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  1. T

    Who Created God?

    Islamic Answer First I ask you, can you count (do you know how to count)? I give an example of numbers. If we take the number zero (0) as the middle. under the zero (0), it goes from 0 to -1 to -2 to ENDLESS, do you know the begin under the zero? (or you can say the last (negatif) number under...
  2. T

    Can humanity surprise God?

    It seems that you disagree with "god doesn't surprise", can you give example how can you surprise God?
  3. T

    Comment on the literal interpretation of the bible

    good reply in OP :) all those questions are in context of scriptures or just picked up and quoted out of context?
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    Jesus in the Qur'an and the Bible

    None of the Bible’s Writers Believed That Jesus is God: All of the writers of the Bible believed that God was not Jesus. The idea that Jesus is God did not become part of Christian belief until after the Bible was written, and took many centuries to become part of the faith of Christians...
  5. T

    Why some believers and nonbelievers don't see eye to eye on free will

    Doesn't atheist disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods? The big difference between atheist & theist is: atheist doesn't believe in God's religions but he follows His own beliefs/theories, theist/believers trust, surrender and believe 100% in God, his scriptures and his messengers.
  6. T

    Why doesnt god kill Satan?

    Evil/Satan can't be good in this world. God Created poison for test that we don't use it for suicide, similarly, Evil/devil is a tool test humans in this world. so, Poison is harmful for body and prohibited use to suicide, similarly, Satan/Evil/Devil is our biggest enemy and prohibited to be...
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    Why doesnt god kill Satan?

    5 Reasons On Why Does God Test Us God tests His believing servants with various types of crises and disasters in order to: 1) Reveal the Patient from the Impatient 2) Remove Our Sins and Reward the Righteous 3) Purify the Ranks and Distinguish the Righteous from the Wicked 4) Emphasize the...
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    How do you View Sin?

    In general we can say that a sin is committed when someone causes harm to themselves or to others or to any part of creation. The guilt depends on the intention of the sinner. In its most extreme form someone does deliberately harmful and destructive acts rejecting any appeals to do what is for...
  9. T

    The end of the world and relativity

    Islmaic prospect, when life on earth will come to an end (al-Qiyamah). Angel Israfil will blow the horn. This tremendous blast will rip the hearts of the humans and kill all living creature on earth, including humans and, jinn; no humans or jinn will stay alive. After the death of the humans...
  10. T

    Can humanity surprise God?

    It is our human mind's limitations we can't understand or get clear proof of unseens. you've to believe and trust God and his scriptures which is called FAITH. if god said there are Angels, life after death and day of judgment etc stuff, if we just use our brain, I don't think those after death...
  11. T

    Is there Free Will in Heaven?

    I conclude discussion because we are running around bush and going nowhere. Don't you believe something about God having a plan for everyone's life? -Having knowledge is different than having plan or decision making. You've misunderstood this subject, you think God has limitations like humans...
  12. T

    Jesus Chirst or Isa(pbuh) in Islam and his Second Coming

    Jesus Christ OR Isa(pbuh) in Islam, and his Second Coming by Mufti A.H. Elias I. Jesus Christ or Isa (A.S.) In Islam Muslims do believe that Isa (A.S.) was sent down as a Prophet of Allah (God), but he (Jesus) is not God or Lord, nor the son of God. Muslims do not believe that Isa (A.S.)...
  13. T

    The end of the world and relativity

    you're talking like back to the future and other sci-fi type story. Time is factor in this universe, so, it's not possible, you can exit this universe, it's not possible, According to Islam, the moment will arrive and entire universe will be destroy same time, same moment. but even for the sake...
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    Can humanity surprise God?

    @bold we should study about God so, we understand how it's possible for god to give free will to humans and knowing future same time without any contradictions :yes:
  15. T

    Is there Free Will in Heaven?

    For example, If I get vision about your future and I can see what restaurant you will go tonight, what will you order for dinner and how much you will tip to waiter. How can you prove that you don't have free will tonight over your choice of restaurant, ordering dinner and tipping or not...
  16. T

    Can humanity surprise God?

    this world if full of wonders. religions teach us that god alone run this entire universe. It's hard to believe how god can alone can run and rule this entire universe, but god knows how, scientifically, it's not possible, similarly, God knows how he can solve puzzle of contradictions of Having...
  17. T

    Is there Free Will in Heaven?

    Allah has told us in islam that Allah has fulll knowledge of everything and he has given free will in this life, Mulsims beleive that Allah has power on everything, he can have knowledge of our futures and same time he can give us free will, it's very easy for him. so, if your mind can't accept...
  18. T

    Is there Free Will in Heaven?

    Free will mean you have freedom to chose between right and wrong, true and false, good and bad. when I make decision, god will not send angel or messenger or appear and interrupt in my decision making. do you have different type of free will?
  19. T

    Is there Free Will in Heaven?

    what is definition of free will in this world to you? If your neighbor has vision and he can see your next 6 months future and he is out of country and can't contact you. how can it effect on your free will ? it will effect only if your neighbor tell you about vision to you but as long as he...
  20. T

    Is there Free Will in Heaven?

    It's your interpretations that god has vision of future mean No free will. normal people think logical way. You've made all your decisions in year 2009, you can't blame anyone or god for that, you had advantage of free will last year. Free will and knowledge of future are two different...