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Search results for query: fairy tails

  1. al-amiyr

    The Qur'aan Cosmological Model: A delineation of the Origin, Evolution and End of the Universe

    The fact of the matter is Einstein was wrong on the matter. He did not predict the expansion of the universe. don't believe in fairy tails. "Are you saying that the Qur'aan makes predictions, but that the scholars of the Qur'aan don't want to believe them, so they ignore them? " Yes the...
  2. rusra02

    Creationists: what prevents you from accepting ToE?

    I think the charge of quote mining, in most cases, is a ploy to discourage the posting of quotes evolutionists find embarrassing. According to one definition of quote mining: "The repeated use of quotes out of context in order to skew or contort the meaning of a passage or speech by an author on...
  3. tumbleweed41

    Creationists: what prevents you from accepting ToE?

    "Evolution is a fact, the Bible is just fairy tails..." Ray Comfort, in an interview with Evangelist Pat Robertson Pun5C3owD0I Ray Comfort admits: "Evolution is a fact!" - YouTube Wow, now this quote mining thing is making me feel guilty and dishonest. I wonder if that is how others who...
  4. tarekabdo12

    Why do men have nipples?

    ...to provide such functions as respiration and digestion. If macroevolution happened, one should find many transitional forms of life with 2–20 cells—filling the gap between one-celled and many-celled organisms. There must be a creator so stop convincing people with your fairy tails.
  5. tumbleweed41

    Samael Aun Weor? Unmoderated opinions please..

    I really have no issue with his spiritual claims. I find them fanciful fairy tails, but one is free to believe as they wish. But when those claims venture into the natural world, the absurdity is obvious. Such as his claim that monkeys are descended from humans through copulation with "beasts"
  6. B

    Jesus And The Law

    To debate about your NT, your have got to know a little better about your NT. Ben
  7. B

    Jesus And The Law

    If Paul was not called a Christian, it is because he didn't believe that Jess was Christ. That's the definition of a Christian. Ben
  8. B

    Jesus And The Law

    I cannot repeat the same proofs in every post. You are wasting my time. Ben
  9. tarekabdo12

    Why do men have nipples?

    ...story, there's no evidence for what u r saying and the fossil record doesn't support it. Evolutionists usually take us to the world of fairy tails to escape scientific facts. In addition, they always call others" ignorant", this is called suggestion in psychiatry. Having no evidence they try...
  10. fallingblood

    Jesus And The Law

    ...away from a Nazarene church if he was in fact a Nazarene? Prove it. You can't, because the NT doesn't talk about the Nazarenes, except for one, when Paul is called one. That is where you fail. You simply haven't read the NT. Instead, you promote propaganda that is founded in your fairy tails.
  11. yourhopeboundheart

    Ghost rules.

    atheists don't believe in gods. we're free to believe in all other sorts of nonsense, provided none of them are gods. and around halloween, we're pretty apt to believe in nonsense.
  12. Gloone

    Ghost rules.

    Atheist don't believe in superstitious fairy tails! Why do you think Ghosts would exist? :rolleyes:
  13. M

    Atheists, so WHY are we really on a 'religious' forum

    ...see fanatics of all kinds getting more and more extreme . We are supposed to be civilized but most of us still live by the prehistoric fairy tails , totally brainwashed , so much so to kill innocent people and believe that it's for a good deed . I only see hatred , wars , terror . And...
  14. SugaCubez352

    No Buddhism without Hinduism

    ...when you retorted to my alternatives that you provided no support or or back up. You make opinions and claims based on convictions and fairy tails telling me Jain founders go back a million years. This defies conventional Western science where it is believed that - according to genetics - our...
  15. L

    40% of Americans belive the world was created 6000-years ago

    Well, the "giant housecat" didn't reveal anything for me. GOD had HIS revelation written down over thousands of years by various writers and yet everything lines up as a perfect standard for what every human should believe. And I can also witness changed lives of those who place their faith in...
  16. Gunfingers

    40% of Americans belive the world was created 6000-years ago

    ...having memories of lives before the moment of creation. Go ahead and disprove it. See how irrelevant that is? Science doesn't deal in fairy tails. It deals in learning as much as it can about the natural world. One of those things is learning how old the earth is and how it formed. If i'm...
  17. Atheologian

    How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research?

    ...when we were wrong, fix the problem, and continue to learn. The scope of our knowledge only broadens, never funnels back, as with religion. Where theologians seek to fill gaps in knowledge with fairy tails and imaginary entities and deities, scientists seek to fill those gaps with more...
  18. J Bryson

    Should the Bible be outlawed

    Funny, I usually hear the "What about the children?" wailing from Christians. Most of the atheists I've met have more sense, and more trust in the ability of human beings to make intelligent decisions on their own when it comes to choice of reading material.
  19. H

    Should the Bible be outlawed

    ...followers rack up the largest body count in the whole of human history then yes, yes it should. The hobbit pails in comparision to the grusomness of the bible. Grim's fairy tails however, well, they're not appropriate for children either. They should at least come with a warning label on them.
  20. T

    Christian Evolutionist:

    If you(Heneni) say that we have to use the bible as a science/history book, then leave any one else alone(you have your own fairy-tails to deal with). Because you only falsify yourself by using circular reasoning, and if you uphold biblical inerrancy , I will have you know, I do not tolerate...