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Search results

  1. Deut 13:1

    Kill a gay, get $4500

    You forgot the "In their neighborhood". You make it seem like the Jews are waiting to jump out at you. You leave them alone, they leave you alone. This is the same reaction that would be given if you had the KKK march through a negro-populated street. Or a Neo-Nazi parade through down-town...
  2. Deut 13:1

    Psalm 110, the Divinity of Christ With Hebrew!

    I believe there were a lot of people executed by the romans in Jerusalem, so the answer is yes.
  3. Deut 13:1

    Psalm 110, the Divinity of Christ With Hebrew!

    The KJV is garbage. They blatently mistranslate and create their own hebrew-word's to get their point across. You want proof? Look at Psalm 22:16 Ki'ari anyone with a 3rd gade hebrew education knows that ki, the prefix means like or as and an ari is a lion. How do they translate? They...
  4. Deut 13:1

    Psalm 110, the Divinity of Christ With Hebrew!

    They're two different words. You do understand that in Hebrew, vowel's go under the letter. Think of it like this. You're saying the words fat and fit have the same meanings because you choose to ignore the vowel difference between the two words. From here.
  5. Deut 13:1

    Psalm 110, the Divinity of Christ With Hebrew!

    Wow, you get a 10 for creativity. I'm assuming you use the NASB as your fun filled source of mistranslations (since the link you provide 2-3 posts down is broken). The correct translation of adoni is master. The two words adoni and the other word are different. You can check it yourself. For...
  6. Deut 13:1

    Shalom From Israel

    I have family in Dimona and Hadera and I've been to Tsfat on several occasions. Do you know Rabbi Shlomo Raskin??
  7. Deut 13:1

    Pop Quiz on the Middle East

    Are you still supporting the organizations that are responsible for beheading of American's like Nick Berg?
  8. Deut 13:1

    Pop Quiz on the Middle East

    If you insist, I'll write up some stupid Middle East Quiz along the lines of: Question: Who is responsible for beheding xxx? Answer: Not Israel Question: Who is responsible for over 100 suicide bombings? Answer: Not Israel Question: Who is responsible for 9/11 Answer: Not Israel I can go...
  9. Deut 13:1

    Pop Quiz on the Middle East

    How ironic is it that every person agreeing with the thread is Muslim/Arab/whatever the politically correct term is.
  10. Deut 13:1

    Hey Jewish folk...what do we think of Israel's offensive against Lebanon?

    No, Israel is not a puppet nation. Are they going too far with the offensive war? I'd say no, it is usually a carefully balanced consideration of possible outcomes of going to war and not going to war. If not going to war and appeasing dictators and murderers (such as Chamberlain did to Hitler)...
  11. Deut 13:1

    Hey Jewish folk...what do we think of Israel's offensive against Lebanon?

    Okay we need to make something clear - Ancient Israel and the Israel of today are two different things. Today's Israel is NOT a state where the Torah is the law. In ancient Israel a defensive war was always permitted and was in fact an obligation. When someone comes to kill you, you have an...
  12. Deut 13:1

    Shalom From Israel

    Shalom! I has heard a lot about you from Huff. It's good to meet you, I look forward to reading your posts, I hope you have a safe and great Shabbas in Israel. I'd be interested in talking to you about how the situation with lebanan and in the gaza strip is affecting you - I'm possibly...
  13. Deut 13:1

    Shabbat Shalom

    Are you still there? Good Shabbas all.
  14. Deut 13:1

    Isaac or Ishmael

    He was given what Avraham had left for him. It was not the full blessings of continuing Avraham's family which he passed onto his son Isaac. Ishmael was NOT entitled to the full inheritence for two reasons: 1) HaShem said so. 2) Ishmael didn't follow Avraham's way of life - the way to HaShem...
  15. Deut 13:1

    Isaac or Ishmael

    We recognize that Avraham was his father. This isn't another virgin-birth story.
  16. Deut 13:1

    List of the steps taken by Palestinians toward Peace

    I didn't read his posts last year, but if you insist, I'll check it out later.
  17. Deut 13:1

    List of the steps taken by Palestinians toward Peace

    Got anything from the last 30 years? I can dig up much better quotations from the other side.
  18. Deut 13:1

    Torah Obeying Yeshua Believer

    I don't know of a single Jew that isn't Messianic.
  19. Deut 13:1

    Torah Obeying Yeshua Believer

    "Torah Obeying Yeshua Believer" - That's an oxymoron if I don't know one, :p , anyways welcome.
  20. Deut 13:1

    Lebanon's "Act of War"

    It's our job to send aid to people who want us destroyed? No thanks. We did our steps by pulling out of southern lebanon in 2000, pulling completly out of the gaza strip and look what the people do, they use the gaza strip to fire rockets at israeli citizens. The only compromise that is...