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  1. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Chance or Design (Evolution or Creation)

    I am a creationist and a Christian. How God did it is irrelevant. I believe in a young earth and I believe there is proof of creation, but it’s WAY over my head.
  2. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Will Methodism ever make the Eucharist a weekly practice?

    Great story, thanks for sharing. Both my dad and husband converted from Catholicism to Methodist.
  3. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Will Methodism ever make the Eucharist a weekly practice?

    A Methodist church I attended for a long time in Colorado did it every week. I really enjoyed that. O
  4. Jesuslightoftheworld

    How Many are Methodists here on RF?

    Baptized, confirmed, and married in the First United Methodist Church. My church has gotten very big and is losing the sense of fellowship it once had, but I’m not sure that’s why.
  5. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Any Methodists in the house?

    What? Really? I was baptized and confirmed in the Methodist Church and that just seems strange to me. It’s all about Jesus.
  6. Jesuslightoftheworld

    God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit?

    I would say Jesus because He is my salvation and my rock. I also relate to Him because He experienced the worst of human suffering.
  7. Jesuslightoftheworld

    The Father caters to the pedophile's whims

    I don’t think reminiscing is the correct word. But forgiveness is so very difficult in that situation. Holding onto the anger and resentment means holding onto the pain. Forgiveness would mean letting it all go. It’s possible.
  8. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Would God do what God has never done?

    I couldn’t disagree with you more. In my opinion, God left us a manual for life it’s called the Bible. It is complete with instructions on how to live, behave and live a happy life in a loving relationship with Him. He reveals His nature to us as well as His Will or game plan. He doesn’t hide...
  9. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Would God do what God has never done?

    I would say yes, I believe He will do that in the way that it is in the Bible. When Jesus returns, Mark 13:26-27. “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of...
  10. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Why I like science

    I love and appreciate science now as an adult; I wish I would’ve paid more attention in school. I’m more of a math and language arts person. I respect science and amazed by the perfection of nature and the web of life. When I think about how a fetus grows in a mother’s womb and how it develops...
  11. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Will the upcoming Generation Z be the most enlightened generation of all time?

    Remember the song “In the year 2525”?
  12. Jesuslightoftheworld

    The Gospel of John Claims that Jesus is God

    I believe that God is timeless and that “time” as we humans understand it was only created for us to keep track of our lives.
  13. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Are Scientists playing God?

    Good point. And in my opinion I would say yes.
  14. Jesuslightoftheworld

    What Can You Tell Me About God?

    My description of God is an entity and of the Spirit. He is perfect in nature, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He is the Creator; pure love, pure light, and He created life. I believe the Bible has revealed enough of His nature to know Him but is ineffable at that point for our tiny...
  15. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Why Do You Think You Will Know the Truth After You Die?

    Yes, I believe all will be revealed.
  16. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Are Scientists playing God?

    I’m pretty sure God did not intend for an atom to be split. But we did it and look what happened. Do scientists try to mess with things that shouldn’t be messed with? I mean cloning a human, how do you they figure that can work? In my opinion God is the only One who can create life. I believe in...