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  1. Deut 13:1

    Throw out your Christian Tanack!

    Remind me, who said this? That is a horribly pretentious and entirely irrational position that essentially argues (a) that a Hebrew redaction of a 10th century variant is inherently and necessarily better that any translation, and (b) that reading a Hebrew redaction of a 10th century variant...
  2. Deut 13:1

    Throw out your Christian Tanack!

    Or we don't because the methods in place to act in accordance with G-d are not possible to follow right now. While supplemental books are great and are full of knowledge, it's utterly ridiculous to believe that learning hebrew won't enhance your knowledge on the TNk. Afterall, it was you who...
  3. Deut 13:1

    +++ No Piercing At Jesus' Side +++

    Re-read what I said. Not once did I say I believe it applies to jesus. Let me make it clear - I believe jesus is nobody of significance, just a ordinary guy like me and you. I was just throwing that information on how Jews view the verse vs. how christians interpret the verse. Besides anyone...
  4. Deut 13:1

    Why so mean?

    I apologie - I misread what you said.
  5. Deut 13:1

    What is Kosher meat?

    I rather discuss it with a person than read it from a website. You're always free to post the link and I'll glance at it, but I rather chat about it.
  6. Deut 13:1

    Why so mean?

    How is the oral law contradictory?
  7. Deut 13:1

    What is Kosher meat?

    Great post, and its perfectly fine not to accept those traditions, just be aware that when asking Jews their opinion you're likely to get answers that include the oral law. :) On a side note, What are your beliefs on a mezuzah? Devarim 6:9 How do you interpret 6:8 and 11:18 where we are...
  8. Deut 13:1

    My New Jewish Stove

    Pretty cool :) For the Shabbas setting it should also deactive any lights within the oven. Something interesting about the Shabbas oven's is that some debate weather or not its kosher because when you open the oven, you're releasing an amount of heat into the room and then when you close...
  9. Deut 13:1

    Masturbation: To Sin or Not to Sin?

    Well, I don't know about that, but let's see where this conversation goes... If that's the case - why didn't his younger brother Shelah also get killed for not providing Tamar a child? He may not have had sex with Tamar, but according to your quotation of verses, he should have provided the...
  10. Deut 13:1

    +++ No Piercing At Jesus' Side +++

    On a side note, something interesting that I thought of after reading the thread is Psalm 22. One of the common verses here that is applied to jesus is 22:16 Psalms 22:16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet...
  11. Deut 13:1

    Raw meat?

    There is no need to have the conversation in two threads, pick one thread and we will discuss it.
  12. Deut 13:1

    What is Kosher meat?

    The traditions didn't come from the elders, they came from moshe at sinai. Keep in mind that the Oral Law that came with the Torah explains and shows the arguments for and against the laws and regulations. For example, Devarim 6:8 and 11:18 refer to Tefillin. No where in the Torah does it...
  13. Deut 13:1

    What is Kosher meat?

    Ein sincha elah b'basar ve'yayin. :p If you want to know about kosher foods, especially meat, there are a lot more things then the prohibition against eating pork and mixing dairy and meat. Perhaps it would be wise to discuss this theory of yours with the local shochet. :) Remember all the...
  14. Deut 13:1

    Samson: Herculean Hero or HaShem's Hooligan

    Hmm, tough to say. My answer will probably suprise you, but I believe Shimshon is more of mythological then historical. Now, this is my opinion, and doesn't represent Tradational Judaism; I'm pretty sure that the Talmud and Rashi trace Shimshon's lineage and give details on his mother and...
  15. Deut 13:1

    Why so mean?

    I don't think HaShem is mean, if anything I believe that HaShem is more disapointed then anything. We're given so many chances to have a relationship with G-d, and time and time again, we fall so short. To answer your question, the israelites made covenants with G-d and they consistently fell...
  16. Deut 13:1

    Old Testament Morality

    without wasting my time going through all of these, pick the three that you have your greatest contention with, and i'll address those.
  17. Deut 13:1


    I see it as another religion. You can't judge the religion by the actions of the militants.
  18. Deut 13:1

    Why Elohim?

    Pretty sure that no one answered my questions angellous, thanks for your two cents though.
  19. Deut 13:1

    Why Elohim?

    And of course the people that responded have miserbly failed simple instructions. Excellent job.