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Pop Quiz on the Middle East


Well-Known Member
Yup, both sides do things that completely suck. Both sides have been completely screwed in the course of history, and both need a place to live and want to live in the same spot. It's a messed up situation. Fortunately, we have provacative statements and thinly-veiled insults to help us through such trying times...


this is the situation as i see it , most people do condem Israel when its justified,i personally think they always use an iron fist policy, and i will condem them when i think they go to far .
Muslims i have met , spoken to and obseved will not a place any blame or responsiblility for on the heads of the fanatic who systematically bomb and kill innocents. it seems that they are so full 0f hate for Israel and America in particular that its always the "Zionists " or the great satan . whats wrong here is Israel has suffered invasion by its neighbours on several occasions suicide bomb attacks more or less continuously and whenever a peacefull solution is near at hand, some islamic fascist type organisation with a name like Hezbollah will derail it.


Well-Known Member
This is a more pro-Israel web info page:


As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational “terrorists” who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during the creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes — on both sides — inevitably follow from this original injustice.
This paper outlines the history of Palestine to show how this process occurred and what a moral solution to the region’s problems should consist of. If you care about the people of the Middle East, Jewish and Arab, you owe it to yourself to read this account of the other side of the historical record.

Just joking, trying to get your attention to click on the link.:p


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Jayhawker Soule said:
Good for them!

By the way, do you support the stupid abduction of IDF personnel and the despicable continuation of Kassam rocket attacks on Israeli civilians?

The answer is ...

greatcalgarian said:
I wonder how many Israeli civilians were killed by these Kassam rocket attacked in the past five years, and how many Palestinian civilians (well you may argue that they were all terrorist) were killed by Israeli attacks in the same period of time? What are the property damage on each side? Let us not argue about who started and the other side was just responding. Let us look at the sufferings.


Veteran Member
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Tigress said:
I can list atrocities committed by all states or countries around the world. All you have proven is that Israel is no exception.--Let us focus on what we can do to alleviate and further prevent these things, as opposed to breeding [more] hostility.


The point is that the situation of Israel in the middle east (but not the whole world) is so special and no other country there have rights to kill and inavde as it please supported by US veto expept Israel.


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Deut 13:1 said:
How ironic is it that every person agreeing with the thread is Muslim/Arab/whatever the politically correct term is.

Deut 13:1 said:
Are you still supporting the organizations that are responsible for beheading of American's like Nick Berg?

Do you mean all muslims and arabs are violence and terrorists if they supported the right for Palestinians to live?

I thought you gonna use the other term ;) somthing like .. all Muslims and arabs are anti- oohh i forgot the magic word.

This imply that all people who agree with this thread support the organizations that are responsible for beheading of American's like Nick Berg !!!!! :areyoucra

By the way, not all of them are muslims or arabs and you can find even many jews disagree with what Israel is doing against the palstinians civilians.


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BUDDY said:
If they didn't have them, they would have been overwhelmed by a combined attack

Oh boy, do you think Israel depend in it's military against huge countries such as syria and egypt "in the past"?

They could crush israel if USA are not supporting them directly.

Hint: Any nuclear activities would affect Israel itself before the other countries.

You forgot Iran, Iraq (prior to US invasion) and Syria. None of these countries have been coperative in allowing UN inspection. I wonder why that is?

They have no nuclear WEAPONS but countries like Iran wanted to use it in peaceful ways.

Until now there is record of any country that have nuclear WEAPONS in the middle east except Israel.

- Iran already signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and they said that they gonna use it in civil projects but not for weapons.

- No nuclear weapons in Iraq whether before or after.

- I have no idea why you think syria have it.

That is just plain wrong. The land that Israel initially occupied was given to the jewish people.
Every war that Israel has been in has been a result of being invaded.

"Given" is not an accurate word in here dear Buddy.

Ummmm i wonder who invaded whom? :rolleyes:

To take out terrorist targets. Good for them. Terrorism is good for no one. Not even the countries that support them (Iran and Syria) If there was sucha a thing as a jewish terrorist organization that was committing similar acts of violence against Syria or Jordan, then I would expect this to be reciprocal. But no such organization exists.

Yes there is, Israelian terrorism. So, can other countries go there and do thier stuff??

There is no proof of this activity

Israelain themselves admit it and you can google it up but for the other claim please prove it.

I have never heard of such a thing.

Of course you can just ignore any fact that go against what you believe "or what you have been taught to believe" to be true.

Just because you didn't hear of it so that will make this fact untrue?


I can claim from now on that i didn't hear about anything which i don't want to believe in it.

Dig it up for your own sake and please don't be bias in your judgment before you make sure and READ first.

How many years must pass before they are no longer called refugees? These people were "displaced"

No comment !!!


Confiscated bank accounts and businesses? I don't think so.

LOL, see above.

You make it sound as if that was the only time anyone from the UN has been assassinated.

You are justifying the assassination in general because Israel did it once. :eek:

That's cooooooooooool.

I would stop contributing to the rumor mill if I were you.

Not at all. I guess you were saying that to yourself with your unbelievable post.

That's about all I can take. It is apparant to me that you are excusing the literally thousands of terrorists acts (both state and privately funded) against Israel.

These facts wasn't given or created by me but it's plain fact.

You hate them. Admit it. You, like the Prime Minister of Iran, want them wiped off the face of the earth, right? You think that they have no right to the land that they hold, or to the even live their lives in peace, right? I feel very sorry for you, and for those who are buying into your false propaganda.

ya ya anti-semitic bla bla go for it buddy.

You have no idea what you are talking about and you started babling about things like : you hate them, you are evil, ohh mama

Are you serious?

Instead of bashing people for bringing facts (not personal opnions) try to educate yourself and read, see and listen to what is happening there to the palstinians but it appeared to me for sure that those poor arabs in palestine are not considred human beings in your dictionary and that Israel have right there because God say so and that's it. Good for you with this mind and i hope one day you will learn how to respect the other's right to exist the same as you and your family have right to exist.

I doubt that your own sources or the "brain washing" machine taught you that we all are from one man and one woman, Adam and Eve.


A fool
Every war that Israel has been in has been a result of being invaded.

Can you please provide evidence to back up that claim. I don't necessarily disagree with you, I just wish to see some facts.

The land that Israel initially occupied was given to the jewish people after World War II as you are very well aware, and was not taken by military force by the nation of Israel, because such a nation did not exist at the time.

Israel was never given land. It simply took the land as the British troops left. The UN came up with a way of splitting the land but this was never implemented. Post-1948 Israel had more land than that specified in the UN plan.

Now then, I shall try and take The Truth's little quiz using only the vast resource of wikipedia to supplement my own somewhat underwhelming amount of knowledge.

Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
Israel is the only country that has been established to have nuclear weapons. My understanding is that these were built primarily because of the Cold War (ie threats from another nuclear power: Russia) than because of Israel's immediate neighbours. Iraq has been accused of having nukes although this has never been proven. Iran is currently developing nuclear weaponry.

However, no Middle Eastern country has ever admitted to having nuclear weaponry.

Q: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections?
As far as I am aware the nuclear non-proliferation treaty can only be signed by countries with nuclear weapons. Both Israel and Iraq have never admitted to having nuclear weaponry and therefore neither is elegible to sign. I am not certain on whether Iran has issued a statement indicating that they will sign upon completing any weaponry.

Q: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?
In the last 60 years the following countries in the Middle East have all seized territory: Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria. I am uncertain about Lebanon.

Q: Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire?
Iraq is the biggest offender in the last 60 years. Israel comes second I believe. Obviously Syria, Egypt and Jordan are all guilty of this as well.

Q: What American ally in the Middle East has for years sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies (a practice sometimes called exporting terrorism)?

Loaded question due to the American ally qualification. I shall answer that ignoring that particular qualification and in reference to Middle Eastern assassinations alone: Israel, Iran and Syria (and also here)

Q: In which country in the Middle East have high-ranking military officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed?
Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?
I am unaware of the particular incident in Israel that you are referring to. If you have a source that details or some names and dates that I could check on Wikipedia then I would be much obliged. Does this cover it?

Q: What country in the Middle East created 762,000 refugees and refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses?
Another loaded question (due to the specific amount). I am disappointed, the Truth. If you are here to honestly find the truth then fair enough... if you are here to proselytise then please let me know and I shall refrain from replying. Boths sides are guilty of doing this kind of thing and it gets nobody anywhere. So if you promise to answer with intellectual honesty, I will promise to do the same.

I will answer the question unloaded, as before. Israel, Iran, Iraq and Jordan.

Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?

Israel, Iraq, Syria, Egypt.


Deviled Hen
Tigress said:
I can list atrocities committed by all states or countries around the world. All you have proven is that Israel is no exception.--Let us focus on what we can do to alleviate and further prevent these things, as opposed to breeding [more] hostility.


<<wondering desperatly what Lichtenstein has ever done to anyone>>


Deviled Hen
The Truth said:
- Iran already signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and they said that they gonna use it in civil projects but not for weapons.

fwiw, the problem is not that Iran wants to use nuclear power for civil uses like power, but that nearly no one in the world believes that's all they're interested in.

The fact that they have not been cooperative with the IAEA does not speak well for their intent either.


Deviled Hen
Every war that Israel has been in has been a result of being invaded.

Fluffy said:
Can you please provide evidence to back up that claim. I don't necessarily disagree with you, I just wish to see some facts.

Not like Wiki is a necessarily credible source, but it is a starting point:


As far as I am aware the nuclear non-proliferation treaty can only be signed by countries with nuclear weapons.

Um, not so, Fluffy...

If you already have technology, the treaty states you can't spread the technology or knowledge to non-nuclear states (whether those states have signed the treaty or not.

If you don't have nukes, then being a signatory to the treaty means you promise not to pursue nukes except for peaceful purposes.

There was a big stink about India and Pakistan becoming nuclear powers, given they were both signatories to the non-proliferation treaty. Clearly they both broke the treaty by developing nukes.

N. Korea was a signatory to the treaty, but there was a big stink when they rescinded their agreement and went on to become a nuclear power.

Israel has never signed.

Any nation can sign, and practically everyone has. As I mentioned, Israel hasn't. N. Korea pulled out of the treaty. I think pretty much everyone else has signed.

It should be pretty easy to Google and find the list of who has signed.

Both Israel and Iraq have never admitted to having nuclear weaponry and therefore neither is elegible to sign. I am not certain on whether Iran has issued a statement indicating that they will sign upon completing any weaponry.

Iran is a signatory already. If they were not, the IAEA could make no demands on them regarding inspections.


Veteran Member
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Fluffy said:
However, no Middle Eastern country has ever admitted to having nuclear weaponry.

No need for admitting it dear Fluffy, we are talking politic here.


In the last 60 years the following countries in the Middle East have all seized territory: Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria. I am uncertain about Lebanon.

Israel did so because it didn't exist before and until now it has no specific borders in the map as you know.

Iraq is the biggest offender in the last 60 years. Israel comes second I believe. Obviously Syria, Egypt and Jordan are all guilty of this as well.

No way, we said Israel do so routinly until now because i fear that iraq is no more capable to do such a thing anymore and it did it few times but not daily as Israel.

Loaded question due to the American ally qualification. I shall answer that ignoring that particular qualification and in reference to Middle Eastern assassinations alone: Israel, Iran and Syria (and also here)

Iran and Syria are allies to America? :sarcastic

The question was about an ally of america but you answered a totally different question. :p

I am unaware of the particular incident in Israel that you are referring to. If you have a source that details or some names and dates that I could check on Wikipedia then I would be much obliged. Does this cover it?

I like your site and you might check this out as well, it might help.


I am disappointed, the Truth. If you are here to honestly find the truth

Yes, of course.

... if you are here to proselytise then please let me know and I shall refrain from replying.

Why do you think so? i'm not trying to proselytise and i told no lie in my original post and whether you agree with it or not, it's a matter of opnion and i respect it whatever it is.

Boths sides are guilty of doing this kind of thing and it gets nobody anywhere. So if you promise to answer with intellectual honesty, I will promise to do the same.

I promise .. :angel2:


Veteran Member
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Booko said:
fwiw, the problem is not that Iran wants to use nuclear power for civil uses like power, but that nearly no one in the world believes that's all they're interested in.

Do you think it's easy to develop nuclear weapons this fast?

Who is america to give orders to who can use nuclear power?


Deviled Hen
The Truth said:
Do you think it's easy to develop nuclear weapons this fast?

Nope. That's why I haven't got my panties in a wad over it.

Who is america to give orders to who can use nuclear power?

No one. And I am not in the slightest interested in having the gov't of my country take it upon themselves to do so.

I referred to the doubts about Iran seeking civil nuclear use alone from the persepctive of the world community, which generally does not believe it.

And it is and should remain in the realm of the world community to deal with the situation based on consultation and consensus.

You seem to be under the impression I was advocation the US gov't take some sort of action. I didn't think I was that sloppy in what I wrote earlier, but maybe this helps clarify things?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Every war that Israel has been in has been a result of being invaded.

Booko said:
Not like Wiki is a necessarily credible source, but it is a starting point:


Arabs were fighting Israel because it was like a cancer trying to spread in that area without any valid right except some verses in their scriptures and the dreams of their politican citizins and we can't forget that europe wanted to get rid of "most of them".

If you don't have nukes, then being a signatory to the treaty means you promise not to pursue nukes except for peaceful purposes.

As Iran did so.

There was a big stink about India and Pakistan becoming nuclear powers, given they were both signatories to the non-proliferation treaty. Clearly they both broke the treaty by developing nukes.

What about Wiki telling that India and Pakistan didn't sign it in the first place.


Israel has never signed.



Veteran Member
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Booko said:
You seem to be under the impression I was advocation the US gov't take some sort of action. I didn't think I was that sloppy in what I wrote earlier, but maybe this helps clarify things?

Sure .. :)