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  1. Deut 13:1

    Christian: Homosexuality a sin?

    look up שעטנז (Sh'atnez).
  2. Deut 13:1

    Why Elohim?

    Okay, someone please follow the questions and give your answers. 1) Do you agree that the word Elokim appears over 2000 times in the bible? 2) Do you agree that in almost EVERY instance that it appears - it is associated with a singular verb/adjective except in a few places. I think it's...
  3. Deut 13:1


    I agree abortion does equal murder. However, just because it's not in the same category does not mean that it isn't always forbidden. As I said before, I think that the issue is something that is determined on a case-by-case analysis. And sadly, I'm no where near competant enough or educated...
  4. Deut 13:1

    The Bible as the Word of Man

    I have a problem with one of the contentions in the synopsis from the link you provided. Organizations such as Chabad and several others do not charge people for answers. There are programs set up for people wishing to do Baalei Teshuva. They're free. If people want to go to Yeshiva but...
  5. Deut 13:1

    Why Elohim?

    1. Kain (yes). 2. With only a few exceptions, the thousands of times it appears, it is always with a singualar verb/adjective. Somehow they argue that these few instances are proof of a trinity, but in the thousands of other times, it's downplayed as nothing.
  6. Deut 13:1

    Jews need to be 'perfected'.

    Actually, I think most christians have been moving away from this thought... Quiz time, which pope said this: "Whoever seeks peace and the good of the community with a pure conscience, and keeps alive the desire for the transcendent, will be saved even if he lacks biblical faith"?
  7. Deut 13:1

    Jews need to be 'perfected'.

    Apparently, all Jews need to become perfected by converting to Christianity. What a joke, Ann Coulter quotes Seinfield as proof... Truley pathetic.
  8. Deut 13:1


    Without having read Sciff's book, I believe it would be hard to argue that abortion in most cases is okay. While there are instances that abortion is required, they are not the norm. All rabbinic authorities will agree that any case where the mother's life is directly at risk because of the...
  9. Deut 13:1


    Agreed. Depends on the situation. In most cases it does violate halakha...
  10. Deut 13:1

    Why are people leaving all of a sudden?

    The main reason I stopped posting so much is that I had several family members killed and found it difficult to cope. I read a few of the members posts and discussions, they know who they are.
  11. Deut 13:1

    I found this amusing Levit.18:22

    What a stupid comment. They help prevent you from breaking commandments.
  12. Deut 13:1

    I found this amusing Levit.18:22

    Do you know why a Gezerah is created? Think of them as a fence around biblical commandments.
  13. Deut 13:1

    I found this amusing Levit.18:22

    Is that a question or a statement?
  14. Deut 13:1

    I found this amusing Levit.18:22

    I guess it's nice to see that spiritually_inclined, Super Universe, KatEyes, Alifetimetowaitfor and others that suffer from the one-word post syndrome suddenly lost their tounge. Moving on... The Noahide code was given to Noah after the flood, they are for all mankind. The 613 mitzvot were...
  15. Deut 13:1

    Are pro-gay Christians really Christian?

    Acording to Deuteronomy 6:4 G-d is One and Only One. Does that mean you're not a christian since you don't follow the bible?
  16. Deut 13:1

    I found this amusing Levit.18:22

    Straight from an older post of mine... The problem with James Kaufman (the author) is very simple. He is ignorant and he tries to make fun of something that he doesn't obviously have any clue about. For him to have any clue about the Torah commandments, he would first have need to study it, as...
  17. Deut 13:1

    Disturbing video...

    I think I realize that, what is distrubing is that they think that they will have better lives without Israel.
  18. Deut 13:1

    converting to judaism

    Nice to meet you Ahmed!! Unfortunetaly, we're not recruiting at the moment, try back...never.
  19. Deut 13:1

    Disturbing video...

    YouTube - Ahmadinejad Meeting With Anti-Zionist Jews I was left pretty speechless.