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  1. Gaddock

    Why Homosexuality is Immoral

    But as you yourself pointed out, this post wasn't funny
  2. Gaddock

    Say Something Provocative!

    A beleif that the Bible is inerrant is demonstably false.
  3. Gaddock

    Why Homosexuality is Immoral

    I never really understand the point of posts like this. Basically you are saying some people think one think and some don't - which is true of pretty much every topic on here and which we all know anyway. If you want to make a point why don't you give a reasoned arguement -a point of view backed...
  4. Gaddock

    "My Son is Gay"

    If this mother is really worried about her son she needs to worry about driving him to suicide or at least into the hardships of life without the support of a family when he is driven to leave them behind. What a silly woman. Her therapist is absolutely right and she is absolutely wrong...
  5. Gaddock

    How does evolution explain homosexuality?

    Indeed, a good example of why evolution would not screen out homosexuality even if we held there was a strong genetic element (which I personally think is minimal). Those with a preference for males breed with wives anyway, which is exactly my point. If you object to the use of the term...
  6. Gaddock

    How does evolution explain homosexuality?

    Ancient Greece is a prime example of a society in which homosexual relationships were tolerated alongside and in addition to hetrosexual ones. Many married men would have sex with servents or other men and still be expected to have children with their wives. Regards Gaddock
  7. Gaddock

    Taoism in decline?

    Quote: "Also, many newer religions using Taoist-like ideas. Wicca, for example." I think this is correct. I am a Wiccan but I also practice and teach Tai Chi and Qi-gong. I see Taoism as a philosophy that is completely compatable with my religious outlook. There are also lots of people...
  8. Gaddock

    How does evolution explain homosexuality?

    Because: 1) Homosexuality isn't a (wholy) genetically determined trait. It is as much to do with early childhood experience and a range of other psychological factors(e.g. the more older brothers a male has, the more likely they are to be homosexual). Therefore there is no reason why this...
  9. Gaddock

    Listen to the Word of God my brethren

    "The Word of the Lord is full of living power" Its also full of contridictions so it certainly can't have been the word of a perfect or infalible God. Regards Gaddock
  10. Gaddock

    Is hell fair?

    This topic seems to have gone off hell onto the bible in general. Wouldn't the present discussion fit better on the 'literal and infallable word of God' thread? Regards Gaddock
  11. Gaddock

    Is hell fair?

    I think this view is correct. The view we here from some Christian quarters is that: a)We have a choice over whether to obey god or not b) We choose to behave in a way that god deems is wrong Therefore c) It is our fault we go to hell not gods. This arguement basically says that it is...
  12. Gaddock

    The literal & infallible word of God

    Well Its a week ago now that JC asked me if I was game for this challenge which I replied to with an example. I'm yet to hear from him about this though. Bit of a disapointment really! Regards Gaddock
  13. Gaddock

    The literal & infallible word of God

    Hi JC, Well I'm certainly game to talk about contradictions, and I think its important to think a little about what we mean by effecting the validity of the overall Bible message. When we look at how the Bible was put together an indepenent historian might expect that stories about the life of...
  14. Gaddock

    The literal & infallible word of God

    JCMasters wrote: "Put yourself in God's place for a moment for this example. Let's say you wanted to get your message out to your creation. Time has no meaning for you, and you want your message to come from different angles, different sources, and different times but the final product be...
  15. Gaddock

    Pagans, Recons and LHPers - comparirons?

    Although I'm not claiming to be the greatest expert on Hinduism, I did study it for a while and their have certainly been atheistic strains within Hindusim - or at least versions that did not see God as ultimately a personal entity. As I said, hinduism has been very diverse. Whether you would...
  16. Gaddock

    role call! how many active Pagans do we have here?

    Thanks Gentoo, and hi! Regards Gaddock
  17. Gaddock

    Pagans, Recons and LHPers - comparirons?

    Hi UltraViolet, Hinduism is actually quite broad and it would depend on the emphasis of the individual. Many hindus practice devotion to a particular deity they see as a manifestation of Braham, which would be a RHP focus. However, you are right that the Braham-Atman doctrine can be read in...
  18. Gaddock

    Pagans, Recons and LHPers - comparirons?

    Hi Storm, Yes I did mean Panentheist. I was typing quickly and carelessly without due care. Regards Gaddock
  19. Gaddock

    Pagans, Recons and LHPers - comparirons?

    Hi Ultraviolet - yes I agree. I have a pantheionistic concept of God of which we are an important and conscious constituent part. When we accept our own divinity we understand we have a source of access to divine power. However, we only fully realsie this divinity by understanding our...
  20. Gaddock

    role call! how many active Pagans do we have here?

    Hi all, I've just joined this forum and I'm an initaited Gardnerian Witch, although I'm not a hard gard and I explore wider than Wicca. Regards Gaddock