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What is the proper way to spread religion?


Guardian of Asgaard
Now that would depend on the person right. It could be all that it is them, or non out all. That's way one can't judge something like religion be one or two groups, all must be looked at in there own way.

Unfortunately you can never make that distinction as the people always state they work in the name of god, and religion blames the people for their actions. Storm summed it up pretty well :)


Admiral Obvious
Now that would depend on the person right. It could be all that it is them, or non out all. That's way one can't judge something like religion be one or two groups, all must be looked at in there own way.
you would think that they would at least have the decency to pick another name.....


RF Addict
For purposes of this thread, I think it's only reasonable to include atheism.

I would honestly love to see a criticism of how atheism has been spread, since it has only been a really vocal movement in the last few years. And that has been pretty much the publication of books and television interviews and the like - these are a pretty good way of spreading religion - those viewing the media obviously have the option of not viewing it.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
There are many methods that have been used throughout history. For your personal beliefs, what do you feel is the 1) most effective method of providing religion to others, 2) the proper (or moral) method and 3) your own personal method?

What's the proper way to spread peanut butter?


I would honestly love to see a criticism of how atheism has been spread, since it has only been a really vocal movement in the last few years. And that has been pretty much the publication of books and television interviews and the like - these are a pretty good way of spreading religion - those viewing the media obviously have the option of not viewing it.
How about openly mocking creationists? The spread of atheism has been done mostly through ridicule, which is surprising coming from people who choose to trust reason above all else. And funny that you should mention free will. Since when do people whether or not to listen to theists? It's all the same.

Have you ever met a theist that, when the subject of religion is brought up, can't help but thrust his faith upon you. EVERY single atheist I've met, whenever anything remotely religious is brought up, feels the need to bring up their own views on the subject. THAT is called evangelizing, as scientific and factual as they may think they are being, and how is it any different than a religious person talking about what THEY think is factual?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I really don't feel like scanning through 3 pages, so I'll just state my own believes on the proper way to spread religion.
1) Make educational material (such as books and websites) that is widely available, and is very inexpensive.
2) Do not make absurd claims that are easily debunked.
3) Do not force it down other's throats, or be pushy about it.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
How about openly mocking creationists?
That's easy, Tom.
Creationists are such easy targets, because they insist on trying to sell it as science (which, in itself, makes the selling of creationism a mockery).

Have you ever met a theist that, when the subject of religion is brought up, can't help but thrust his faith upon you.
Are you serious? I mean - is this a rhetorical question?
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Have you ever met a theist that, when the subject of religion is brought up, can't help but thrust his faith upon you. EVERY single atheist I've met, whenever anything remotely religious is brought up, feels the need to bring up their own views on the subject.
Depending on the discussion, I'll state my believes on a subject, but I have never went any further, nor have I ever tried to convert people. Alot of athiest I know are the same way.
Basic discussion and debating does require one to mention thier point of views on the subject. From thier it can either remain a discussion, or someone can push thier own views on others.


Question Everything
I really don't feel like scanning through 3 pages, so I'll just state my own believes on the proper way to spread religion.
1) Make educational material (such as books and websites) that is widely available, and is very inexpensive.
2) Do not make absurd claims that are easily debunked.
3) Do not force it down other's throats, or be pushy about it.

I agree.

What is the proper way to spread religion?

IMO - God, through the Holy Spirit, is the only one who can convert anyone.
Try to lead a horse to water... only God can help them drink.


RF Addict
How about openly mocking creationists? The spread of atheism has been done mostly through ridicule, which is surprising coming from people who choose to trust reason above all else.

And you don't think that catch-22 style beliefs are open to ridicule? Or assertations that completely fly in the face of scientific and logical evidence?

And funny that you should mention free will. Since when do people whether or not to listen to theists? It's all the same.

Have you ever met a theist that, when the subject of religion is brought up, can't help but thrust his faith upon you.


EVERY single atheist I've met, whenever anything remotely religious is brought up, feels the need to bring up their own views on the subject.

I don't. The only place I will bring up my personal opinions about religion is here. The rest of the time, I keep my mouth shut, because I really do not need to cause myself trouble in the normal world with those that are less tolerant of other's beliefs. This is the case for several other atheists here too, from what I have gathered. A poor generalisation.

THAT is called evangelizing, as scientific and factual as they may think they are being, and how is it any different than a religious person talking about what THEY think is factual?

The difference between scientific evidence and biblical evidence is so astoundingly disparate that it deserves, and has, multiple threads dedicated to this one subject.


I think some people are confused.

Are you suggesting that atheism and evolution go hand in hand? We were talking about atheism, and yet somehow evolution came up. I don't think it's relevant to this discussion.