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Faith and Religion: Does Everyone Have To Be The Same?


Premium Member
When I used to post at various Christian forums, I used to get criticized for my belief that more than one religion may have The Truth. They usually would use Jesus' words that He is the way. I believe those words to be true, but were they aimed at all peoples or at just to the people He was speaking to? Since I have no way of knowing that, I will just accept the various faiths.

There are a lot of differences in different faiths and religions, but at the same time there are a lot of similarities, too. One thing that solidified this belief was reading an amazing book called Living Buddha, Living Christ, a book written by Thich Nhat Hanh. I read it about 18 months ago and I loved it. I would recommend to Christians as a good example.

Does anyone think the same way? Do you think faith and religions can all have the truth or can there only be one faith and one religion?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Personally, Christine, I think there are only really two religions in the world:

One is comprised of people looking to serve God and their fellow humans any way they can, and under whatever name seems best to them.

The other is comprised of people trying to get God and their fellow humans to serve them any way they can get away with, and under whatever name works most effectively.

Sheep and goats.


Premium Member
I don't use the terms faith and religions but beliefs. I believe all beliefs have value. I also believe the world would be much worse if we only had one belief.


Well-Known Member
When I used to post at various Christian forums, I used to get criticized for my belief that more than one religion may have The Truth. They usually would use Jesus' words that He is the way. I believe those words to be true, but were they aimed at all peoples or at just to the people He was speaking to? Since I have no way of knowing that, I will just accept the various faiths.

There are a lot of differences in different faiths and religions, but at the same time there are a lot of similarities, too. One thing that solidified this belief was reading an amazing book called Living Buddha, Living Christ, a book written by Thich Nhat Hanh. I read it about 18 months ago and I loved it. I would recommend to Christians as a good example.

Does anyone think the same way? Do you think faith and religions can all have the truth or can there only be one faith and one religion?

In order to understand this fully, a person first needs to recognise the human traite of wanting to, or needing to be different from what the individual personally believes is wrong. Birds of a feather will flock together. This is most noted in adolescents who rebel against their parents, they don't want to be anything like them, and want to be different.

Albeit, the more a person tries to be different, the more they remain the same.

Differences are what causes a lot of the worlds problems, from family disputes up to wars. No family disagreement or war has ever been caused by people in agreement.

Most religions have the same teachings, all that is needed now is for them to be reasonable enough to understand it and see it. A big ask where human intelligence is concerned.


New Member
I relate the choice of faiths down to 'rational choice theory' as people will choose a new faith based on the benefits.

I think the Christian sect of morminism is a great example of this theory. Human beings desire reward and avoid cost.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I think it would be a pretty boring world if we were all the same,although i dislike religion i think personal faith can be of great benefit to people.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I think that diversity is natural and that truth exists in all things.
I will say though that many religions emphasise that there is only one way, one truth. That is one reason why I do not adhere to those particular religions.


It seems to me that it is in any religion's interest to claim to be the one 'true' faith - by indicating that those who don't believe in their particular religion are 'wrong' at best or are destined to spend eternity in hell at worst they are trying to make people fearful. People are often scared what happens to them after death and are looking for a more palatable 'answer' than that they will be worm food. By the different religions telling them if they follow that religions particular 'path' they will live on in some way - heaven, reincarnation etc etc - they give the concerned a 'nice' answer.

This way it gets them more 'supporters' and therefore more money, power and influence over the remaining population...the bigger the religion, the more people it attracts (If millions of people believe it, it must be true!), the more people it attracts the bigger the power and influence and round and round we go!

As I say, the one true religion thing is a big selling point....any business model will tell you to use such a tool!


Well-Known Member
Personally I always think of the elephant story. There are four blind men who've been led to an elephant and designated one part of it's body to feel in order to determine what an elephant is. One gets an ear, one get's a leg, one gets the tail and one gets the back.
The one with the ear says, "an elephant is like a fan."
The one with the leg says, "no, it's more like a pillar."
The one with the tail says, "actually, it's more like a rope."
The one with the back says, "you're all wrong, an elephant is a lot like a boulder."

All the blind men were correct in their own way, but none of them could see the bigger picture and thus determine what an elephant truly is. I think religions (and some "forms" of atheism) are like this.


Well-Known Member
I think it would be a pretty boring world if we were all the same,although i dislike religion i think personal faith can be of great benefit to people.

So why do you believe the world would be boring if all shared the same religious or spiritual belief, even if this was the religious and spiritual beliefs of atheism?

Surely people would still be different? Some people would like sport, some ballet et al. Having only one belief, would take away one avenue of animosity in people. If it is the abuse you would miss, this wouldn't take away the animosity the English have for the French and vice versa sort of thing, there would still be many things people could vent their prejudices on.


Well-Known Member
If everybody is rushing to be different, then they are exactly the same, and really defeating the purpose.


We're not "rushing to be different"; we simply accept--and indeed, celebrate!--our diversity as well as our unity.

Try it: you just might like it! :)



Agnostic Pantheist
When I used to post at various Christian forums, I used to get criticized for my belief that more than one religion may have The Truth.
If adherents to different religions drop the idea of 'The Truth', they could coexist more easily. believers would not hold their religion's theological narratives to be a universal absolute truth which would have to mean excluding the traditions of other faiths.
Does anyone think the same way? Do you think faith and religions can all have the truth or can there only be one faith and one religion?
I think we need to define what we mean by 'truth'.


Well-Known Member
When I used to post at various Christian forums, I used to get criticized for my belief that more than one religion may have The Truth. They usually would use Jesus' words that He is the way. I believe those words to be true, but were they aimed at all peoples or at just to the people He was speaking to? Since I have no way of knowing that, I will just accept the various faiths.

There are a lot of differences in different faiths and religions, but at the same time there are a lot of similarities, too. One thing that solidified this belief was reading an amazing book called Living Buddha, Living Christ, a book written by Thich Nhat Hanh. I read it about 18 months ago and I loved it. I would recommend to Christians as a good example.

Does anyone think the same way? Do you think faith and religions can all have the truth or can there only be one faith and one religion?

Two contradicting concepts CANNOT be both true.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Anyone who thinks all people can, or should, live under one system of belief, knows nothing about people, and less about any truths.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Christine- based on your original post. That would only be true if having a belief made a person moral. Holding specific beliefs doesn't make a person good, including Christian beliefs. There are good people in all religions.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
When I used to post at various Christian forums, I used to get criticized for my belief that more than one religion may have The Truth. They usually would use Jesus' words that He is the way. I believe those words to be true, but were they aimed at all peoples or at just to the people He was speaking to? Since I have no way of knowing that, I will just accept the various faiths.
I remember someone (I believe sojourner, IIRC) gave a quote here years ago that's stuck with me: "we know where God is, but we do not know where God is not." Proclaiming the truth of one religion doesn't necessarily imply the falsehood of all others.

Does anyone think the same way? Do you think faith and religions can all have the truth or can there only be one faith and one religion?
Depends on the religion. Some preach that they have an exclusive claim on truth; others don't. And even some of the ones that claim that they alone have the truth preach that false beliefs can be useful as stepping stones to reach true belief.

Two contradicting concepts CANNOT be both true.
IMO, a lot of contradiction in religion depends greatly on interpretation.