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Search results

  1. N

    Universal health care would be a good thing

    your right, our system is messed up, but that doesn't mean we don't have the best doctors. its just common sense, I never had a theory, I just stated a simple fact, nothing more,
  2. N

    Conservative Only: Does Acceptance of Homosexual Behavior Lead To...? (Revisited)

    Ok, what the hell (sorry, but really) does inter-racial marriage have to do with ANYTHING? not mad man, your just not making an sense is all,
  3. N

    What Changes Does Obama Stand For?

    So you whine about Bush not keeping gas prices low yet you block EVERY attempt made by him to drill for more oil!!??? amazing, explain?
  4. N

    Universal health care would be a good thing

    Wow, try reading my post again, I'll repeat it in bold to compensate your poor vision... WE HAVE THE BEST DOCTORS, do you see the word 'healthcare' in that sentence at all? NO,
  5. N

    New to ReligiousForums. Hi everyone!

    isn't he amazing? Ted Dekkar is also brilliant,
  6. N

    What Changes Does Obama Stand For?

    It is a well known fact the the news and media are largely Liberal and Left-wing. I am also wondering how accurate your little poster is, probably as much so as a kindergarten girl writing a NYT bestselling novel,
  7. N

    Conservative Only: Does Acceptance of Homosexual Behavior Lead To...? (Revisited)

    I'm not understanding what you mean exactly, if a black guy and caucasian woman have sex there will still be a human being born out of that, but sex with another man or animal there is no life as a result. This argument is rather complicated and technical as we could argue the laws of nature...
  8. N

    What is your stance on the war in Iraq?

    The only 'failure' and 'mistake' would have been to let that guy get away with murder, I stand by my comments,
  9. N

    What Changes Does Obama Stand For?

    Obama is a liberal, and they are obsessed with raising taxes, McCain may flip-flop but he likely won't. McCain supports the war, and Iraq is FAR safer today then 6 years ago, go and ask patraeus. A universal healthcare would very quickly banrapt the U.S. even if it didn't how is he going to get...
  10. N

    Universal health care would be a good thing

    uh, explain? This was my first post on the subject, and no, I wasn't proved wrong, its true, we've got the best in the world.
  11. N

    Universal health care would be a good thing

    autodidact, your missing the point, we pay more because we have the best doctors. We do, you pay for what you get. P.S. Canada's healthcare sucks badly, and we are suppose to be like them?
  12. N

    What Changes Does Obama Stand For?

    1.) raising taxes 2.) bankrupting America 3.) loosing a war Sound good? thought not,
  13. N

    What is your stance on the war in Iraq?

    They shouldn't, unless your not a U.S patriot, then I can see why they would.
  14. N

    Conservative Only: Does Acceptance of Homosexual Behavior Lead To...? (Revisited)

    Firstly, Danisty is right, let people do whatever they want behind closed doors, its their life. But allow me take this further. I oppose gay marraige, allow me to explain. Do don't have to even be a christian to see as "unhealthful". Why is that STD's are rocketing among gays? (its true, look...
  15. N

    Is there any "green" conservatives out there?

    I think it is a good thing to recycle (I don't LOL) and I consider the environment a high priority. But there has to be balance. These left-wing environment guys are way too radical and part of the reason our economy is bad as it is. I support off-shore drilling and in Alaska.
  16. N

    Your favorite Candidate -and your least favorite candidate.

    I originally supported Huckabee, now I support McCain. While he isn't the best guy, he nonetheless needs all the support, from EVERY right winger to make sure Obama stays out. P.S. don't get me worked up on Obama, ggggrrrrrrrrr.
  17. N

    What is your stance on the war in Iraq?

    First, we will likely never FULLY be able to tell if Iraq was directly involved, but that's beside the point. The point was Saddam was murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people, and we stood by and let it happen for years. I consider that shameful, it doesn't matter if he wasn't...
  18. N

    Science Fiction

    Hmm, Ender's Game! awsome book!
  19. N

    New to ReligiousForums. Hi everyone!

    The title speaks for itself, new to the forums. I think the best way to know someone is by telling them a little about yourself. Hi, my name is Seth, I am 21 years old and a lifelong Christian, though I consider my beliefs to be non denominational, as I have found too many flaws within the...