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  1. Wakeup


    I have stated mere facts to support my opinion on why religion exists. You try to insult me by calling my first sentence elementary. It does sound rather elementary doesn't it? Perhaps I should be more pretentious? Honestly I can't disagree with you, But that's neither here nor there, the...
  2. Wakeup


    this is why religion exists 1. Every planet we know of in the universe is without life. Mankind looks all around earth and we see nothing but planets with rocks and sand. However, on earth, presumably the only planet in our universe, the laws of physics filtered atoms through a "strange"...
  3. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    lol, you got it all backwards. You do not aim for truth and go for it with reason. You claim absolute truth and accept it. There is no searching for truth on your part. There is no reasoning after you have accepted faith. Atheist/agnostics aim for truth using rationale. So they cannot just put...
  4. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    I'm not denying my certain knowledge of religion. I am an interdisciplinary studies major. But I do believe any individual who has a rationale, non-deluded view of history and the cosmos could logically destroy anyone in a debate who believes in a God that intervenes on earth
  5. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    No the point is, secularist Christian Churches branched off the Eastern Orthodox Church, for the most part. The Eastern Orthodox Church took the bible literally for many years, denied evolution, and then took it metaphorically saying that they had always interpreted it metaphorically. These...
  6. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    Theism in the specific sense. In the sense that intellectuals who debate religion use the word. I think my first post was more then evident that I intended the first definition you provided. Based on the entirety of my post why would you imply I was using the word theism to mean deism. If i...
  7. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    It seams to me you described Religion at the same time you described santa: "Teach there kids to believe in great lies fright from an early age" "their parents lied to them in the name of TRADITION" It's funny you say celebration of Christ's birth. Because it's also the celebration of Horus'...
  8. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    So how is Santa any different than believing in an anthropomorphic God?
  9. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    The eastern Orthodox Church claims to be one of the only secularists religions that still holds the apostolic faith unchanged from 40 years after jesus's death. Secularist Christian Churches reformed from the Eastern Orthodox Church,according to them, and much of history. The Orthodox Church...
  10. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    Im just going to stop you at your premise. "Theism = Belief that God exists." that's absolutely wrong. Tha'ts deism sir.
  11. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    Repetition is important. Everytime you think something you make a copy. False,I say "a" church because I realize I have been generalizing. By saying "a" church and following it by a particular belief system i'm generalizing the very least. And I'm not uing the word church to literally mean a...
  12. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    How can you not criticize a God that at one point in history, literally justified death as punishment for homosexual acts? How can you not criticize a church that takes the word "disordered," used in a negative context, and applys it to a minority of people.That is prejudice sir, and I cannot...
  13. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    I never said all religions.
  14. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    Absolutely false. Adam did not exist, and you cannot take that literally. God said he was created, along with eve, within the 6 days it took him to create the universe. We know very well that man didn't exist 4.5 billion years ago, as the oldest fossils of ancestors we can remotely see man had...
  15. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    The moment you as a human begin to die is the moment when you stop speaking about things that matter. I don't take prejudice very lightly. The Christian God specifically justifies murder as punishment for the act of homosexuality in the old testament. Although it is the old testament it is still...
  16. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    Oh yes, and thank you all for welcoming me :)
  17. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    That's not always true in every case, and I think in most cases its a loud voice that brings the revolution. You wouldn't get upset if i called the music you listened to vile, or the food you ate vile would you? I don't think most people would. Why should religion be any diffrent?
  18. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    I came here to state my opinions and receive feedback. Atheism is a belief just like any other. Religion should not be shielded from being scrutinized for the same reason math and science shouldn't. Again it baffles me that an individual could claim to eat the body of another human being every...
  19. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    Atheism and agnosticism are non-faiths by deffinition. And who said I'm only here to bash theists? Also, your implying that I'm a bigot. Why else would you have made that statement? Just felt like letting me know in case i didn't know what that phrase meant.
  20. Wakeup

    Religion: *#@$&~^!!!!

    Than be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.