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  1. Idiolatry


    The Antichrist is suppose to be the total opposite of Jesus. So, wouldn't the Antichrist be female? Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm naive and ignorant to exact scriptures and what not. I just figure anti is against, opposite. Jesus was male. So, I concluded that the Antichrist should be female.
  2. Idiolatry

    Is it everything is possible for god?

    Is that like God cannot build a wall high enough that He can't jump?
  3. Idiolatry

    I agree. HHGTTG was a great series. The movie was a bit disappointing, however.

    I agree. HHGTTG was a great series. The movie was a bit disappointing, however.
  4. Idiolatry

    Hard Determinism: what's your opinion?

    TL? Too long? What's DR? Just because someone desires something, doesn't mean they have to do it. They have the choice to do it or not do it. I have the choice to open a door in order to go into a building. I also have the choice of not opening the door but, there'd be consequences to that one...
  5. Idiolatry

    Hi guys.

    Nah, I don't drink. Plus, the Russians don't like it when we raid their stash. I pretend to be at East Camp. How am I doing so far? Amazingly, a Google search for Vostok, AQ brings up one of my pages as top result, the official site as second, heh. That's rather sad.
  6. Idiolatry

    Hi guys.

    Lol. Well done. It's actually pretty warm today--a whopping -35c. No need for coats in this heat wave. ^_~
  7. Idiolatry

    Hi guys.

    Lol -Stands on her head- Better? ^_^ Hi, Quagmire, and thank you. Thank you, as well, Autonomous.
  8. Idiolatry

    Hi guys.

    Thank you, Wandered. I feel I just joined Rehab or something, heh. -Wears her name tag upside down-
  9. Idiolatry

    Would foreknowledge contradict free will?

    Wow, 16 pages of stuff I had to catch up on, heh. Someone mentioned that if they foresaw that they'd get in a car crash on a certain day, that they could change their future by not getting into a car. What if not getting into a car is your real destiny? And if God eliminates certain...
  10. Idiolatry

    Angels and choice.

    If God is omniscient/omnipotent, why would He bother with any of this? He knows everything. He knew He would create Adam and Eve (I'm avoiding throwing Lilith into the mix at this point.) and they'd be perfect without sin. He also knew that they would disobey Him. This does seem like a lot of...
  11. Idiolatry

    God ... breaking his own rules?!

    If you take a Christian view that Jesus is God manifest, Jesus didn't honour mother and father (Luke 14:26). Lots of instances of murder/killing (eg Exodus 12:29-30). Jesus authorized stealing (Mark 11:1-3, Matthew 8:28-34). Jesus lies (Matthew 24:34, John 7:8-10). So, God does break the...
  12. Idiolatry

    Thanks for the welcome. Don't panic--Douglas Adams? Heh.

    Thanks for the welcome. Don't panic--Douglas Adams? Heh.
  13. Idiolatry

    Angels and choice.

    Assuming there is a god. >.>
  14. Idiolatry

    Hi guys.

    Thank you so much, Zen. I appreciate the welcome. ^_^
  15. Idiolatry

    Angels and choice.

    Wow, some great answers. Thanks for all the replies. I guess I just have to research a bit more. I figured most religions would say "Free will" or there'd be a separation theory but, I wasn't sure. Thanks, again. I have a lot of reading to do now. Lol.
  16. Idiolatry

    Angels and choice.

    Lol, yeah, I tend to do that.
  17. Idiolatry

    Hi guys.

    Thanks for the welcome ^_^. Glad you like it, Methyl, heh.
  18. Idiolatry

    Angels and choice.

    To my understanding, humans are God's favourites. We're the ones that got the souls, got choice, and everything is designed for us. Angels, on the other hand, are mere minions. Such as in Judaic/Islam belief, they have no free will. My question: Lucifer/The Beast/The Devil/etc was an angel of...
  19. Idiolatry

    Hi guys.

    New here--obviously. Just thought I'd drop a line before I dive in. I'm not really good at introductions so, forgive me. I have a lot of questions about religions and religious beliefs. I've searched for people who could answer those questions, but more so than not, they can't. I myself am...