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Search results

  1. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Physical Appearance of Ya'juj and Ma'juj There are many different narration's regarding their appearance. These different narration's suggest that Yajuj and Ma'juj are of three types. 1) Some are as tall as the tree Arz - that is 120 ft. 2) Some are four arm lengths tall and four arm...
  2. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Myths Many myths surround Ya'juj and Ma'juj. One being that the common people believe that Ya'juj and Ma'juj are not human beings but some kind of third being. How interesting it may be to believe that they are a third being, the reality is that they are human beings just like yourself...
  3. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Trying to break free Abu Huraira (R.A.) narrated that every day Ya'juj Ma'juj try to break free through the wall of Zulqarnain until they reach the end of it to the extent that they could actually see the light on the other side. They then return home saying, ''We will break through...
  4. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    The wall of Zulqarnain Many different opinions have been expressed as to the location of the iron wall of Zulqarnain. Having read many books, the best on the subject I came across was Sheikh Hifzur-Rahman's "Stories of the Qur'an" and thus have chosen to share a brief summary of what...
  5. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Ya'juj Ma'juj and Zulqarnain Many thousands of years ago the barbarous tribes of Yajuj and Ma'juj were imprisoned behind an iron wall built by Zulqarnayn. Referred to in the Qur'an in Surah Al-Kahf. Zulqarnayn was a Muslim Arab (fathul bari) who lived at the time of the Prophet Ibraheem...
  6. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Ya'juj Ma'juj (Gog and Magog) The emergence of the mighty tribes of Ya'juj and Ma'juj is also a major sign of Qiyamah. Allah says in the Qur'an, "When Ya'juj and Ma'juj are let loose (from their Barrier) and they swiftly swarm from every mound" (Surah Al-Anbiya) Allah says in...
  7. Judgement Day

    A Nice Picture of Islam

    Agreed, DD.:highfive:
  8. Judgement Day

    Arab Proverb "If you have much give your wealth, if you have little give your heart"

    Hi God is Love, I'd love to contribute to this thread, here are a couple: Dwell not upon thy weariness, thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire. Examine what is said, not him who speaks. Make your bargain before beginning to plow. JD
  9. Judgement Day

    Hadith (Sayings of the Prophet pbuh)

    Volume 9, Book 93, Number 577: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "If Allah loves a person, He calls Gabriel, saying, 'Allah loves so and so, O Gabriel love him' So Gabriel would love him and then would make an announcement in the Heavens: 'Allah has loved so and-so therefore...
  10. Judgement Day

    Muslims can't get saved

    Pat Robertson...he really gets into my nerve.
  11. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Mirza Ghulam and the True Messiah We learn from the Hadith of Nawwas bin Sam'an (R.A), which can be found in Muslim and from the Hadith of Abu Umamah Al-Bahilee (R.A) which can be found in Ibne Maja the following regarding the Promised Messiah: - 1) The Promised Messiah's name...
  12. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Was Mirza Ghulam the Promised Messiah as he claimed? Nourished by the British, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad the impostor from Qadiyan (Northern India) made many ridiculous claims in his lifetime. Besides claiming to be a Prophet and revivalist he also claimed to be the Mahdi and the Promised...
  13. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Blessings at the time of Prophet Jesus All types of spiritual and worldly blessings will descend on Earth in his time. Wealth will flow like water, everyone will be independent and have surplus wealth and property to the extent that nobody will be in the need of Zakat and Sadaqa thus...
  14. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Prophet Jesus as a Ruler The Prophet said, "By him whose hands my life is in, surely the son of Maryam will come down amongst you as a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the tax. Wealth will be in such abundance that none will care about it and a single...
  15. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Prophet Jesus (as) and the Ya'juj Ma'juj (Gog Magog) A short period after Prophet Jesushas killed the Dajjal, the two mighty tribes of Yajuj and Ma'juj will appear, causing murder, pillage and devastation wherever they go. The emergence of Ya'juj and Ma'juj is also another major sign...
  16. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    The Wisdom in the Descension of Prophet Jesus The Ulama of the Ahlus - Sunnah have given many different reasons in the returning of Prophet Jesus to this world or the second time. A few are listed below: 1) The Jews believe that they had killed Prophet Jesus, Allah will send him before...
  17. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Prophet Jesus's descent and the killing of Dajjal The Dajjal having failed to enter the holy city of Madinah will proceed to Syria gathering his forces on the way. Imaam Mahdi will have arranged the Muslim army and will be on the verge of leading the Muslims in the morning prayer...
  18. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Prophet Jesus's Tasks Prophet Jesus will have three main tasks, when he descends on the Earth for the second time: 1) The first and most important will be that he will destroy the Dajjal. 2) Protect the Muslims from the barbarous tribes of Yajuj and Majuj by taking them to Mount Tur...
  19. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Return Of Prophet Jesus Brief History of Prophet Jesus Due to the fact that the Jews had become deaf and blind to the words of God and deviated from the teachings of Moses and the right path, Allah honoured Jesus with Prophethood and sent him as a messenger to the children of...
  20. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Protection from Dajjal Reciting of Surah - Kahf The recitation of Surah Kahf is a safe guard from the Dajjal's turmoil. The Prophet (s) said, "Whoever memorises the first ten verses of Surah Kahf will be safe from the Dajjal's Fitna." (Abu-Darda / Muslim) The Prophet said...