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Search results

  1. C

    Faith vs. Works (Good)

    I am still wondering why I need saved? When I look at religions where salvation is the key, I always come back to the fundemental aspect of why I need to be saved. I do not buy that one man acted against God therefore I am born with sin. Also saved from whom! The concept of salvation comes...
  2. C

    Regarding the Bible

    I had to laugh at this one... so if you had a young son who would he thank at Christmas Santa or God for his toys? Would it bother you if your child thought Santa supplied the gifts not you?
  3. C

    Regarding the Bible

    This is going to get pointless if you do not answer questions directly put to you but throw out other useless questions. So to your reply (which are always short and very sparse), then existence is different from the word "exist" like I used. Existence is a way of living as opposed to exist...
  4. C

    Regarding the Bible

    I will answer this. Actually no I would not be jealous at all. It would be enough to know that he had these things not his praise for my gifts. But that's not the real question is it. The real question is why should a God be jealous over people woshipping other Gods when he knows they do not...
  5. C

    Regarding the Bible

    I disagree with this as God commanded his followers to slaughter people even including the children. When the don't do as he says then he rebukes them! So are you saying that God was blameless and men should of commited genocide so it was mans fault? Spanish inquisition! I will leave it at...
  6. C

    Faith and Religion: Does Everyone Have To Be The Same?

    I relate the choice of faiths down to 'rational choice theory' as people will choose a new faith based on the benefits. I think the Christian sect of morminism is a great example of this theory. Human beings desire reward and avoid cost.
  7. C

    Jealous God?

    I think these are metaphors that try to inform the people that nothing should come before the loyalty to God. When I say 'nothing' I am alluding to materialistic items, gold, silver, wealth and so on. Or in modern terms plasma TV's which get some people into debt.