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Search results

  1. A

    Jesus as Titus

    There is a consensus that Mark probably composed his work in or about the year 70 CE, after the failure of the First Jewish Revolt and the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple at the hands of the Romans. If so this would mean that it was also written after Titus took Gadara since that happened...
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    Jesus beleived in destiny?

    How can they coexist? By definitin Laws physics are valid for everything at any point in time. There is no time and place where laws oh phicis are not valid so that free will could take its place. Those that defend free will never say anything on how it works or how it breaks laws of phisics...
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    Jesus beleived in destiny?

    Jesus made many predictions of what would happen in the future. Those predictions included many people. Does that mean that they have no free will and if Jesus predicted fall of Jerusalem then he knew what all those thousends people involed would exactly do without them being able to act...
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    Bible - Book of lies

    Hi all, sorry for late replay, I just needed time to evaluate and cross reference all the comments given in order to alter my initial stand point. I just wanted to make following conclusions because I think this should be the point of each discussion, to get closer to the truth by altering...
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    Hatred of Christianity!

    Of course they are. People who introduce religion are very well educated and creative in inventing methods of manipulating masses. Priests were known for trying to understand nature but not to share their knowledge but to use it to enslave mases like eclipse for instance. Of course they would...
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    Hatred of Christianity!

    The Inquisition was the fight against heretics those that think differently. Preventing free thinking is corner stone of each religion so Inquisition is not relegion going bad but it is religion in its bes light. In contrast science is based on confronting views, it encourages it and it is...
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    Hatred of Christianity!

    Becuase religion teaches people not to ask question, to blindly follow what they are told and prevents people for trying to understand nature. When religion goes wrong good things happen. Scinece teaches people to Be critical minded and not to blindly follow and teaches understanding of...
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    Do you think it's important whether others believe in God or not?

    I beleive our actions are predetermined by laws of phisics just like the actions of every other part of metter in the universe. Chemistry, bioligy, computer programs, beleives, emotions are just a way we encapsulate larger chaines of laws of phisics in order to more easily make predictions.
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    Beleivers and discrimination

    The idea of vocation is central to the Christian belief that God has created each person with gifts and talents oriented toward specific purposes and a way of life. So when church says that women can't be priests because this is not their vocation do you simple beleive that without...
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    Beleivers and discrimination

    I wonder how many beleivers agree with discrimination of women and homosexuals as practiced by church. Those that do not agree but still support church how do you feal about it. I wonder if such beleivers would withdraw their support church would change its retorics in no time. Church most...
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    Do you think it's important whether others believe in God or not?

    I agree with tou it is so funny how many spelling mistakes I made there. Could you please check the remainder of my post inlcuding this one and point out any pther mistakes you could find. I would really lika to learn english better and i apritiate you trying to help. Do you know if there is...
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    Do you think it's important whether others believe in God or not?

    Since beleif in god is in contrast to logical thinking those that beleive in god do not think logicaly and therefore they represent danger both to themselfs and to the others. Beleivers tend to follow without thinking making them easy target for manipulation leading to wars, discriminiation and...
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    Hybrid democracy

    How long is this system in power? And how much longer do you plan to wait for solution inside the system? I have already mention that the presumptions on which this system is based is worng. As soon any of us well meanining people get to power we become corrupted. This is in our nature, in our...
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    Hybrid democracy

    Now we have 1 wolve and three sheeps and only wolve has the vote. You are afraid of majority potentialy voting to take money from the rich minority. But you have nothing aginst rich minority that has already voted and taken money from poor majority. And continue to work on makin majority...
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    Hybrid democracy

    It seams to me that some people think like this. We have a potential problem of tyranny of majority. Lets solve it by having representatives. OK our job is done. But people forget that although this solution might solved original problem (although i don't see how so if you nderstand how...
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    Hybrid democracy

    And instead of tyranny of majority now you have tyranny of minority politions and bankars. I guess if I have to choose between the two I would rather choose tyranny of majority pressuming that would make more people would be happy. I would definitly try to protect minorities giving them right to...
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    Hybrid democracy

    Yes, more people would have right to directly vote, not just elected polititions, if I understood you correctly. Yes, politions would not be able to control voter base and missuse their trust.
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    Hybrid democracy

    Technology is already here, it is just being used for different purposes. How does a bank knows that you are there when you pay something with a phone using your registered credit card? There are many different ways how you could register yourself for certain service? There are many different...
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    Hybrid democracy

    Are you forgeting that now only 300 hundred or so polititions make all decisions? Hybeid democracy would allow more people to participate. They could also vote by SMS texting, phone calls, internet was just an examole. You could register your mobile phone, send SMS on certain number, enter law...
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    Hybrid democracy

    You mean like what is going on currently across the globe? :) This is either start of revolution which will give us direct democracy or begining of world war 3. I guess those in power just need to organize few executions, blame others or terorists until everybody starts attacking each other...