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What Changes Does Obama Stand For?


Intentionally Blank
1.) raising taxes
Which do you prefer:
(1) raising taxes
(2) cutting spending
(3) going bankrupt.
Please pick one; there are no other options. So far, Bush has chosen door # 3. I like door # 2, myself, which is why we need to get out of Iraq ASAP. Which door do you choose?


2.) bankrupting America

Sound good? thought not,

It is a well known fact the the news and media are largely Liberal and Left-wing.

I am also wondering how accurate your little poster is, probably as much so as a kindergarten girl writing a NYT bestselling novel,


Intentionally Blank
It is a well known fact the the news and media are largely Liberal and Left-wing.

I am also wondering how accurate your little poster is, probably as much so as a kindergarten girl writing a NYT bestselling novel,

Denying reality is one way to avoid cognitive dissonance. Here it is from several different sources:




As you can see, the data comes from the Congressional Budget Office. Did you want to call them liars, too? As you can see, Bush immediately erased the surplus that Clinton built up, and plunged us directly into the largest deficit in American history. Those are the facts, Jack. Now are you ready to vote Democrat, to avoid bankruptcy? Or is that suddenly no longer a concern for you?


United States National Debt (1938 to Present)
An Analysis of the Presidents Who Are Responsible for the Borrowing
By Steve McGourty


That's right, the last 3 Republicans, Reagan, Bush and Bush, all racked up record deficits, and managed to somehow persuade the public that deficits are a Democrat thing, when in fact the Democratic President, Clinton, not only erased those deficits, but generated a budget surplus. Ready to vote Democrat now?

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Intentionally Blank
So you whine about Bush not keeping gas prices low yet you block EVERY attempt made by him to drill for more oil!!??? amazing, explain?
Someone whined about Bush not keeping gas prices low? What post was that?

I asked you a question, Nemesis. Actually, I asked you a couple. Would you mind answering them, or do I need to ask them again?


Intentionally Blank
btw, Nemesis, did you want to withdraw your spurious accusation of lying that you made against Alceste, or did you just want to lose any shred of credibility that you ever thought about having? Do you need a few more charts to persuade you of the FACTS? How about some nice raw data, would that do it?


Well-Known Member
S'OK - Sunstone is right. I am not a fan of the Democrats, as you might be able to guess from the "beholden to the same corporate interests" bit, but at least they are not certifiably insane. A little ineffectual hand wringing over the plight of the masses is a damn sight better than outright contempt.

If it was up to me I'd go for Nader.

If it was up to me I'd go for Brian Moore or Cynthia McKinney. But yeah I generally go to the person who has a chance who at least has a lot of the similar views I have. Of course as a communist that's hard here in the States....


Well-Known Member
On a more positive note.

-An attempt at turning away from standard Washington politico games which I applaud. I think Washington is going to turn him rather than the other way around though.

-Respectability in the eyes of the nations which I applaud as long as we do not compromise our own values to gain approval.

-Government expansion which I am not a fan of.

OK, two out of three are positive. What do ya expect from me.

- I think it can still go either way. It all depends on how the republicans play a long and if Obama gets a democratic house and senate.

- That's already been done hon. I don't think the world can hate the country enough.

- Uh look at George Bush and the republicans of the previous Congress....


Well-Known Member
To be honest, this is all I care about: getting the Republicans out of the White House.

There was a time I would've supported McCain, but I've been deeply disappointed in him since then.

Why? He's always been this way. People just buy into the myth of him for some reason.


Well-Known Member
--Restructuring the tax code to benefit the lower income families more and wealthy people less.
--respect for the Constitution
--ending the war in Iraq
--respect for law, national and international
--trying to find points of unity, instead of division
--universal health care.

-- No it'll be the middle class like always as Clinton did. He's a bourgeoisie politician.

-- What about the latest FISA thing? I didn't like that....

-- Hopefully. I think he will do that at least to where it's not like now however I wish he'd change Afghanistan although I don't see that happening.

-- Let's hope although I think the CIA will have another thing to say about it.

-- Sometimes you need to fight crooks.

-- Not the route he's going with health insurance companies still involved. I guess he missed Michael Moore's last movie?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
btw, Nemesis, did you want to withdraw your spurious accusation of lying that you made against Alceste, or did you just want to lose any shred of credibility that you ever thought about having?

Too late. Nemesis has all the creditability of a 14 year old troll with me now. He's had his chance and he's flunked.


Well-Known Member
You mean income redistribution? People who paid no taxes getting a refund? That is dishonest! How do you refund something that was not paid in the first place? Not the second amendment That the Democrats voted for. I am not a world citizen, I do not recognize any world authority. I don't remember electing them.......... Income redistribution is socialism plain and simple. That is divisive to say the least. The jury is still out on that one.

-- That's how you help the poor but that's not what the bourgeoisie do. They make the rich pay more taxes to help ease the bourgeoisie.

-- So what about George Bush violating the fourth, fifth, and sixth? I'll never understand how people can be so passionate about one amendment but yet **** on all the others. They're all as equal as the next.

-- And that George Bush lied about and manipulated evidence a long with Tony Blair. They're criminals.

-- You still have to follow international laws hon. I suggest you read the Nuremberg Trials. You know what that is correct?

-- No it's not. It's bourgeoisie politics. Learn what socialism is. You're clueless and this is a communist telling you that.


Well-Known Member
Obama is a liberal, and they are obsessed with raising taxes, McCain may flip-flop but he likely won't. McCain supports the war, and Iraq is FAR safer today then 6 years ago, go and ask patraeus. A universal healthcare would very quickly banrapt the U.S. even if it didn't how is he going to get all this money for healthcare for everyone? raise taxes.

I don't think its right that you recieve healthcare if your some government leech not paying taxes and working. Theyre is no such thing as true "bum" anymore, there are tones of halfway homes and such for them to get their lives straight, they just dont want to becuase ther are on drugs or something.

Obama is not a liberal. He's a very moderate democrat and has always been that way. McCain may flipflop? He already does it every time he opens his mouth! LOL at your comment about Iraq. Tell that to all those who are now refugees and have lost loved ones. I don't think they'll agree. And why are they telling us to get out? They've been saying that since 2005. LOL we are bankrupt hon. We own millions to China. Oh and look at France. They're doing fine and they have a universal health care plan. If you do it right you won't go bankrupt. Ah so where did the term "compassionate conservative" come from again? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
No one ever stops to think about the fact that it's Congress's fault that our budget is so high and not the President's. They also don't think about the fact that the war would have probably been over sooner were it not for Congress fighting tooth and nail to remove funding for it (inevitably extending the war and causing more soldier casualties).

George Bush does have the veto pen. Some of it is his fault too. He didn't know the veto pen exists until the democrats got control. Uh hon the Democrats haven't done such a thing if you've been paying attention. The only person who has is Dennis Kucinich and maybe Ron Paul but I'm not for sure of that. More soldier casualties? Have you seen the number lately? I take it not....


Well-Known Member
Well, you're probably right, electing Republicans to Congress is at least as bad as for President. That four-year period with a Republican Congress and President nearly bankrupted us. Because of all those votes when Congress denied funding for the war? Those non-existent votes, you mean?

It cracks me up when, after laying the biggest egg in American history, Republicans try to blame it on the Democrats. One more reason not to vote for them: failure to take responsibility.

Nearly? We are. And that doesn't count Iraq and Afghanistan's debt. Oh yes. That's all the Republicans are good at it seems. Blaming others for their faults but yet when it comes to helping the homeless and everyone in general who isn't the top five percent then they are about personal responsibility. :rolleyes: