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  1. Deut 13:1

    Conversion question

    I could be wrong, but I thought that was what Jazzymom was inferring... If I am, I do apologize as I made some rather long posts about it.
  2. Deut 13:1

    Reason, ritual, and the root of kashrut

    Yes and no Jay. The Torah tells us several things about keeping kosher. I'm doing a quick summary before I run off to Shul so don't be too brutal on your response. :slap: The Torah tells us that we are not to mix dairy and meat. What does that mean Jay? Do you think that when Moses was...
  3. Deut 13:1

    Is critiquing the gay community the new antisemitic behavior?

    Yes and No. I understand your point. Let me try and phrase this in a way you can hopefully relate to. Quagmire, I'm going to make an assumption and for the sake of argument lets assume its true. You hate driving with your seat belt and think you have every right to do so without punishment...
  4. Deut 13:1

    Hypothetical Regarding Child Support

    Rather than focus on what if, we should focus on what is. Bob has a child, he knew the risks involved and chose to indulge. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
  5. Deut 13:1

    My thoughts on the Romney’s Income Tax Returns and other points. Any rebuke

    I honestly don't know :shrug: Did McCain come out and say he passed over mitt romney because of his taxes or are you inferring that he did. I always assumed he chose to go with palin for the 'game changer' affect of having a woman in the oval office? I could be dead wrong on this and you...
  6. Deut 13:1

    My thoughts on the Romney’s Income Tax Returns and other points. Any rebuke

    If Obama and company don't have the cahoots to stand up to those oh-so-threatening rich people, then he doesn't deserve to be in office. He can talk all he wants about changing it. The reality is this: In 2008 he was elected. Democrat in the Executive Branch. In the House election of 2008...
  7. Deut 13:1

    My thoughts on the Romney’s Income Tax Returns and other points. Any rebuke

    Do you think the American population is going to suddenly notice all the mistakes that the IRS is missing? Why does it matter if he was successful? Are you saying because you're successful, you deserve to be penalized more then the person next to you?
  8. Deut 13:1

    Is it fair to make students work as a team or with a partner?

    I'm not really sure what answer you're looking for...? You asked if it was fair for students to work in a team. The answer is yes. It's more then fair. It's what happens when you leave school.
  9. Deut 13:1

    Is it fair to make students work as a team or with a partner?

    A better question to this... In the real world, do you have to work with people you don't like or don't see eye-to-eye on? Yes - I rather teach people this lesson when they are young and foolish then older and in a career.
  10. Deut 13:1

    Conversion question

    I respect your beliefs but I guess we agree to disagree on what to believe. Judaism isn't meant to seek out converts, that is why the challenge can be such a bumpy road. I agree with you on certain points, but I feel we as a people should be spending more time focusing on bringing the love...
  11. Deut 13:1

    Biblical Contradictions

    I don't know much about christianity but I wouldn't bet one shekel that the majority of christians will agree with that statement.
  12. Deut 13:1

    Is critiquing the gay community the new antisemitic behavior?

    Using your argument are murderers made by HaShem? Why punish them? If you were to argue that homosexuality is not a choice but hard-wired into people then I think that is a enticing debate. Again, Jews are judged based on actions, not the thought. I don't believe in homosexuality, but you...
  13. Deut 13:1

    Is critiquing the gay community the new antisemitic behavior?

    It depends on what time period you're looking at.... In the Torah, there are guidelines when it came to how the court system would work. On top of that, they went above and beyond in using the death penalty. Everyone has this picture of us going door to door looking for homosexuals with...
  14. Deut 13:1

    Is critiquing the gay community the new antisemitic behavior?

    Yes and no. There were certain laws that were for man-kind (the covenant with Noah), and then laws that were meant for the Jews alone (the covenant with Moses).
  15. Deut 13:1

    Is critiquing the gay community the new antisemitic behavior?

    I'm not homophobic and I don't support homosexuality. It's one of the worst sexual sins that one can commit. It is important to note that in Judaism, its the actions and not the thoughts that are forbidden.
  16. Deut 13:1

    Reason, ritual, and the root of kashrut

    I thought it was pretty obvious but if one tiny amount of meat is left on the plate and then you plop down this gorgeous bagel with cream cheese and nova (Yum....) it would no longer be kosher. Are you asking me to look up where these rabbinic requirements came from and how we today use two of...
  17. Deut 13:1

    the right religion

    Why must there only be one right religion?
  18. Deut 13:1

    Biblical Contradictions

    To me, it looks like the third Bet HaMikdash - not jesus.
  19. Deut 13:1

    My thoughts on the Romney’s Income Tax Returns and other points. Any rebuke

    I'm not a fan of either choice in this coming election. But to continually talk about his taxes just makes me angry. People are stupid, they don't understand the difference between Earned Income (being a doctor, a cop, a dentist, a teacher, etc...) and Dividend Income. The tax rate for my...
  20. Deut 13:1

    Biblical Contradictions

    What does that have to do with jesus?