Not all animal groups are governed by aggression. We can watch wolves and chimps on the Discovery Channel and see instances of aggression and assume they are the norm (after all, it makes for good TV). If you read the research conducted on these animals over extended periods of time (and in the...
'Ferocious fights to the death' are rare. If they were a regular occurrence, the pack would disintgrate rapidly. In wolf packs, the dominant animal is respected and, yes, often feeds first, but not to the exclusion of others in the pack. Again, if this were the case, the pack would decrease in...
What's your secret? I hold a lot of anger from earlier times, and occasionally it spills out and hurts others. I don't like this aspect of myself (and I'm acutely aware of it), so I'm interested in how you manage to control situations that could provoke anger?
That's not a hurdle for evolution - that's a hurdle creationists have to jump. If they fall flat on their faces, it's not a problem for ToE (although it may help to remove some from the gene pool! :D)