oooooooooooooh forgot to say god only exists because of imagination ;).....where else would it exist? theres certainly no evidence for it in the physical realm
"i cannot bring myself to understand how you have managed to make such a lowly unfullfilled desire become the cause of so much suffering for yourself"
bertrand russel had a unfullfilled desire for logic and 50 years later we use his and others overstanding of logic to create machines...
@Luminous some interesting arguments put forward there, i would like to try and explain why im so ermmmm obsessed over imagination, its going to be hard to express exactly what i mean but try and overstand it anyway, ok basically we are told from a scientific point of view that life started x...
i dont want to seem offensive at all, but im not looking for any far fetched religions. i have the utmost respect for most religions and what they stand for, however i did state at the beginning that i was looking for specific information on imagination and consciousness, if Kemeticism has any...
i dont want to read loads of books on religion because on the whole they are very similar, similar morals, similar ethics and generally similar gods (in Abrahamic religions (the big 3)) im looking for a religion that can give me some guidance on imagination and consciousness and also has a open...
@Yosef the Heretic no, like i said i dont have much religious knowledge, that is, on specific religions, i have philosophical knowledge and i want too mix the two, i think pagans worship nature? but i know nothing else of them.
@Madhuri Time and maths are infinite yes so in a way existence of say matter is to some extent infinite, however im not quite sure how you comprehend time but if you could for a second imagine that if the chaos of the universe was to slow down and eventually the law of gravity bring things back...
@Luminous up too this point in time i have been releasing the burden of not grasping the concept of an all powerful being upon my imagination but all it creates is a physical representation of the universe and the simplicity of the laws that construct it (essentially gravity) after that you...
@books i could read books and ive read many, but id prefer a debate on such an important subject rather than read a book or two and presume i understand all there is to know
@dogsgod lol, yeh the daughter rape thing was a bit harsh, but religious organisation are renowned for there scare tactics and it kinda disgusts me, using age old tricks for their specific gain, you got any insight on imagination mr scare man?
@Orias you says morals are only real because we make them so, this is true, but only as true as that our mind makes everything exist, to the same extent money isnt real, it gets printed by a central bank or a treasury and then devaluates the relative currency, however how do you tell a multi...
@Madhuri i appreciate your reply, however i did open this thread to specifically challenge two major issues: consciousness and imagination, any information on these two specific subjects is what interests me, i would also argue god cant be infinite because then all it could be defined as is...
@Orias your belief structure seems very similar to mine indeed, however i personally believe there is more to our imagination than any evolutionary process which is how it would be defined as scientifically, on the spiritual side of the imagination i would like to know if you have any opinions...
@Madhuri thanks for your contributions you tackled the problem head on and gave me a few good suggestions, however i would say that Hinduism makes it a little easy by saying god is everything, i would be looking for some definition of a particular being of some sort as a god, or maker, or...
@dogsgod im already burning in hell and your gods got nothing to say about the matter, watch him watch me starve to death and then try tell me this. or watch your god watch your daughter get raped, i mean he's omnipresent RIGHT?, im not looking for god, im looking for answers about spirituality...
@Orias your post was very interesting and you did a very good job presenting your religion and religious views, there was certain parts i particulaly related too and others that drifted a bit, i especially liked the ideas of
"For behind every meaning, there is a greater and deeper meaning...
to be fair i was hoping for loads of religious nuts to preach to me about what my consciousness and imagination is, i think i was hoping i might feel contempt in myself for a while that no-one else has a clue either ;) or maybe there's a possibility someone does overstand their consciousness or...
like i said on my first post, Buddhism would be the one im most inclined to join, but this is because of their views on opposites not imagination and consciousness, ive been overstanding the idea of opposites for a while now but the other 2 i cant find any sort of rational nor logical...
well to date i have lived by my own personal beliefs, ive never felt the need in preaching to others my belief so i would never construct my own religion, however if i was to sit in the middle as i have been, nothing changes and im non the closer to any sort of enlightenment