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  1. M

    Bible-believers: What are your thoughts on this passage?

    Peace, That's another thing that I don't like about Christianity sometimes. There is sometimes a tendency to add to the text. The text says nothing about the CHILDREN not liking Elisha's wearing Elijah's mantle. Anyone can make up anything about what seems to have happened. I'm more...
  2. M

    Bible-believers: What are your thoughts on this passage?

    I find that commentaries aren't always trustworthy as they are debated...the fact man is that this "prophet" cursed some little children & caused their death at the hands of wild animals all because they mocked him. That doesn't sound very good for Judeo-Christianity to me. Peace.
  3. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    ...as a matter of fact, the same chapter in Galatians says about the Torah that the promises were made to Christ and those who believe in him: Galatians 3:16, 29: "(16)Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed...
  4. M

    Bible-believers: What are your thoughts on this passage?

    Lol I meant people who religiously believe in the Bible.
  5. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    I would think that the New Testament takes precedence over the Old Testament. Gal. 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
  6. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    Yeah, but they are ignoring Galatians 3:28 and if they are Christians why do they ignore Galatians 3:28?
  7. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    LOL as I have said, my agenda here is to understand why many Christians show favoritism of the Jews in light of Galatians 3:28, and this thread should be in the debates forum because whether or not Christians should blindly favor the Jews is being debated...
  8. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    Well the people in the American government are supposed to represent the American people. I say let the American people change their government if their government is doing things that they don't like. Internationally, other nations might view the American government as representing the...
  9. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    Genesis 12:3 is the Old Testament. The New Testament represents the presence of the Messiah, and the New Testament says that there is no Jew nor Greek in Christ.
  10. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    But that is the Old Testament. The New Testament says that there is no Jew nor Greek in Christ.
  11. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    So, should Christians favor the Jews, in light of Gal. 3:28?
  12. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    I didn't read all of your post but I'm not very heavy into politics...my concern is Galatians 3:28; "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
  13. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    You are twisting my words and misrepresenting me. I may end our communications; if you don't hear a response from me to any of your replies, it is because you are twisting my words and misrepresenting me. Peace.
  14. M

    No Jew nor Greek in Christ...

    Well I respect your right to your opinion, but the issue is Galatians 3:28. Anyone can make up some commentary alleging the reason a scripture says something. All of those types of assertions prove nothing. The scripture stands and the scripture says: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there...
  15. M

    Bible-believers: What are your thoughts on this passage?

    Hi, I don't know anything about how others use the term "Bible-believer." I just meant all people who believe in the Bible. But getting back to the subject, 2 Kings 2:22-25 just sounds bad to me, not that I am anyone special. Peace.
  16. M

    Bible-believers: What are your thoughts on this passage?

    I respect your right to your opinion but the story doesn't sound like it represents a good God/religion to me, but then again who am I?...
  17. M

    Bible-believers: What are your thoughts on this passage?

    Hi, I wouldn't classify myself as a "Bible-basher." I was just asking a question. I respect everyone's right to believe what they believe and I attack no one on the basis of religion. For the record I am an agnostic if agnostic means one who does not believe or disbelieve that there...
  18. M

    Bible-believers: What are your thoughts on this passage?

    By "Bible-believers" I meant all people who believe in the Bible.
  19. M

    Bible-believers: What are your thoughts on this passage?

    Are you just making things up?
  20. M

    Bible-believers: What are your thoughts on this passage?

    If you are in HELL I don't know what you'd have to do LOL.