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  1. berrychrisc

    Jesus the Buddha and the rest :)

    Yes. "Whenever righteousness falters and chaos threatens to prevail, I take on a human body and manifest myself on earth." - The Bhagavad Gita
  2. berrychrisc

    Slaying the dragons...

    When I read this it made me think of yoga, and how instead of slaying the dragon (or in this case, 'serpent') the idea is to awaken the serpent of Kundalini, despite the fact that it is a perilous undertaking.
  3. berrychrisc

    Did Jesus ever get Sick?

    I still don't understand why you're convinced that Jesus' death meant the end of physical death for everyone in the human race after his crucifixion. I'm sorry, but I just don't follow the logic.
  4. berrychrisc

    Have the Rich Gone to War Against the Poor and Middle Class in America?

    Yes, they do. I believe that it is the government's responsibility through an adequate police force to maintain safety. I wasn't referring to something as simplistic as putting locks on a door. Also, I specifically chose the word sanitary instead of cleanliness. I was not referring to the...
  5. berrychrisc

    Do you really believe that Jesus died for our sins?

    The Crucifixion is indeed a great mystery. But I am not concerned with doctrine, or the enforcing of it. Doctrine, tradition, ritual and moralism are what spring up when an enlightened being's teachings are institutionalized into a religion. I agree, to a point. When Jesus refers to himself...
  6. berrychrisc

    Have the Rich Gone to War Against the Poor and Middle Class in America?

    It is no longer the Stone Age, and I do not believe that with our current technology it is necessary for people to live at a subsistence level. I think that people deserve safe, sanitary housing, clean drinking water, sufficient food and clothing, access to medical care and education, access...
  7. berrychrisc

    Did Jesus ever get Sick?

    Pardon me if I'm not following you, but I don't see where either of those passages promises an end to physical death. And as I'm not a fundamentalist, quoting scripture is not productive, as I don't rely on the Bible as a final authority. Jesus gave us a beautiful example of a life filled with...
  8. berrychrisc

    What was Jesus' faith?

    I had read that the wise men were from India, and that Jesus went to India to study. I just finished The Yoga of Jesus, and the Eastern view of Christ is very compelling.
  9. berrychrisc

    Do you really believe that Jesus died for our sins?

    Something as significant as the Crucifixion has many levels of meaning. I don't think that it was as simplistic as a human sacrifice performed to placate a holy, offended God. I don't think we will ever plumb the depths of the mystery of the birth of God as a man or his death. I am convinced...
  10. berrychrisc

    What is the Holy Spirit?

    I like the definition given in The Yoga of Jesus: The Holy Spirit is the sacred, invisible vibratory power of God that actively sustains the universe.
  11. berrychrisc

    Did Jesus ever get Sick?

    There are many, many crucifixes in the world and there are many people who draw strength and comfort from the complete offering of himself that Jesus made. Even without getting into the mechanics (or necessity) of salvation, I would say that his death has helped many people get through their...
  12. berrychrisc

    Did Jesus ever get Sick?

    I'm not a fundamentalist so I'm not entirely convinced the miracles that you mention were literal. I'll comment on the one that seems the most historical - the text mentions that Jesus escaped from the mob because it was not his time to die. Saving yourself for crucifixion doesn't seem terribly...
  13. berrychrisc

    Did Jesus ever get Sick?

    Part of the beauty of the Incarnation was that God experienced life as any human would. I cannot picture Jesus using extraordinary powers to prevent himself from suffering as a normal human would. He did nothing out of the ordinary to help himself when he was tired, hungry or scared, so I can't...
  14. berrychrisc

    I can't believe I am going to die one day...

    The ego, the false self cannot fathom the cessation of its existence. I believe the ego, this particular body's personality does in fact die with the body. The spirit, the spark of the divine that lies within each person, cannot die as it is of the same substance as God. This, I believe, is our...
  15. berrychrisc

    Was there anyone before Adam & Eve ?

    I've thought about this as well. There is evidence that we as Homo sapiens are only the last surviving members of a large Hominid group of primates, and that there were once many different beings that stood upright, used tools and generally behaved as we do. Homo neandertalensis was the last...
  16. berrychrisc

    Pope Implicated in Abuse Scandal

    I agree. I would also say that priests should not have to honor the seal of confession in this instance, or in any case where the welfare of children is in question.
  17. berrychrisc

    Primate of Ireland embroiled in child abuse scandal

    St Francis of Assisi founded the Franciscan order of monks and lived in 13th century Italy. He preached a return to Jesus' basic teachings of love and forgiveness, and he tried to emulate Jesus in every facet of his life. He turned many people back to the Catholic faith at a time when people...
  18. berrychrisc

    The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.

    Our difference lies in that I take a mystical / experiential approach to God and do not rely on an exoteric, literal interpretation of the Bible or any other sacred writing as an ultimate authority. I respect the fact that many Christians take such an approach to understanding God and I have...
  19. berrychrisc

    Pope Implicated in Abuse Scandal

    From MSNBC.com: "We find it extraordinarily hard to believe that Ratzinger didn't reassign the predator, or know about the reassignment," said Barbara Blaine, president and founder of SNAP, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. The pope, meanwhile, continues to be under fire for a 2001...
  20. berrychrisc

    What do you think?

    I see no problem with Christians and Buddhists worshipping together. I think that nothing would please God more than to see His children of different faith traditions praying as one. What better way could there be to initiate a lasting world peace?