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Search results

  1. S

    Can good people go to hell?

    I do believe there is both a heaven and a hell and we chose where we will to eternity by what we love. If we love good, we will live in heaven with others who love good things and have goodwill towards others. If we love evil and hatred, we will live in a hellish place with others who are the...
  2. S

    Brussels Under Attack

    Strange bunch of comments. I for one just mourn the loss of innocent lives - and mourn for those who hate so much that it seems ok to kill innocent people. How very very sad.
  3. S


    If a person is actively practicing their religion, loving the Lord and loving the neighbor, it is most definitely NOT a sedative and rather connects you very passionately with the world.
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    Maybe people havent yet realized their spiritual faith is or should be their foundation for everything else rather than a part of a whole that can just be thrown aside if not desired anymore. Nicely said Carlita. I have led a truly blessed life. But I have always known that the Lord Jesus...
  5. S


    When I read many of these posts and threads I am totally astounded at how angry so many people are. My religion gives me such peace and sense of being loved. Seems sad to me to have a religion that doesn't do that for you. If your religion doesn't connect you that spiritual aspect of human's...
  6. S

    Why would a just and loving God allow a serial killer to claim thirty victims?

    I will answer your question as my religion teaches it: The reason a just and loving God allows terrible things to happen is because we are in freedom to do evil. We are created with free will because the alternative would be that God created the human race to be puppets. What good would that be...
  7. S

    Should Christians celebrate Christmas

    You are conflating two things. Yes, many of our traditions do come from pagan rituals - such as the Christmas tree, but that only speaks to the time of year that was chosen to celebrate the holiday. People could have come up with a more accurate time of year to celebrate the day given the clues...
  8. S

    The wisest man in the world is the one who realizes he knows nothing.

    Which means what? That you believe there probably is a God but that just don't know what that looks like?
  9. S

    The wisest man in the world is the one who realizes he knows nothing.

    And how does it differ from agnosticism then? I always thought it meant a person was "questioning" his or her beliefs. Is that correct?
  10. S

    The wisest man in the world is the one who realizes he knows nothing.

    "There is no requirement for a believe that God does not exist, and many, even outspoken atheists explicitly say that they do not hold this belief." I did not know this! BUT...isn't this just semantics. Could a person actually "not have a belief in God" but still think that a God exists? Am I...
  11. S

    The wisest man in the world is the one who realizes he knows nothing.

    " frees people like Lemaitre and Planck to break through these barriers"...these are not the only options. My friend, Ian Thompson, who is a physicist wrote "Starting Science From God: Rational Scientific Theories from Theism." To say that this is a VERY deeply scientific/philosophical book is...
  12. S

    The wisest man in the world is the one who realizes he knows nothing.

    Since this is entirely subjective I am sure it looks like faith to you even though it FEELS like knowledge to me. :-)
  13. S

    The wisest man in the world is the one who realizes he knows nothing.

    My religion, I am a Swedenborgian, is often described at neo-Platonic. Certainly both Socrates and Plato were philosophically religious. This from a web site: "Central to Plato’s thought is the theory of forms, which holds that there exists a realm of forms, perfect ideals of which things in...
  14. S

    The wisest man in the world is the one who realizes he knows nothing.

    I can only speak for myself but I do know it...because I can feel the Lord's love and he also answers my prayers. But I do concede that this is a "belief system" knowledge, not a provable fact. (I also know that my husband loves me but I cannot prove that to someone else either. But that is, of...
  15. S

    The wisest man in the world is the one who realizes he knows nothing.

    I think you statement alone says it all. If it is science, by definition it simply must continue to always be questioned...it seems to me. And you should "believe" in something scientific, at least not in the same way that you BELIEVE in your religion. For me, when I use the word "belief" it...
  16. S

    The purpose of creation

    Thanks you so much for the interesting conversation. So few people are willing to discuss religion and I enjoy finding out what others believe, and sharing what I believe so much. Thank you for indulging me! :-)
  17. S

    The purpose of creation

    True. But when I say change in this context I mean change our loves...in other words repent.
  18. S

    The purpose of creation

    I don't understand why our will has to be "stronger" than God's will. I don't think there is a strength thing going on - you either will or it you don't, right? And I TOTALLY agree that we must change...but that isn't the purpose. For me, a heaven from the human race is the Lord's "end" or...
  19. S

    The purpose of creation

    So you are more comfortable with thinking that there is absolutely no purpose. And as a Swedenborgian I most definitely DO believe that there is a divine purpose and that it is completely comprehensible. We have to be able to resist the Lord's divine providence if we have free will. That free...