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  1. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    No, please try to FOCUS on my actual position and the actual WORDS that I used. I don't believe in god. NOT HAVING SOMETHING ISN'T EQUIVALENT TO HAVING SOMETHING. Not HAVING a belief in god isn't equivalent to HAVING a belief that god doesn't exist. I don't HAVE a belief that god doesn't...
  2. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    I don't believe that there is a god. Consequently, I call myself an atheist.
  3. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    DO WE SAY THAT? Please try to focus your attention on the real people trying to have a discussion with you. Do the people you are NOW having a discussion with SAY these things? Or do you want to debate THOSE people somewhere ELSE who say these things? Do you KNOW what a straw man argument is...
  4. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    Please EXPLAIN where the word game is, precisely. I see NO word games on his part. You talk about PATIENCE and CONSEQUENCE and being ADULTS ( a veiled ad hominem argument? ).. what has this to DO with the OP?
  5. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    Ok, great. Let's. THOSE are the only reasons you see? Where are you LOOKING for your reasons? You seem to have an issue with your narrow view of atheists and logical analysis. Ok.. then don't SAY that. Atheists sure don't. What's your point? Ok.. maybe that's why I never heard an...
  6. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    It's almost impossible to fill your request if it isn't at all CLEAR what you mean. Not being clear doesn't help your case. CAN you clarify please?
  7. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    And what is your position on the appropriate default position on truth claims?
  8. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    we would only say that if it WERE our position. We don't ARGUE your straw man of our position. PLEASE try to understand our position. If you cannot understand our true position, and insist on tilting at windmills, then by all MEANS... knock yourself out. IF, however, you want to actually...
  9. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    We ALL should take responsibility for our beliefs. Please, DO take responsibility for your beliefs. The OP is not a QUESTION of taking responsibility for beliefs. It's a question as to what should be a DEFAULT POSITION on beliefs. Try to stay on topic.
  10. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    I've explained in DETAIL why what you said was nonsensical. Where is YOUR explanation?
  11. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    We read it the first time. Repeating nonsense doesn't make it more meaningful.
  12. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    Yes, some people believe whatever they feel like. Some people don't know how to think critically at all. This isn't surprising. Religions actively DISCOURAGE critical thinking. And we aren't TAUGHT critical thinking as a rule. Your feelings seem to be what tells you what is true or not. I...
  13. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    IF you do not KNOW anything about X, please tell us how you could form a BELIEF about X. DO you have a belief in X? How many beliefs do you have about X? Twenty? Two? Three thousand? ZERO BELIEFS? Not having a belief seems the same to you as having a belief. You say you don't HAVE a...
  14. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    Well, the PROBLEM I see that your having with the idea is the way that you USE "dis". Let's take a look at the statement for a sec. A BABY DISBELIEVES X BY DEFAULT. You might find it RIDICULOUS that a baby uses critical thinking ... and I would agree... they pee and poo all over the place...
  15. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    Doesn't fit WHAT? You say your default position on other gods is that you DON'T believe, because as you say you don't have a reason to. That's what it means to have a default of NO when it comes to truth claims. UNTIL we are give a good reason to believe in the truth of the proposition, we...
  16. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    And NOT having is a result of NON Ownership. What is your point? But owning a statement doesn't mean that it's TRUE by default. What is your point? Just because we can make a statement that it becomes TRUE? What ARE you trying to say? I'm sorry, I'm not at all following your logic. I can't...
  17. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    It would mean that you didn't have a belief that the earth was round, cubic or otherwise. You had NO belief in the roundness of the earth or of anything else, for that matter. But you had no belief. That's what it might mean in Hell or anywhere else they speak English. Aren't we atheists...
  18. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    Why is that? Could you perhaps EXPLAIN why you say things?
  19. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    I'm still completely NOT seeing how you explained your comment. Any comment so far, actually. About the OP.
  20. Blastcat

    Atheism is not a default position

    Inability? What ABILITY am I lacking? Let's say that I am perfectly ABLE to believe in the truth of a proposition. I look for ways that it can be known as true. I don't FIND those ways.. but I'm STILL FULLY ABLE to believe IF some way becomes available to me. I don't LACK an ability to have...