Yes, you are right. Perdone!:sorry1: I incorrectly assumed that when most people refer to Jesus they mean the Jesus of the Bible. 'My bad', I think you say in the US.
"Six days shalt thou labour and thou shalt rest on the seventh".
Does this mean that we have to work for 6000 years and then we get a thousand years off?:shrug:
This prophesy has not happened
"Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and...
If I have the right article, I see nothing in there that proves the exitence of the miracle man son of god, only that a man called jesus may have existed. I am not disputing that, only that he was the son of god.
yes, I have read about this box and I have read the report from Isreali experts of antiquities that say that although the box is real, the inscription is fake. Another Turin Shroud it appears.
But is it not good to debate and discuss different subjects. My education under Franco was not good and I have gained knowledge from debating various subjects with people who are more educated than I will ever be and I am gratefull to them for the knowledge I have gained through them. It does...
I think I responded regarding Josephus. All other references to jesus come either from Chistian sources and are therefore biased or from documents 100-200 years after his death. Heresay! Nobody had even heard of Jesus until the second century. I still say that if he existed, if he was a worker...
The brief notice in Tacitus Annals xv.44 mentions only his title, Christus, and his execution in Judea by order of Pontius Pilatus. Nor is there any reason to believe that Tacitus bases this on independent information-it is what Christians would be saying in Rome in the early second century...
I can't seem to reply to your post regarding Josephus due to so technical reason so I will do it here.
Yes, there is a passage by Josephus that speaks of a Jesus Christ but this passage is widely accepted by scholars as being a forgery. For one thing, Josephus was a devout Jew and...