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Search results

  1. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    The First Battle His first battle will be against the tribe of Kalb. A short period after the eminent saints of Syria and Iraq have sworn allegiance; a man from the Quraish will rise whose maternal uncle's belong to the Kalb tribe and he will send an army to fight Imaam Mahdi. However...
  2. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    His Emergence and the People's Bayat After the death of a Khalifh there shall be intense dispute and difference of opinion in whom should become the next Khalifh. Fearing he may get caught up in the dispute and made the Khalifh, Imaam Mahdi will flee from Madinah to Makkah. However, to...
  3. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    The Signs of Imaam Mahdi 1) He will be from the progeny of the Prophet and descendent of Fatimah (R.A). Umme Salama (R.A) reported: I heard the Prophet of Allah () saying, "The Mahdi will appear from my progeny, from the descendants of Fatimah." (Abu Daud) 2) His name will be Muhammad or...
  4. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Signs That Will Precede Him 1) A General Sign There are many signs that will precede him; a general and very important sign is that he will come at a time when there is great confusion, intense disputes and violent death. When people are afflicted by disturbances and fear. Calamities...
  5. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    THE MAHDI The Coming of Imaam Mahdi is one of the signs of Qiyamah as is the belief of the Ahlus-Sunnah and he has yet to appear. Abdullah-bin-Masood has reported that the Prophet said, "The world will not pass away before the Arabs are ruled by a man (referring to Mahdi) of my...
  6. Judgement Day

    Day of Judgement(Qiyamah)

    Judgement day. The day where people will be judged by their deeds, even as small as a dust particle, good or bad. The day where all issues of injustice will be finally settled and people will get a real sense of judicial rest. The day that I fear the most. The day that is always in my...
  7. Judgement Day

    One Sign of the Day of Judgement

    Another article: http://www.geocities.com/mutmainaa/belief/major_signs.html Correct me if this site is unreliable.
  8. Judgement Day

    One Sign of the Day of Judgement

    Yes, it was meant explicitly. The sun will rise from the west literally. Nevermind my thoughts, it was completely just an idea, and without any base. Here is a good article about the day of judgement: http://dev.islamicity.com/Science/dayjudge.shtml Salam
  9. Judgement Day

    One Sign of the Day of Judgement

    Assalamu'alaikum Sisters and Brothers, One sign of the arrival of the day of judgement is the sun rising in the west. Do you think its explicitly or implicitly meant? I have my own thoughts but I'd rather hear some ideas first. Salam
  10. Judgement Day

    One Buddhist's response to Islam

  11. Judgement Day

    One Buddhist's response to Islam

    Cartoons of Chaos poem by Abdi-Noor Haji Mohamed As a Moslem i have to say something about these cartoons. Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him has been depicted in some papers as a terrorist ready to blow up himself to take the lives of innocent people. I...
  12. Judgement Day

    Does God need to be worshipped?

    Good Question. A question which may cross the mind of anyone, is ‘why do we worship God? Why has God made worshipping and obeying Him obligatory upon us, when He is utterly exalted above needing all of our actions? What is the aim in obliging us to worship Him? Does any benefit return to Him...
  13. Judgement Day

    Quick question about Islam...

    Hi Evearael, There are a lot of good books about Islam, maybe you can get a recommendation from an Imam from a local mosque near you :)?
  14. Judgement Day

    One Buddhist's response to Islam

    So how do you treat someone who doesnt have your respect yet?
  15. Judgement Day

    Cartoons Cause Death Among Muslims

    Another thread :faint:?
  16. Judgement Day

    Quick question about Islam...

    Hi Evearael (I had trouble spelling your name there, messed up the a's and the e's :)), Its probably more suitable if you post this type of question in the Islam forum, maybe you would get answers more quickly. As to answering your question, Muslims do practice the blessing following Allah...
  17. Judgement Day

    Do You believe that Moses actually existed?

    I wasnt talking to you about that, Bishadi. And I believe that Moses did exist, it is in the Quran. Thank you.
  18. Judgement Day

    Hadith (Sayings of the Prophet pbuh)

    Wa'alaikum Salam Sister Peace, It is a pleasure, it is also one of our duty as a Muslim, for according to Surah Al-Asr: By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching...
  19. Judgement Day

    Do You believe that Moses actually existed?

    Bishadi, We are talking about Moses here, you may make another thread if you want to talk about the Quran. Jayhawker Soule, The site you are referring to is unreliable. It is a anti islamic site. It is wise to gather all information you can get. The...
  20. Judgement Day

    Hadith (Sayings of the Prophet pbuh)

    Volume 9, Book 93, Number 474: Narrated Usama bin Zaid: We were with the Prophet when suddenly there came to him a messenger from one of his daughters who was asking him to come and see her son who was dying. The Prophet said (to the messenger), "Go back and tell...