's theory has so many gaps in...
  4. knockknock

    Does DNA prove intelligent design?

    Theism does address this but this is not the thread for it. Yes, I do find it difficult to accept, and I do understand that there are many with far superior brain power than I who will tell me ID is a figment of my imagination but it still doesn't convince me. I know that those in the...
  5. knockknock

    Does DNA prove intelligent design?

    No, I'm not even sure such a poll has been done. Still, my point isn't about taking sides or an unshakeable point of view. I was trying to suggest that the design of life could be conceived as intelligent, could that be a possibility using the evidence we have so far or not?
  6. knockknock

    Does DNA prove intelligent design?

    Well, isn't it the case that most people have to borrow from scientists who reinforce their presuppositions, apart from those who have actually carried out the research. It appears that certain people on here have a strong bias against anyone who doesn't agree with their theories, and I'm not...
  7. knockknock

    Does DNA prove intelligent design?

    Does DNA prove intelligent design? Ok, I’m starting again and clearly asking a question whilst avoiding coming across as rhetoric or baiting. I have a problem with the general current scientific view that life structures are not intelligent. I openly admit that I believe we had an...
  8. knockknock

    Atheists - Where does the intelligence of life come from?

    How it sounds is like you are an unpleasant person who doesn't have patience, manners or many social skills, or is it that you just like to trawl religious forums with the intention of bashing those who believe in God?. Just the words you use are vile and totally unnecessary. Why did you have to...
  9. knockknock

    Atheists - Where does the intelligence of life come from?

    Ok, thanks for the polite answers from some of you. I'm going to try and re-structure my question with some evidence of what I'm trying to say. Thanks again
  10. knockknock

    Atheists - Where does the intelligence of life come from?

    Hmm, nor you either it seems. Careful, your arrogance and superiority complex is showing. Get a life and stop insulting people on internet message forums.
  11. knockknock

    Atheists - Where does the intelligence of life come from?

    I didn't ask for proof of a lack of divine intervention, I asked for proof of the theory that we all came from a soup of chemicals that just hapened to react and fuse into 'life'. After all there are enough people who throw the 'show me the proof' argument at people who do believe in the...
  12. knockknock

    Atheists - Where does the intelligence of life come from?

    Where is the proof of this miraculous feat?
  13. knockknock

    Atheists - Where does the intelligence of life come from?

    "There's no intelligence involved" WOW! That's a bold statement! Are you sure you mean that? I know what natural selection is, it's simply survival of the fittest or most efficient which then prosper. However, I'm talking how life suddenly appeared and evolved.
  14. knockknock

    Atheists - Where does the intelligence of life come from?

    I beg to differ, my question is not at all meaningless and if you have no answer then why bother replying! I directed the question towards atheist because anyone else would most probably belief in a higher force of some kind. I am interested in genuine answers from people who believe that...
  15. knockknock

    Atheists - Where does the intelligence of life come from?

    Forgive me if this has been discussed before but I want to ask those who do not believe in any Gods or creators, what do they think is the driving force behind life. What I'm trying to say is, we argue about evolution v creation as regards the evidence we have but, say if evolution is true, then...
  16. knockknock

    What Is Good about Faith?

    Because I cease to have faith in man. Look at the 'evidence' we have of man's rule....need I say more. Faith answers the deep questions I have about the meaning of life and it gives me a purpose to get up every day. Quote below sums up how I feel about the world and why I think having faith in...
  17. knockknock

    Christians: why blame atheists for not “choosing” to believe in god?

    Neither does it matter what fruit you choose, it's all FIGurative anyway ;)
  18. knockknock

    Christians: why blame atheists for not “choosing” to believe in god?

    It doesn't really matter what components we are made of, it's the way we are made that creates life, such an elegant and intelligent design - and so the big bang is far harder to explain away than any religion you can name!
  19. knockknock

    Christians: why blame atheists for not “choosing” to believe in god?

    Another thing, on the basis of evolution, maybe snakes could once talk but evolved and lost the use of this because all they ever did was lie :D