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Pop Quiz on the Middle East


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections?
A: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?
A: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire?
A: Israel.

Q: What American ally in the Middle East has for years sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies (a practice sometimes called exporting terrorism)?
A: Israel.

Q: In which country in the Middle East have high-ranking military officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed?
A: Israel.

Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?
A: Israel.

Q: What country in the Middle East created 762,000 refugees and refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses?
A: Israel.

Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?
A: Israel.

Q: In what country in the Middle East was a high-ranking United Nations diplomat assassinated?
A: Israel.

Q: In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister?
A: Israel.

Q: What country in the Middle East blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship in international waters, killing 33 and wounding 177 American sailors?
A: Israel.

Q: What country in the Middle East employed a spy, Jonathan Pollard, to steal classified documents and then gave some of them to the Soviet Union?
A: Israel.

Q: What country at first denied any official connection to Pollard, then voted to make him a citizen and has continuously demanded that the American president grant Pollard a full pardon?
A: Israel.

Q: What country on Planet Earth has the second most powerful lobby in the United States, according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders?
A: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from 29 more by U.S. vetoes?
A: Israel.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
The Truth said:
Q: Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from 29 more by U.S. vetoes?
A: Israel.
Good for them!

By the way, do you support the stupid abduction of IDF personnel and the despicable continuation of Kassam rocket attacks on Israeli civilians?


Well-Known Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
Good for them!

By the way, do you support the stupid abduction of IDF personnel and the despicable continuation of Kassam rocket attacks on Israeli civilians?

I wonder how many Israeli civilians were killed by these Kassam rocket attacked in the past five years, and how many Palestinian civilians (well you may argue that they were all terrorist) were killed by Israeli attacks in the same period of time? What are the property damage on each side? Let us not argue about who started and the other side was just responding. Let us look at the sufferings.


Working-Class W*nch.
I can list atrocities committed by all states or countries around the world. All you have proven is that Israel is no exception.--Let us focus on what we can do to alleviate and further prevent these things, as opposed to breeding [more] hostility.



To Save A Lamb
Indeed. Come to think of it, I haven't seen many Muslim members of this forum at all contribute to anything other than A)refuting Christianity, and B)refuting Judaism. If it isn't one of those (which more than likely it is) it's probably refuting evolution.

So is it A or B that's my speciality, then, or do I just have a thing against evolution?

Maybe I just can't stand the LDS Church? Or perhaps Buddhists? Maybe I've got some karma stuck in my craw...


Active Member
the point of this thread is to show the reality of a country who likes to cry about being weak when the reality is that they are strong and that they play dirty. this has nothing to do with bashing religious people, christian, muslim or jew for that matter. this is all about the dirty deeds of zionism which is not i repeat not judiasm. just refer to this site written by jews for the sole purpose of letting folks know the difference

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
How ironic is it that every person agreeing with the thread is Muslim/Arab/whatever the politically correct term is.


Active Member
that's it deut? that is all you have to say? in one breath you spout oh poor israel they should defend themselves, etc., yet when such facts about this country are shown, you say nothing? i don't understand you, i really don't.

your loyalities lay with israel and this is great, this is your right and i have not one problem with this, my problem however is why can't you admit when this country is wrong? look i am an american citizen and my country's foreign/demestic policies have been wrong for a long time and i still speak up agianst their wrongs. it is the responisibe thing to do. when we turn a blind eye to acts such as this (and these are some horrible deeds, deeds far worse than any palestianian/arab/muslim what ever you want to call us has ever done to anyone), it in turn breeds tyranny which leads to the destruction of far too many people and the land in which they dwell. name one thing this brother has said that is false.


Religious Zionist
greatcalgarian said:
I wonder how many Israeli civilians were killed by these Kassam rocket attacked in the past five years, and how many Palestinian civilians (well you may argue that they were all terrorist) were killed by Israeli attacks in the same period of time? What are the property damage on each side? Let us not argue about who started and the other side was just responding. Let us look at the sufferings.

is it the fault of the Israelis that many of the reasons that the palestinian people still live in poverty fall on the ineptitude and corruption of the PA leadership and the obvious non-existant concern from surrounding arab leadership??:sarcastic

where doesn 1.5 Billion dollars go to?? does it just up and vanish? apparently. how many homes, schools, and hospitals can that build? How well would funding like that strengthen economic infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank??

hard to prove a paper trail...but Arafat died a multi-millionaire and the Palestinian people starve.

1 + 1 = 2

it's not rocket science....

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
almifkhar said:
that's it deut? that is all you have to say? in one breath you spout oh poor israel they should defend themselves, etc., yet when such facts about this country are shown, you say nothing? i don't understand you, i really don't.

your loyalities lay with israel and this is great, this is your right and i have not one problem with this, my problem however is why can't you admit when this country is wrong? look i am an american citizen and my country's foreign/demestic policies have been wrong for a long time and i still speak up agianst their wrongs. it is the responisibe thing to do. when we turn a blind eye to acts such as this (and these are some horrible deeds, deeds far worse than any palestianian/arab/muslim what ever you want to call us has ever done to anyone), it in turn breeds tyranny which leads to the destruction of far too many people and the land in which they dwell. name one thing this brother has said that is false.
If you insist, I'll write up some stupid Middle East Quiz along the lines of:
Question: Who is responsible for beheding xxx?
Answer: Not Israel

Question: Who is responsible for over 100 suicide bombings?
Answer: Not Israel

Question: Who is responsible for 9/11
Answer: Not Israel

I can go on and on, but I have better things to do before Shabbas then debate with someone who blames someone else for everything. "Israel only gave us the gaza strip", now what did you do with it? "We used it to launch rockets at more of Israel".


User of Aspercreme
The Truth said:
Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
Answer: Israel.
If they didn't have them, they would have been overwhelmed by a combined attack from the ppeople who surround them and regularly show their hatred of them.

TT said:
Q: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections?
A: Israel.
You forgot Iran, Iraq (prior to US invasion) and Syria. None of these countries have been coperative in allowing UN inspection. I wonder why that is?

TT said:
Q: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?
A: Israel.
That is just plain wrong. The land that Israel initially occupied was given to the jewish people after World War II as you are very well aware, and was not taken by military force by the nation of Israel, because such a nation did not exist at the time. Now, each time Israel was attacked, they beat back their attackers and took some of their land in the process. Every war that Israel has been in has been a result of being invaded. They beat them back, took some of their land, and then in a show of incredible kindness, eventually gave that land back to those who had invaded them. If Israel had wanted to, their country could extend into Syria and they would even own the Suez Canal, but they gave all of that back. How is that for restraint? Any land that they have now, they keep by force, because they are continually invaded and attacked.

TT said:
Q: Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire?
A: Israel.
To take out terrorist targets. Good for them. Terrorism is good for no one. Not even the countries that support them (Iran and Syria) If there was sucha a thing as a jewish terrorist organization that was committing similar acts of violence against Syria or Jordan, then I would expect this to be reciprocal. But no such organization exists.

TT said:
Q: What American ally in the Middle East has for years sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies (a practice sometimes called exporting terrorism)?
A: Israel.
There is no proof of this activity, only empty allegations. I however, can prove that Arab nations throughout the Middle East have routinely paid money to terrorist organizations to carry out assasinations and terrorist attacks against Israel, America, Germany, Italy, Spain, England.....I could go on and on.

TT said:
Q: In which country in the Middle East have high-ranking military officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed?
A: Israel.
Qualify this for me. Aftter which war did this happen? Were the POW convicted of a crime or committing some war attrocity? I have never heard of such a thing. At least they didn't blow villages away such as the Egyptians after crossing Suez.

TT said:
Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?
A: Israel.
See my previous response.

TT said:
Q: What country in the Middle East created 762,000 refugees and refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses?
A: Israel.
How many years must pass before they are no longer called refugees? These people were "displaced" from their homes over fifty years ago, as Israel has been occupying this land for that long. Why haven't they been able to move on to greener pastures and live their lives. This has been the battle cry for half a century, and it is about time that they make a home out of somewhere else. Every other displaced peoples in world seem to be able to do so. For an example, look at half the populaion of New Orleans.

TT said:
Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?
A: Israel.
Confiscated bank accounts and businesses? I don't think so. Really, admit it. That never happened. Land was given to them. As I said before, they took some after being attacked, and subsequently gave it back. Try again.

TT said:
Q: In what country in the Middle East was a high-ranking United Nations diplomat assassinated?
A: Israel.
You make it sound as if that was the only time anyone from the UN has been assassinated. You also make it sound as if the state was responsible for it. Tell you what, you tell me in what country a ruck bomb was driven into an American barracks (two possible answers). Or in which country and by who, was a truck bomb driven into a UN peacekeeping headquarters (three possible answers).

TT said:
Q: In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister?
A: Israel.
I would stop contributing to the rumor mill if I were you.

That's about all I can take. It is apparant to me that you are excusing the literally thousands of terrorists acts (both state and privately funded) against Israel. You hate them. Admit it. You, like the Prime Minister of Iran, want them wiped off the face of the earth, right? You think that they have no right to the land that they hold, or to the even live their lives in peace, right? I feel very sorry for you, and for those who are buying into your false propaganda.


Active Member
deut i gotta tell you and this is no slam, infact i would like to know how you do it.

how do you evade questions presented to you while trying to sound smart?

heck i will even humor myself for you and answer your little quiz
who beheadded xxx
answer, that is really anyone's guess considering muslim men don't wear god wedding bands

who did over 100 sucide bombings
well i will humor you palestine

who pulled off 9-11
well lets ask ourselves a few questions now
it wasn't an arab company who was in charge of security at all three of the airports, infact they were israeli! hmmmmm
warnings of the attack sent to odigo in n.y. and israel before planes even left the ground confirms that israeli companies had knowedge of this event. hmmmm
which country had businesses in twin towers and broke their leases days and weeks before the attack
israeli. hmmmmmmm
which nation did the 5 dancing men who were arrested for laughing, taking pictures, high fiving, dancing as the towers fell belong to
israel. hmmmmmm
pm ben netanyahu said right after the attacks, "it was very good, well it's not good,but it will generate immedite sympathy for israel."
last time i checked that was not an arab p.m. but i may be mistaken

so is israel still good and innocent and defenseless? hmmmmmmmm one has to wonder.


If they didn't have them, they would have been overwhelmed by a combined attack from the ppeople who surround them and regularly show their hatred of them.
Uh... if Israel used nuclear weapons on neighboring countries, wouldn't they suffer as well? Personally, I don't know why they even need them.

To take out terrorist targets.
Israel has flown over Lebanon before. Not to attack, but simply for fun, it seems. Of course, they have attacked before. You know, they've succeeded in killing around 63 people so far. And around 61 of them are civilians. The other two? Not Hizbullah, but soldiers from the Lebanese Army. Great work on attacking terrorists.

Thought I'd just add a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_exodus

My brain shut down. :(


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
is it the fault of the Israelis that many of the reasons that the palestinian people still live in poverty fall on the ineptitude and corruption of the PA leadership and the obvious non-existant concern from surrounding arab leadership??:sarcastic

where doesn 1.5 Billion dollars go to?? does it just up and vanish? apparently. how many homes, schools, and hospitals can that build? How well would funding like that strengthen economic infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank??

hard to prove a paper trail...but Arafat died a multi-millionaire and the Palestinian people starve.

1 + 1 = 2

it's not rocket science....

You have not answered my questions. Just go over the news reported in BBC for one month, and you can count how many Palestinians were killed in this conflict and how many Israeli were killed in the same period. A human life is a human life, be it a Palestinian or Israeli. Talking about Arafat died a multi-millionaire has nothing to do with the continueing conflict between Israeli people and Palestinian People. There are poor Israeli people suffering also because of the conflict.


Well-Known Member
Deut 13:1 said:
Question: Who is responsible for 9/11
Answer: Not Israel
Who is responsible for 9/11?
Answer: The Arab Terrorists
Who is responsible for the Arab (or middle east or muslim) Terrorists?
Answer: Osama bin Ladin
Who is responsible for creating Osama bin Ladin?
Answer: US
Who is responsible for this particular US action?
Answer: the Zionist (not the Israeli)

Now if you want to know how US was responsible for creating Osama bin Ladin, that will be a very very long story.;)

For the US-bashing GC, everything seems to be able to be linked back to US:rainbow1: