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  1. Wakeup

    The logic of original sin

    Your completely right, I also want to add that not only does god judge people because of the fall of man, but if necessary god will send people to hell because of the fall of man... And who deserves hell in the first place? I can't think of a single person who deserves eternity in hell. Even if...
  2. Wakeup

    Meditation v. Magick

    I was just introduced to magick the other day and immediately this was the first question I asked myself. I think the questions of what is beautiful, moral, pure and most importantly, true, are the only questions worth asking. I think achieving a certain "high" from altering biochemistry in the...
  3. Wakeup

    Science and Religion

    What are you talking about? I in no way combined mythos with logos. I did the exact opposite.
  4. Wakeup

    What is Philosophy?

    I know Philosophy encompasses certain schools of thought like what is moral, knowledge, best, true, noble, and pure , but I think your philosophizing so long as your using reasoning to determine what is true. The main thing that is important is that its objective rational.
  5. Wakeup

    atheism, christianity, and a confused Satanist

    What your talking about reminds me much of meditation or asceticism to alter bio-chemistry in the brain. And the mindset can be be powerful. But this is biologically based isn't it? Any feeling or mind set you get is entirely explainable. This has nothing to do with the attainment of some truth...
  6. Wakeup

    atheism, christianity, and a confused Satanist

    lol thanks, elaborate. I don't know what your getting at
  7. Wakeup

    Science and Religion

    Well it depends which religion. I shouldn't say all religions contradict science without knowing all religious beliefs. However, if you believe a virgin can have birth without an ovum being fertilized there is a contradiction with natural law. Also, creating something out of nothing, curing the...
  8. Wakeup

    DailyMail: A new discovered bible.

    In "The God Delusion" I remember reading he gave himself a 9.5 out of 10 on a scale where 1 there may be a god, and 10 there is 100% no god...in so many words
  9. Wakeup

    Science and Religion

    Religion and science are entirely incompatible.
  10. Wakeup

    atheism, christianity, and a confused Satanist

    Let me just postulate this: Imagine the most credible person you have ever met. Someone who has told you facts and when you've gone to look them up, has always been correct. Everything he says seems to be true and you would trust him with your life. Magnify his credibility by 1000. Now imagine...
  11. Wakeup

    Gnostic or Agnostic Atheism

    You would accept the possibility of both, just as you would accept the possibility of a teapot floating in space between earth and mars thats too small to be observed. However, you would accept deism more because it's more plausible than an intervening God. I don't know if I understand what your...
  12. Wakeup

    Why Exist?

    what is the purpose of a mountain?
  13. Wakeup

    Proofs for God/Religion. Got a good one?

    Quite the opposite is true I think. The fact of human existence carries a huge illusion of intelligent design. Over 4.5 billion years atoms filtered through the process of evolution by natural selection, where on other planets produced nothing more than sand and rocks, to give rise to many...
  14. Wakeup

    Why have tolerance?

    Your entirely wrong. The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language, behavior, customs, and religion. These ethnic distinctions and sub-divisions serve to define each ethnicity's unique...
  15. Wakeup

    Why have tolerance?

    you missed the point entirely and you give me the awful impression of someone whose never read any of the thoughts or opinions of anyone contrary to your own. I'm not saying that just because some religions believe killing people will land them a spot in heaven all religion is bad. The example...
  16. Wakeup

    Why have tolerance?

    If we have tolerance towards a religion that says doing good and avoiding bad will land you a spot in heaven, with little to no evidence for this claim, then we must also have tolerance for religions that say killing yourself and others will land you a spot in heaven, with just as little...
  17. Wakeup

    What do the Orthodox think of wealth?

    What is the position of the Orthodox Church regarding wealth? To whom does property/wealth properly belong? What is its main purpose? What are the particular responsibilities, if any, of the wealthy? How is wealth to be used? What attitude should the wealthy bear toward the poor and towards...
  18. Wakeup

    What is wrong with Gays

    No offense taken, I agree with you That video is sick.. But there's still these: 1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor...
  19. Wakeup

    Male circumcision

    Please watch this: KZTS6iVpSPI YouTube - Christopher Hitchens: Circumcision - He destroys Rabbi Harold Kushner Put it into perspective.
  20. Wakeup

    What is wrong with Gays

    That's an interesting interpretation of it. please post dat vid! The Orthodox church and Catholic Church are against homosexual acts but not the condition. They consider the orientation "disordered" as a result of the corrupt and fallen state of man. This is where "After the fall," comes from...