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Search results

  1. sandandfoam

    Certainty or doubt?

    Should one strive for certainty or doubt? I'm inclined to favour doubt.
  2. sandandfoam

    Are we moving from democracy to aristocracy?

    There is an argument that recognized democracies are evolving towards aristocratic regimes. I'm inclined to agree. What do you think?
  3. sandandfoam

    RIP Jonah Lomu

    Very sad to hear the news this morning. RIP Jonah Lomu http://www.irishtimes.com/sport/rugby/international/jonah-lomu-another-one-of-the-good-dies-young-1.2434880
  4. sandandfoam

    ISIS loses

    It seems you missed the widowers point.
  5. sandandfoam

    ISIS loses

    This says it all. “Friday night, you took an exceptional life - the love of my life, the mother of my son - but you will not have my hatred. I don't know who you are and I don't want to know, you are dead souls. If this God, for whom you kill blindly, made us in his image, every bullet in the...
  6. sandandfoam

    Syrian refugees

    Of course we should help Syrian refugees. This business about them being cover for 'terrorists' is bull****.
  7. sandandfoam

    What's the Best Way to Determine What is True or Not?

    I'm good with 'truth' with a small 't' :)
  8. sandandfoam

    What's the Best Way to Determine What is True or Not?

    Because I can never have a view from nowhere - I will always have a particular point from which I view. I can never see things as they are in themselves. I will always see them from my perspective.
  9. sandandfoam

    What's the Best Way to Determine What is True or Not?

    I'm firmly in the postmodern camp. I don't believe that the truth is knowable. I'm interested in what's useful.
  10. sandandfoam

    Do Religions Suppress the Mystical in Favor of the Merely Religious?

    I have a lot of time for religion. I consider myself to be quite religious. I read a metaphor in a Buddhist text that has remained with me. The author (Hagen) argued that religion is a raft whose purpose is to carry one to understanding. I agree with him. He also, as far as I can remember...
  11. sandandfoam

    "Feminine" or Emotional Men

    Outdated my hat. I still wipe my bottom with nettles and until I start using straw I AM a real man.
  12. sandandfoam

    Terror attacks in Paris.

    I think the title 'terrorist attack" gives too much credit to murderers such as these. The pathetic creatures who perpetrated these crimes are cowards. Ridicule, disgust, loathing and contempt are the appropriate response to gutless deranged psychopaths who think that taking the life of people...
  13. sandandfoam

    Question about Determinism...

    This fella "would the very next thing that happens after you have arranged the universe in pattern or fashion x always be the same thing that always happens?"
  14. sandandfoam

    "Who Is More Important: My People or Others?"

    In truth, all people are not equal to my mind. My family come first. The boundary condition regarding what constitutes 'my family' is the important thing if one wanted to change my opinion about the importance of another.
  15. sandandfoam

    Question about Determinism...

    HI Sunstone! 2 thoughts: 1. To be all modern about it: All that complicated quantum stuff suggests no. 2. TO be all post-modern about it: Perhaps more importantly, I can only speak for myself of course, but experience suggests the feeling that "this time it's going to be different" is...
  16. sandandfoam

    What would an Islamic Germany look like?

    We see pictures of children floating face down in the tide and you come out with this? Sad.
  17. sandandfoam

    What would an Islamic Germany look like?

    There's no argument here to respond to.
  18. sandandfoam

    What would an Islamic Germany look like?

    Nothing stands still. Cultures adapt. People from Britain expect to be able to eat a fry up for breakfast on their foreign holidays. European workers expect to be able to have a drink when they have contracts in the middle east. US troops expected to be able to eat fast food in Afghanistan...
  19. sandandfoam

    A Chrisitan accpets Islam

    European Christian :)