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  1. Minister_E

    Does prayer work?

    First I believe that you go into prayer a certain way in a cetrain respect......yeah prayer works...Im a walking testamony in how prayer works....But his is a topic where were all gonna have this mindset "you think your right...I KNOW im right" therefore...lol.....For people like me who have...
  2. Minister_E

    does reliogion allow you to believe in hauntings

    spirirts dwell...not like Ghost like we think but you know whern you walk into a room and you feel drained.....something like that....could be a spirit controdiction your annointing...idk it's hard to explain but spirits in a place yes haunting no....
  3. Minister_E

    No proof of god.

  4. Minister_E

    What is the "Right" word to use ?

    I dont think that it's a matter of right or wrong....Apostolics use Holy Ghost because in Act 2:38 (which is a key scripture in the denomination) it sayes you shall recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost...thats it...were all talking about the same spirit so use what your confortable
  5. Minister_E

    Are SPiritual gifts really dead??? NOPE

    THANK YOU!!!! finally someone who makes sense....lol
  6. Minister_E

    Are SPiritual gifts really dead??? NOPE

    OK im a student at Liberty University and we have had this conversation hundreds of times here about Spiritual Gifts tongues in particular....Most here in the bible belt say yeah they are dead I say no and heres why.... We understand that God said that he would pour out his spirit upon All...
  7. Minister_E

    Favourite songs of Worship.

    I think this is everyone's testamony I'm Still HERE- Dorinda Clark Cole When I look back over my life and I see all the things God's done for me; been through dangers, heartache, and trouble, I thank the Lord, He rescued me. I could have been dead and gone, but the Lord he spared my life...
  8. Minister_E

    Beliefs in the second comming. Is it required?

    If they are a Bible believing Bible Teaching church I would hope so
  9. Minister_E

    Do I need to study ministry to preach to a congregation?

    No...I'm a firm believer in if your called God will tell you what to say....Getting that education is a great thing....I started preaching in front of Congregations before I recieved higher education in ministry.....Look at a lot of these old time pastors and Bishops..they don't have this...
  10. Minister_E

    Empowerment by the Holy Spirit

    It's a personal thing a lot of the time...The Holy Spirit won't fall on every at the same time.... It's a personal thing.... The holy spirit aslo known as the holy ghost at times can be identified through gifts...Read the book of Act it gives a lot of clarity on how you know
  11. Minister_E

    "It's the most wonderful time of the year..."

    I for one don't do Halloween and that has nothing to do with religion.....But I do believe that it was a Peagan holiday therefore in my eyes your wrong but on those same lines people arn't doing the rituals that the peagans did....therefore I couldnt really say....as far as Christmas I never got...
  12. Minister_E

    Why did God send Satan to us instead of hell.

    Could You explain where you came to the conclusion that Job failed in his faith...My bible say on many occasion that during Job's long suffering he kept faith in God... Job 19:25-27..Job's test was to see if he was ever going to speak down on the lords name....and He never did that...time and...
  13. Minister_E

    Christians: How to tell if a Prophet is a true Prophet

    Madhatter U said it perfectly
  14. Minister_E

    Christians: Was the race of Adam and Noah, white?

    No disrespect Im sure your asking just cause your curious but does it really matter in ternms of faith....does it matter....
  15. Minister_E

    Christians: Christianity is too involved with politics

    Not even really digging spiritually...but this country was founded on Biblical principals Im sure the founders of this country would totally disagree with the statement about Christianity is too involved in polotics far from it we just need to approach it in a more Christ like manner
  16. Minister_E

    Which is more important to understanding the will of God? Christians only please!

    Well Personally I think it's a combination of these things according to the word.. A personal relationship with God An understanding of the word and a strong prayer life and form there God will make his WILL apparent to you...
  17. Minister_E

    No proof of god.

  18. Minister_E

    Why did God send Satan to us instead of hell.

    OK DL maybe I can help you..... God doesn't send the devil (for the exception of Job from what we know) what he does do is allow the devil in once in a while to test your faith....God wants to see if you are really didicated...God could do those things himself but he made a promise to the New...
  19. Minister_E

    Jesus said “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

    Well Im looking as we speak but the bible does indicate what to do when cival disobedience is acceptable and how to handle a government like that...check this out A. Authority of government is not unlimited. 1. Not blind patriotism, "my country, right or wrong" 2. Absolute...
  20. Minister_E

    a topic that has been on my mind lately in regards to the soul...

    hmmmm......selling your soul to the Devil biblically is disobeying the first commandment... You should have noi God's before me....selling your soul in the first place you can't do b/c how can you sell something that doesnt belong to you... Some would argue that sin is sin I completely agree...