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Search results

  1. N

    Help me understand this...

    All it says is what I've posted below. If I had a synopsis I wouldn't be asking here! "Borgmnann is a world-renowned philosopher of culture and technology. A critic of the popular ignorance of, and indifference to, scientific discoveries, his defense of believing in God is a must-watch for...
  2. N

    Help me understand this...

    What exactly IS this guy's defense of God against the problem of evil? It starts at minute 25:00something on. I agree with a lot of what he says earlier but I am not sure I understand that last part. And I want to. Please help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eZCwUlFSiA
  3. N

    What Do the Inquisition and Modern Science have in Common?

    I don't know what you mean by God of gaps--oh wait. I just figured it out. Well, I don't just put God at the end of marveling at the beauty of science so that I can have a better aesthetic experience. At my best, I see it all as a gift. And let's look beyond pedantic niceties: I was drawing...
  4. N

    GOD REVEALED HERE! (well not really)

    Okay so maybe not but I think this guy nails it. I found this link randomly in the comments section of another YouTube video. I am not entirely sure I understand his take on the problem of evil but I really like what he says about evidence for God, everything he says about consciousness and...
  5. N

    The Problem of Evil

    I know this is a long interview but it may be rewarding to watch. From 25:00 on, it's pretty much all about the problem of evil. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eZCwUlFSiA
  6. N

    INDISPUTABLE Rational Proof That God Exists (Or Existed)

    I don't think experiences of God are predominantly intellectual. We engage with him emotionally, on a less heady level. We can talk about him in heady ways all we want but we miss the point when we try to give an 'argument' for his existence.
  7. N

    Evidence of Divinity

    A challenge/question to the believers out there. What would you name as evidence of God? I am curious, not trying to be condescending.
  8. N

    Good, non-new agey Jungian psychology sources?

    Seven Basic Plots by Christopher Booker. There is a lot that is hoaky in there but there is also a lot of Gold. Hope that helps in some way.
  9. N

    What Do the Inquisition and Modern Science have in Common?

    Fair enough on #1. On #2 I would say that in myself I see my intellectual mind as different from my emotional world. My intelligence can see God as an assumption just as you do but my emotions see it more as an intuition. My intellect has chosen to let me emotional life have the connection it...
  10. N

    The "something can't come from nothing" argument

    I think God could have put evolution in order! Actually I don't think God is anywhere in the causal chain the way molecules and atoms are. He is outside it all. That's how I think. And I also despise the lazy thought that all this came from BAM God. Science people! Study it!
  11. N

    What came before the Big Bang?

    I'd say God is outside of the temporal order. We should keep looking back into time before the big bang (see speculation on gravitational wave signatures and such) and expect scientific results. But on a moral and spiritual level, stick to God.
  12. N

    What Do the Inquisition and Modern Science have in Common?

    Thank you! But God gives results where science can't. The holy grail of science, to explain the world we see around us in terms of plausible random chance happenings and 'spontaneous symmetry breaking' would never make for a worldview that adds up or feels complete. I do believe it is stupid...
  13. N

    What Do the Inquisition and Modern Science have in Common?

    I'd say human arrogance. The Church could not accept that God just MAY have made the world differently than they had expected and now some scientists claim that just because the old scriptures don't accord with new scientific findings that there is no God. Perhaps the humbler view is that the...
  14. N

    The Problem of Evil

    Harold Kushner argues that God can't prevent evil. I don't know if that makes sense though. This whole problem of evil may be a thing humanity will never find a way around!
  15. N

    Was anything achieved by WW1?

    Seems like WWI was just a big growing up experience for people. Like OOOoohhhh, THIS is why being violent and aggressive is not a good idea.
  16. N

    What are the values of moderate Muslims?

    God has numerous manifestations.
  17. N

    Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?

    I see evil as tests for strengthening the good. Or something.
  18. N

    I Believe Brad Pitt Is God

    :no: It's probably Ian McCalan
  19. N

    Could Jesus Have Been Simply a Fraud?

    A really nice fraud?! His coolness makes your question irrelevant, I think.
  20. N

    Could consciousness be an illusion?

    There is no doubt that we are all part of nature and that there is nothing un- or extra-natural about consciousness. It's all bio/physical/chemical matter, yes. But we THAT through consciousness. So I don't think the mystery of sheer existence is lessened because of the fact that consciousness...